= tcpdump = Powerful command-line packet analyzer. == Capture data destined to port 80 == Gets data arriving at interface eth0, to port 80 and stores the hexadecimal and ASCII representation on file /tmp/out.txt {{{#!highlight bash tcpdump -X -pi eth0 port 80 > /tmp/out.txt }}} == Capture data destined to port 80 and stores it in ASCII == Gets data arriving at interface eth0, to port 80 and stores the ASCII representation on file /tmp/out.txt {{{#!highlight bash tcpdump -A -pi eth0 port 80 > /tmp/out.txt }}} == Capture raw data destined to port 80 == Gets data arriving at interface eth0, to port 80 and stores the rawdata on file /tmp/out.bin {{{#!highlight bash tcpdump -pi eth0 port 90 -w /tmp/out.bin }}} == Show captured raw data destined to port 80 == {{{#!highlight bash tcpdump -X -r /tmp/out.bin }}}