yfinance aimes to solve this problem by offering a reliable, threaded, and Pythonic way to download historical market data from Yahoo! finance.
- pip install yfinance --user
1 import yfinance
2 from pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps import Timestamp
3 data = yfinance.download("AMZN",start="2019-01-01",end="2020-02-12")
4 d = data.to_dict()
5 d['Close'].key
6 # for k in d['Close'].iterkeys(): print (k)
7 d['Close'][Timestamp('2019-11-22 00:00:00')]
8 d['Close'][Timestamp('2020-02-10 00:00:00')]
MSFT example
1 import yfinance as yf
2 msft = yf.Ticker("MSFT")
4 historyDataFrame = msft.history(period="5d")
5 print("Available columns")
6 for colname in historyDataFrame:
7 print(" "+colname)
9 print("Available indexes")
10 for row in historyDataFrame.index:
11 print(" "+str(row))
13 columnClose = historyDataFrame['Close']
14 rowidx = 0
15 print("Symbol:"+msft.info['symbol'])
16 for closeValue in columnClose.values:
17 print(historyDataFrame.index[rowidx], closeValue)
18 rowidx += 1