Graphviz is open source graph visualization software. Graph visualization is a way of representing structural information as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks. It has important applications in networking, bioinformatics, software engineering, database and web design, machine learning, and in visual interfaces for other technical domains.
Generate graph in png file
digraph SomeGraph { A -> { B C } B -> C }
1 dot -T png -Ox.png
Slackware64 14.1 install
GraphViz for MoinMoin
1 # in Ubuntu/Raspbian/Debian box
2 sudo bash
3 apt install graphviz unzip
4 cd /tmp
5 wget ""
6 unzip *
7 cd /tmp/MoinGraphViz-1.0rc4-brn-1.9.x.comp/wiki/data/plugin
8 cp * -r /home/moin/moin-1.9.11/wiki/data/plugin/
9 cd /home/moin/moin-1.9.11/wiki/data/plugin/ && chown moin * -R && chgrp www-data * -R
10 cd /tmp/MoinGraphViz-1.0rc4-brn-1.9.x.comp/umoin
11 cp MoinLegacy /home/moin/moin-1.9.11/MoinMoin/support/
12 cd /home/moin/moin-1.9.11/MoinMoin/support/
13 chown moin * -R
14 chgrp www-data * -R
15 vim /home/moin/moin-1.9.11/wiki/data/plugin/parser/MoinGraphViz/ # GRAPHVIZ_TOOLS_DIR = r'/usr/bin'
16 service nginx restart
17 service apache2 restart
Note to configure the path of dot executable:
- wiki/data/plugin/parser/MoinGraphViz/ = r'C:/timwe/tools/Graphviz2.38/bin'
Windows configuration
On file <...>moin-1.9.7\wiki\data\plugin\parser\MoinGraphViz\ change in line 254 from close_fds=True to close_ds=False, due to error launched in Windows.
1 def oscmd(cmd):
2 '''instead of simply calling os.system(cmd)
3 capture stderr and raise GraphvizRenderError if exit code != 0
4 '''
5 p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True,
6 bufsize=1024, close_fds=False)
7 stdo, stde = p.communicate()
9 if p.returncode != 0:
10 raise GraphvizRenderError("%s\n%s" % (stdo, stde))
Test after installation
If all was installed correctly a graph should appear below
Sample 1
UML with GraphViz
UML Sample 1
UML Sample 2
UML Sample 3
UML Sample 4
digraph untitled { rankdir=TD size="4,4" edge[fontsize="11" arrowhead=open] start[shape=circle, label="", style=filled] end[shape=doublecircle, label="", style=filled] action1[shape=box,style=rounded, label="action"] action2[shape=box,style=rounded, label="action"] action3[shape=box,style=rounded, label="action"] if1[shape=diamond, label="decision"] if2[shape=diamond, label="decision"] start -> action1 action1 -> if1[headport=n] if1 -> action2[label="condition" tailport=w] if1 -> action3[taillabel="condition" labeldistance=2.5 tailport=e] action2 -> if2[headport=w] action3 -> if2[headport=e] if2 -> end[taillabel="condition"] }
Graphviz in MoinMoin 1.9.8 CentOS CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
1 cd /tmp
2 wget ""
3 unzip "GraphVizForMoin?action=AttachFile&do=get&"
4 cd MoinGraphViz-1.0rc4-brn-1.9.x.comp/wiki/data/plugin/
5 cp * -r /root/moin-1.9.8/wiki/data/plugin/
6 cd ../umoin/
7 cp /root/moin-1.9.8/MoinMoin/support/
8 yum install graphviz
9 vim /root/moin-1.9.8/wiki/data/plugin/parser/MoinGraphViz/
10 GRAPHVIZ_TOOLS_DIR = r'/usr/bin'
11 cd /root/moin-1.9.8
12 chown root * -R
13 chgrp root * -R
14 service moinmoin stop
15 service moinmoin start