
Zenburn is a low-contrast color scheme for Vim. It’s easy for your eyes and designed to keep you in the zone for long programming sessions.


Zenburn Eclipse Color Themes

Go to http://eclipsecolorthemes.org/?view=theme&id=2.

Download this http://eclipsecolorthemes.org/?view=empty&action=download&theme=2&type=epf

The download file will have the name theme-2.epf.

On Eclipse, click on File, Import, General, Preferences, Next, select file theme-2.epf and then click on Finish.

Changes to PyDev: pydev.pref

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  • [get | view] (2023-09-04 11:06:41, 9.2 KB) [[attachment:pydev.pref]]
  • [get | view] (2023-09-04 11:06:41, 30.0 KB) [[attachment:theme-2.epf]]
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Zenburn for Kate

Pydev colors

$cat Downloads/pydev.pref  | grep COLOR

Window preferences pydev editor
cat out.pref | grep pydev | grep _COLOR=
#7F9F7F comment
#7F9F7F docstring markup
#F6F3E8 code 
#F6F3E8 decorator
#F6F3E8 self 
#F6F3E8 backquotes 
#CAE682 class name
#EFEFAF keyword 
#8ACCCF number 
#FFFFFF matching brackets
#CA9191 unicode
#DFBE95 function name 
#F9FAF4 parens colors
#E6E6FA operators

general,editor,text editors
#D9E8F7 foreground color
#202020 background color
#363636 current line highlight
#626262 line number foreground

Zenburn (last edited 2020-07-31 20:31:18 by localhost)