The original Linux distribution, geared towards power and stability.
Vagrant on Slackware 14 32 bit
Ruby version: ruby 1.9.3p429 (2013-05-15 revision 40747) [x86_64-linux]
VirtualBox version, Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager 4.2.8
Install Vagrant from source
Based on
As root run the following:
- cd /tmp
- mkdir gitVagrant
- cd gitVagrant
git clone
- cd vagrant
- gem install bundle #it may not be installed
- bundle install
- rake install
- vagrant -v #check vagrant version
Install VirtualBox on Slackware 14 32 bit
Get VirtualBox 4.2.8 for Linux, i386, all distributions
For 4.2.18
As root run the following commands:
cd <place where the downloaded virtualbox installer is>
chmod 755
usermod -a -G vboxusers <username>
id <username> #check user groups
As a normal user run the following:
- virtualbox --help # check the version and parameters
- virtualbox #start virtualbox
Get and run a base box - Ubuntu Lucid32
In there is a list of available vagrant boxes.
As normal user run the following
- mkdir -p /tmp/vgbox
- cd /tmp/vgbox
wget #Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
vagrant box add UbuntuLucid32
vagrant init UbuntuLucid32
- vagrant up
- vagrant ssh #access the VM through SSH
- ping #inside VM ... does not reply
- exit
- vagrant suspend
Run the following as stated in
- VBoxManage list vms
- VBoxManage modifyvm "vgbox_1372194938" --natdnsproxy1 on
- VBoxManage modifyvm "vgbox_1372194938" --natdnshostresolver1 on
- vagrant resume
- vagrant ssh
- ping # OK ! it gets ping replies
- dpkg -l | more # show all installed packages
Running cat /etc/debian_version show its based on squeeze/sid.
Running cat /etc/ show it's Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS
Current user and pass for the lucid32 box is vagrant vagrant. To get superuser access run sudo bash.
Inspecting the file /etc/shadow we can see that only the user vagrant has a password defined.
In /etc/sudoers it is said that all users belonging to group can gain root privileges with supplying a password.
In /etc/group it is stated that vagrant belongs to the admin group.
Ubuntu Precise32
In there is a list of available vagrant boxes.
As normal user run the following
- mkdir -p ~/Downloads/vagrantBoxes/
- cd ~/Downloads/vagrantBoxes/
wget #Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
- mkdir -p /tmp/precise32
- cd /tmp/precise32
vagrant box add UbuntuPrecise32 ~/Downloads/vagrantBoxes/
vagrant init UbuntuPrecise32
- vagrant up
- vagrant ssh #access the VM through SSH
- ping
- exit
- vagrant suspend