Amazon Web Services
Lambda Java samples:
User credentials
Instead of sharing the credentials of the AWS account root user, create individual IAM users, granting each user only the permissions they require.
Follow the best practice of using the root user only to create your first IAM user.
There are two types of credentials:
- Root user credentials, allow full access to all resources in the AWS account.
- IAM credentials, control access to AWS services and resources for users in your AWS account
Serverless blog web application architecture
- Amazon Route 53 (routes to specific places based on region)
Amazon CloudFront (deliver static content per region hosted inside S3)
- Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
- Amazon Cognito (Authentication and authorization)
- Amazon API Gateway (routes requests to backend logic)
- AWS Lambda (backend business logic)
- AWS DynamoDB (managed DB)
- AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) - web service to control access to AWS resources