= xterm = X11 console terminal. == Define settings for black and white == Edit ~/.Xresources : {{{ xterm*background: black xterm*foreground: white }}} == Define settings for Zenburn == Edit ~/.Xresources : {{{ xterm*foreground: rgb:F6/F3/E8 xterm*background: rgb:40/40/40 }}} == Define font fixed with size 14 == Edit ~/.Xresources : {{{ xterm*font: *-fixed-*-*-*-14-* }}} == Reload settings == {{{ xrdb ~/.Xresources }}} == Set title == http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Xterm-Title-2.html A static title may be set for any of the terminals xterm, color-xterm or rxvt, by using the -T and -n switches: {{{ xterm -T "My XTerm's Title" -n "My XTerm's Icon Title" }}}