- Netherlands Triple mirror
- Shortcuts
- Eclipse 2023-06 (4.28.0) - Java17 + Python/PyDev
- Eclipse 3.8.2
- Import Eclipse project
- .project file sample for nodeclipse
- Web Tools Platform 3.3.2
- Java formatter
- Eclipse Kepler
- Subeclipse tigris
- m2e plugin
- Eclipse Juno SR2 for Java EE
- Workspace settings/metadata
- Eclipse external tools
- Eclipse Luna - Java 8 support
- Show white spaces
A project aiming to provide a universal toolset for development. Open Source IDE.
Netherlands Triple mirror
1 F3 Open Declaration: Jump to Declaration of selected class, method, or parameter
2 Ctrl+Shift+R Open Resource (file, folder or project)
3 Ctrl+Shift+T Open Type in Hierarchy
4 Ctrl+Shift+7 Comment / uncomment line or selection ( adds '//' )
5 Ctrl+/ Comment / uncomment line or selection ( adds '//' )
6 Ctrl+1 Open Quick Fix and Quick Assist
7 Ctrl+O Show code outline / structure
8 Alt+Shift+R Rename selected element and all references
9 Ctrl+shift+B Add/remove breakpoint
10 F6 Next step (line by line)
12 Ctrl+S Save current file
13 Alt+Enter Show and access file properties
14 Ctrl+F10, then n Show or hide line numbers
15 Ctrl+Shift+ + Zoom text in
16 Ctrl+Shift+ - Zoom text out
17 Ctrl+H Search Workspace (Java Search, Task Search, and File Search)
18 Ctrl+Shift+F Autoformat all code in Editor using code formatter
19 Ctrl+Space Opens Content Assist (e.g. show available methods or field names)
20 Alt+Shift+M Extract selection to method
21 Ctrl+Shift+A Code analysis #define in preferences, general, keys
Eclipse 2023-06 (4.28.0) - Java17 + Python/PyDev
1 cd /tmp/
2 wget
3 tar xvzf eclipse-java-2023-06-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
4 mv eclipse eclipse-2023-06
5 sudo mv eclipse-2023-06 /opt/
6 cd /opt/
7 cd eclipse-2023-06/
8 sudo chgrp users * -R
9 ./eclipse &
10 # workspace /home/vitor/Documents/eclipse-workspace
11 # Xfce, create launcher, Name eclipse, command /opt/eclipse-2023-06/eclipse
12 # Windows, preferences, General Appearance, Dark, Enable theming off, Apply and close
13 # Help, eclipse marketplace, PyDev 11.0.2 , restart eclipse
14 # Pydev, Interpreters, Python interpreter, new,choose from list, /usr/bin/python3, OK
15 # Select all folders to PYTHONPATH, OK , apply and close
Eclipse 3.8.2
Eclipse 3.8 provides bugfixes for Indigo & adds Java 7 support, but is not a 'packaged distribution' release, and will not be maintained after 4.3 "Kepler" is released. Features and plugins equivalent to a packaged distribution may be added from within the IDE
Slackware64 14 - 64 bit
Run commands:
1 su
2 cd /tmp
3 wget
4 wget
5 tar xvzf eclipse-SDK-3.8.2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
6 mv eclipse eclipse3.8.2
7 mkdir -p /opt/ide
8 mv eclipse3.8.2/ /opt/ide/
9 cd /opt/ide/eclipse3.8.2/
10 chgrp users * -R
Slackware 14 - 32 bit
Run commands:
On error
If error Job found still running after platform shutdown. appears in .log file, delete al plugins below .metadata/.plugins in workspace.
MESSAGE Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown: org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.IDEWorkbenchActivityHelper$4
Import Eclipse project
On the folder project must exist the .project file.
- File
- Import
- Existing projects into workspace
- Select root directory
- browse
- select project folder (inside must have the .project file)
- Finish
.project file sample for nodeclipse
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <projectDescription>
3 <name>nodeclipse-project</name>
4 <comment></comment>
5 <projects>
6 </projects>
7 <buildSpec>
8 <buildCommand>
9 <name>com.eclipsesource.jshint.ui.builder</name>
10 <arguments>
11 </arguments>
12 </buildCommand>
13 </buildSpec>
14 <natures>
15 <nature>org.nodeclipse.ui.NodeNature</nature>
16 <nature>org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.jsNature</nature>
17 </natures>
18 </projectDescription>
Web Tools Platform 3.3.2
- Help
- Install new software
Add, Indigo repository:
- Eclipse Web Developer Tools, including HTML, CSS, XHTML, etc.
- XML, DTD and XML Schema Editors, validators, and XML Catalog support
- Web Page Editor
Java formatter
- Window
- Preferences
- Java
- Code style
- Formatter
- Create new profile
- Edit
- Line wrapping tab, set maximum line width: 200
- Line wrapping tab, line width for preview window: 80
- Comments tab, set maximum line width for comments: 200
Eclipse Kepler
1 cd /tmp
2 wget
3 tar xvzf eclipse-jee-kepler-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
4 mv eclipse eclipse4.3.2
5 mkdir -p /opt/ide
6 mv eclipse4.3.2/ /opt/ide/
7 cd /opt/ide/eclipse4.3.2/
8 chgrp users * -R
Subeclipse tigris
- Eclipse 3.8.2 and Help. Install new software
Add site , Subeclipse and SVNKit
m2e plugin
- Eclipse 3.8.2 and Help. Install new software
Add site
- Select version 1.4.1 disabling show only newer versions.
Eclipse Juno SR2 for Java EE
1 wget
2 cp /home/vitor/Downloads/eclipse-jee-juno-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz /opt//ide/
3 tar xvzf eclipse-jee-juno-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
4 ls -lah
5 mv eclipse/ eclipseJunoSR2
6 exit # as normal user
7 cd /opt/ide/eclipseJunoSR2
8 ./eclipse
9 # install m2e and pdt from Install new software, Juno repository
10 # wget # Eclipse update site archive
11 wget #subeclipse zipped archived site,
Workspace settings/metadata
Usually workspace settings are stored in the folder <Workspace>/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings .
Eclipse global settings: <EclipseHome>/configuration/.settings/org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs
Preferences are applied in following order: global preferences, then local (workspace) preferences
sample org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs
AbstractTextEditor.Color.Background=64,64,64 AbstractTextEditor.Color.Background.SystemDefault=false AbstractTextEditor.Color.FindScope=188,173,173 AbstractTextEditor.Color.Foreground=246,243,232 AbstractTextEditor.Color.Foreground.SystemDefault=false AbstractTextEditor.Color.SelectionBackground=137,137,65 AbstractTextEditor.Color.SelectionBackground.SystemDefault=false AbstractTextEditor.Color.SelectionForeground=0,0,0 AbstractTextEditor.Color.SelectionForeground.SystemDefault=false PHPReadOccurrenceIndicationColor=97,97,97 PHPWriteOccurrenceIndicationColor=148,133,103 currentLineColor=80,80,80 eclipse.preferences.version=1 filteredSearchResultIndicationColor=63,63,106 javaScriptOccurrenceIndicationColor=97,97,97 lineNumberColor=192,192,192 lineNumberRuler=true occurrenceIndicationColor=97,97,97 overviewRuler_migration=migrated_3.1 printMarginColor=192,192,192 pydevOccurrenceIndicationColor=156,156,92 searchResultIndicationColor=70,68,103 writeOccurrenceIndicationColor=148,133,103
sample org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs
content_assist_lru_history=<?xml version\="1.0" encoding\="UTF-8" standalone\="no"?><history maxLHS\="100" maxRHS\="10"/> content_assist_number_of_computers=17 content_assist_proposals_background=255,255,255 content_assist_proposals_foreground=0,0,0 eclipse.preferences.version=1 fontPropagated=true java_bracket=255,255,255 java_comment_task_tag=172,193,172 java_default=246,243,232 java_doc_default=179,181,175 java_doc_keyword=204,147,147 java_doc_link=168,147,204 java_doc_tag=147,147,204 java_keyword=239,239,175 java_keyword_return=239,239,175 java_multi_line_comment=127,159,127 java_operator=240,239,208 java_single_line_comment=127,159,127 java_string=204,147,147 org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.navigator.layout=2 org.eclipse.jdt.ui.formatterprofiles.version=12 org.eclipse.jdt.ui.javadoclocations.migrated=true org.eclipse.jdt.ui.text.code_templates_migrated=true org.eclipse.jdt.ui.text.custom_code_templates=<?xml version\="1.0" encoding\="UTF-8" standalone\="no"?><templates/> org.eclipse.jdt.ui.text.custom_templates=<?xml version\="1.0" encoding\="UTF-8" standalone\="no"?><templates/> org.eclipse.jdt.ui.text.templates_migrated=true org.eclipse.jface.textfont=1|Monospace|10.0|0|GTK|1|; pf_coloring_argument=239,239,175 pf_coloring_assignment=246,243,232 pf_coloring_comment=127,159,127 pf_coloring_key=246,243,232 pf_coloring_value=204,147,147 proposalOrderMigrated=true semanticHighlighting.annotation.color=128,128,128 semanticHighlighting.annotation.enabled=true semanticHighlighting.class.color=202,230,130 semanticHighlighting.class.enabled=true semanticHighlighting.deprecatedMember.bold=false semanticHighlighting.deprecatedMember.color=255,255,255 semanticHighlighting.deprecatedMember.enabled=true semanticHighlighting.field.bold=false semanticHighlighting.field.color=179,183,132 semanticHighlighting.field.enabled=true semanticHighlighting.interface.color=202,230,130 semanticHighlighting.interface.enabled=true semanticHighlighting.localVariable.color=212,196,169 semanticHighlighting.localVariable.enabled=true semanticHighlighting.localVariableDeclaration.bold=false semanticHighlighting.localVariableDeclaration.color=212,196,169 semanticHighlighting.localVariableDeclaration.enabled=true semanticHighlighting.method.color=223,190,149 semanticHighlighting.method.enabled=true semanticHighlighting.methodDeclarationName.color=223,190,149 semanticHighlighting.methodDeclarationName.enabled=true semanticHighlighting.number.color=138,204,207 semanticHighlighting.number.enabled=true semanticHighlighting.staticField.bold=false semanticHighlighting.staticField.color=147,162,204 semanticHighlighting.staticField.enabled=true semanticHighlighting.staticFinalField.bold=false semanticHighlighting.staticFinalField.color=83,220,205 semanticHighlighting.staticFinalField.enabled=true semanticHighlighting.staticMethodInvocation.color=196,196,183 semanticHighlighting.staticMethodInvocation.enabled=true sourceHoverBackgroundColor=161,152,121 spelling_locale_initialized=true tabWidthPropagated=true useAnnotationsPrefPage=true useQuickDiffPrefPage=true
Eclipse external tools
- Window, Preferences, run/debug, string substitution
- Run, External tools, External tools configuration
Link with default string substitutions
Pylint example
Location: /home/user/.local/bin/pylint
Working dir: ${project_loc}
Arguments:--rcfile=${pylint_file} ${resource_loc}
The ${pylint_file} comes from a string substitution. Windows, Preferences, Run/Debug, String substitution.
The PYTHONPATH is the one setted in the current project (PyDev-PYTHONPATH).
Eclipse Luna - Java 8 support
1 # Java 8 support
2 cd /tmp/
3 wget
4 tar xvzf eclipse-java-luna-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
5 mv eclipse eclipse-luna-sr2
6 mv eclipse-luna-sr2/ /opt/
7 sudo mv eclipse-luna-sr2/ /opt/
8 cd /opt/
9 cd eclipse-luna-sr2/
10 sudo chgrp users * -R
11 ./eclipse &
12 # workspace /home/vitor/Documents/eclipse-workspace
Show white spaces
Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors -- Look for 'Show whitespace characters' and click on the link 'whitespace characters