= SSH = == Generate local key to access remote host == On client: {{{#!highlight sh ssh-keygen -t dsa # with empty password cd ~/.ssh cat id_dsa.pub # public key }}} On SSHserver: {{{#!highlight sh mkdir -p ~/.ssh cd /home/userx/.ssh vi authorized_keys # paste the id_dsa.pub (public key) content generated on the client chmod 0600 authorized_keys }}} Login from the client with '''ssh userx@remote.example.org''' should ask for not password. Useful to invoke commands remotely using ssh == Copy file to SSH server listening on different port == {{{#!highlight sh scp -P 2222 filex userx@sshserver.example.org:/home/userx }}} == Add listening ports on Ubuntu == Edit file /etc/ssh/sshd_config to set port 22 and 1234 {{{#!highlight sh Port 22 Port 1234 }}} Restart service with service ssh restart == SSHFS == Ability to mount a user filesystem with FUSE on a remote SSH folder {{{#!highlight sh cd ~ mkdir remotesshfsfolder sshfs user@host.example.org:/home/user remotesshfsfolder/ }}}