<> = OpenIndiana = OpenIndiana is a free and open-source, Unix operating system derived from OpenSolaris. Check https://docs.openindiana.org/handbook/getting-started/ . == VirtualBox installation of server edition == {{{#!highlight sh wget http://dlc.openindiana.org/isos/151a8/oi-dev-151a8-text-x86.iso # size 496 MB (520.613.888 bytes) # Start VirtualBox # Choose Other Other/Unknown # RAM 512 MB # Create virtual disk dynamic VDI with 8 GB # Start VM # Choose ISO oi-dev-151a8-text-x86.iso # Keyboard layout 33 pt # Language english 7 # Install OpenIndiana 1 # F2 F2, Use whole disk, F2, computer name openindiana automatically configure network # F2 Europe Portugal mainland # F2 ******** # root pass # user vitor with pass ******** # F2 Install F8 reboot }}} After reboot release ISO and login with user vitor {{{#!highlight sh su - uname -a java -version python perl ifconfig e1000g0 plumb # use NIC Intel Pro 1000 MT Server on VB ifconfig e1000g0 up ifconfig e1000g0 auto-dhcp svcadm disable svc:/network/physical:nwam svcadm enable svc:/network/physical:default vi /etc/resolv.conf # nameserver ping www.sapo.pt pkg list -a nano pkg install nano pkg install developer/java/jdk javac -version pkg install web/java-servlet/tomcat # /usr/tomcat6/bin pkg install developer/gcc-3 gcc --version }}} == Tree script for OpenSolaris == {{{#!highlight sh find . -print | sed -e 's;[^/]*/;|____;g;s;____|; |;g' # based on }}} http://www.unix.com/solaris/54552-what-command-can-display-files-tree.html == Useful commands == {{{#!highlight sh cat /etc/nodename cat /etc/release cat /etc/resolv.conf psrinfo -pv prtconf cat /hostname.ce1 cat /etc/motd cat /etc/defaultrouter ifconfig -a date -u uptime dmesg uname -a ping -s www.sapo.pt # pings hostname www.sapo.pt cat /etc/nodename digest -a md5 -v file ggrep --version #gnu grep lsof | grep -i listen # like netstat ps -ef # show all processes pargs 1234 # show process arguments for PID 1234 }}} == Show hexadecimal dump == {{{#!highlight sh od -x file.txt }}} == OpenIndiana Hipster 2016.04 Text Install DVD (32/64-bit x86) == {{{#!highlight sh # wget http://dlc.openindiana.org/isos/hipster/OI-hipster-text-20160421.iso wget https://dlc.openindiana.org/isos/hipster/20230502/OI-hipster-minimal-20230502.iso }}}