Also know as XP
- User stories are written.
- Release planning creates the release schedule.
- Make frequent small releases.
- The project is divided into iterations.
- Iteration planning starts each iteration.
- Give the team a dedicated open work space.
- Set a sustainable pace.
- A stand up meeting starts each day.
- The Project Velocity is measured.
- Move people around.
- Fix XP when it breaks.
- Simplicity.
- Choose a system metaphor (using good names for things).
- Use CRC cards for design sessions.
- Create spike solutions to reduce risk.
- No functionality is added early.
- Refactor whenever and wherever possible.
- The customer is always available.
- Code must be written to agreed standards.
- Code the unit test first.
- All production code is pair programmed.
- Only one pair integrates code at a time.
- Integrate often.
- Set up a dedicated integration computer.
- Use collective ownership.
- All code must have unit tests.
- All code must pass all unit tests before it can be released.
- When a bug is found tests are created.
- Acceptance tests are run often and the score is published.
- Simplicity: We will do what is needed and asked for, but no more.
- Communication: Everyone is part of the team and we communicate face to face daily.
- Feedback: We will take every iteration commitment seriously by delivering working software.
- Respect: Everyone gives and feels the respect they deserve as a valued team member.
- Courage: We will tell the truth about progress and estimates.