= WindowMaker = Window Maker is an X11 window manager originally designed to provide integration support for the GNUstep Desktop Environment. http://windowmaker.org/ == Setup portuguese keyboard Slackware == Edit file /etc/kde/kdm/Xsetup {{{ setxkbmap pt }}} == Shortcut keys == * Next workspace '''Ctrl+Alt+RightArrow''' * Previous workspace '''Ctrl+Alt+LeftArrow''' * Applications menu '''F12''' * Windows menu '''F11''' * Close active window '''Ctrl+m''' * Show current window menu '''Ctrl+Esc ''' Window maker preferences, Keyboard shortcut preferences Maximize active window: Control+Mod1+M (ctrl+alt+m) {{{ ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WindowMaker MaximizeKey = "Control+Mod1+M"; }}} == Setup two monitors DVI output (DP) == Edit file /etc/kde/kdm/Xsetup {{{ /usr/bin/xrandr --output DP-1 --left-of DP-2 }}} == Background image in WindowMaker == Backgrounds can also be set by placing the desired image in ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Backgrounds/ and choosing the image from Appearance > Background > Images. == Sample WMRootMenu == Usually located at ~/GNUstep/Defaults. Can be used with F12 ou clicking with the RMB on the desktop. {{{ ( Applications, ( Info, ("Info Panel", INFO_PANEL), (Legal, LEGAL_PANEL), ("System Console", EXEC, xconsole), ("System Load", SHEXEC, "xosview || xload"), ("Process List", EXEC, "xterm -e top"), ("Manual Browser", EXEC, xman) ), (Run..., EXEC, "%a(Run,Type command to run:)"), ( "WindowMaker Prefs", EXEC, "/usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/WPrefs.app/WPrefs" ), (KSnapshot, EXEC, ksnapshot), (Konsole, EXEC, "/usr/bin/konsole"), (XTerm, EXEC, xterm), ("/var/log/messages", EXEC, "xterm -T '/var/log/messages' -e /usr/bin/tail -f /var/log/messages" ), ("/var/log/syslog", EXEC, "xterm -T '/var/log/syslog' -e tail -f /var/log/syslog" ), ("/tmp/named.log", EXEC, "xterm -e tail -f /tmp/named.log"), (Dolphin, EXEC, "/usr/bin/dolphin"), ( Editors, (kwrite, EXEC, "/usr/bin/kwrite"), (kate, EXEC, "/usr/bin/kate"), (emacs, EXEC, emacs), (gvim, EXEC, gvim) ), ( Internet, (Thunderbird, EXEC, "/usr/bin/thunderbird"), (Pidgin, EXEC, "/usr/bin/pidgin"), ("Radio Meltdown", EXEC, "xterm -e /usr/bin/mpg123" ), ("SuperFM Online", EXEC, "xterm -e mplayer mms://stream.radio.com.pt/ROLI-ENC-512 -cache 1024" ), (XChat, EXEC, "/usr/bin/xchat"), ("Mozilla Firefox", EXEC, firefox) ), ( SSHs, ( ssh1.example.org, EXEC, "xterm -e ssh userx@ssh1.example.org" ), ( ssh2.example.org, EXEC, "xterm -e ssh userx@ssh2.example.org" ) ), (RDPs), ( Development, (Umbrello, EXEC, umbrello), ("JBoss AS 7.1.1", EXEC, "xterm -e /opt/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/bin/standalone.sh " ), ("JBoss AS 5.1.0", EXEC, "xterm -e /opt/jboss-5.1.0.GA/bin/run.sh"), ("Squirell 3.5.0", EXEC, "/home/vitor/squirrel-sql-3.5.0/squirrel-sql.sh" ), (Eclipse, EXEC, "/opt/ide/eclipse3.8.2/eclipse") ), (Alsamixer, EXEC, "xterm -e /usr/bin/alsamixer"), (Workspaces, WORKSPACE_MENU), ( Applications, (Gimp, SHEXEC, "gimp >/dev/null"), ( OpenOffice.org, (Writer, EXEC, "/opt/openoffice3/program/swriter"), (Spreadsheet, EXEC, "/opt/openoffice.org3/program/scalc"), (Draw, EXEC, "/opt/openoffice.org3/program/sdraw"), (Impress, EXEC, "/opt/openoffice.org3/program/simpress") ), ( Editors, (XEmacs, EXEC, xemacs), (Emacs, EXEC, emacs), (XJed, EXEC, xjed), (VI, EXEC, "xterm -e vi"), (GVIM, EXEC, gvim), (NEdit, EXEC, nedit), (Xedit, EXEC, xedit) ), ( Multimedia, ( XMMS, (XMMS, EXEC, xmms), ("XMMS play/pause", EXEC, "xmms -t"), ("XMMS stop", EXEC, "xmms -s") ), ("Xine video player", EXEC, xine), (MPlayer, EXEC, mplayer) ) ), (Utils, (Calculator, EXEC, kcalc), ("Kill X Application", EXEC, xkill)), ( Selection, (Copy, SHEXEC, "echo '%s' | wxcopy"), ("Mail To", EXEC, "xterm -name mail -T Pine -e pine %s"), (Navigate, EXEC, "mozilla %s"), ("Search in Manual", EXEC, "MANUAL_SEARCH(%s)") ), ( Commands, ("Hide Others", HIDE_OTHERS), ("Show All", SHOW_ALL), ("Arrange Icons", ARRANGE_ICONS), (Refresh, REFRESH), (Lock, EXEC, "xlock -allowroot -usefirst") ), ( Appearance, ( Themes, OPEN_MENU, "-noext /usr/share/WindowMaker/Themes $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Themes WITH setstyle" ), ( Styles, OPEN_MENU, "-noext /usr/share/WindowMaker/Styles $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Styles WITH setstyle" ), ( "Icon Sets", OPEN_MENU, "-noext /usr/share/WindowMaker/IconSets $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/IconSets WITH seticons" ), ( Background, ( Solid, (Black, EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(solid, black)'"), (Blue, EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(solid, \"#505075\")'" ), (Indigo,EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(solid, \"#243e6c\")'" ), (Bluemarine, EXEC,"wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(solid, \"#224477\")'" ), (Purple, EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(solid, \"#554466\")'" ), (Wheat, EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(solid, wheat4)'" ), ("Dark Gray", EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(solid, \"#333340\")'" ), (Wine, EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(solid, \"#400020\")'" ) ), ( Gradient, ( Sunset, EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(mvgradient, deepskyblue4, black, deepskyblue4, tomato4)'" ), ( Sky, EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(vgradient, blue4, white)'" ), ( "Blue Shades", EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(vgradient, \"#7080a5\", \"#101020\")'" ), ( "Indigo Shades", EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(vgradient, \"#746ebc\", \"#242e4c\")'" ), ( "Purple Shades", EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(vgradient, \"#654c66\", \"#151426\")'" ), ( "Wheat Shades", EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(vgradient, \"#a09060\", \"#302010\")'" ), ( "Grey Shades", EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(vgradient, \"#636380\", \"#131318\")'" ), ( "Wine Shades", EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(vgradient, \"#600040\", \"#180010\")'" ) ), ( Images, OPEN_MENU, "-noext /usr/share/WindowMaker/Backgrounds $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Backgrounds WITH wmsetbg -u -t" ) ), ( "Save Theme", SHEXEC, "getstyle -t $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Themes/\"%a(Theme name)\"" ), ( "Save IconSet", SHEXEC, "geticonset $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/IconSets/\"%a(IconSet name)\"" ), ( "Preferences Utility", EXEC, "/usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/WPrefs.app/WPrefs" ) ), ( Session, ("Save Session", SAVE_SESSION), ("Clear Session", CLEAR_SESSION), ("Restart Window Maker", RESTART), ("Start BlackBox", RESTART, blackbox), ("Start IceWM", RESTART, icewm), (Exit, EXIT) ) ) }}} == Setup Wprefs == * right mouse button, dock position, normal * right mouse button, workspaces, new == WINGs library == * http://www.windowmaker.org/WINGs_tutorial/WINGtoc.html