= jedit = jEdit is a mature programmer's text editor with hundreds (counting the time developing plugins) of person-years of development behind it. == Install == {{{#!highlight sh # http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/jedit/jedit/5.1.0/jedit5.1.0install.jar # java -jar Downloads/jedit5.1.0install.jar # java -jar /home/vitor/jEdit/5.1.0/jedit.jar cd ~/Downloads/ wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/jedit/jedit/5.6.0/jedit5.6.0install.jar java -jar jedit5.6.0install.jar cd ~ bin/jedit & # Install plugin Console and Look and Feel. Go to menu Plugins, Plugin manager, Install tab and select them }}} == Zenburn theme == Plugin manager, '''Editor scheme''' and '''Look and feel''' 1.7.0. * Select Plugin manager * Manage * Look and feel * Plugin options * Look and feel: Lipstik * Theme style: Zenburn theme * Choose editor scheme, select zenburn, apply {{{#!highlight sh wget http://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/project/lipstiklf/lipstiklf/1.1/lipstikLF-1.1.jar cp lipstikLF-1.1.jar ~/jEdit/5.1.0/jars/ cd ~/jEdit/5.1.0 java -cp jedit.jar:jars/* org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit }}} == Copy paste middle mouse button == * Utilities * Global options * Mouse *Quick copy using middle mouse button == Font size, console and look and feel == * Plugins * Plugins manager * Install * Console * Look and Feel * Plugins * Plugins options * Look and feel * Zenburn * Utilities * Global options * Text area * Text font * Monospaced 24 plain * Plugins * Plugins options * Console * General * Liberation Mono 18 Plain * Caret color white * Utilities * Global options * jEdit * Gutter font * Monospaced 24 plain * Utilities * Global options * jEdit * editing * word wrap * soft