## page was renamed from UpdateClockInSlackwareWithNTP = NTP = NTP is a TCP/IP protocol for synchronizing time over a network. == Slackware == === Update clock === Run the command as superuser: {{{#!highlight sh ntpdate pool.ntp.org sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org }}} Date and time should be stored in UTC. Info on slack docs: * [[http://docs.slackware.com/howtos:network-services:ntp]] Enable the service: {{{#!highlight sh chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/rc.ntpd }}} Start the service manually: {{{#!highlight sh /etc/rc.d/rc.ntpd start /etc/rc.d/rc.ntpd status }}} Add ntp server * Edit /etc/ntp.conf * add '''server pt.pool.ntp.org''' {{{#!highlight bash server # local clock fudge stratum 10 server pt.pool.ntp.org driftfile /etc/ntp/drift # Don't serve time or stats to anyone else by default (more secure) restrict default noquery nomodify # Trust ourselves. :-) restrict }}} Check the offset in seconds {{{#!highlight sh ntpdate -q pt.pool.ntp.org # offset in seconds ntpq -pn }}} == CentOS == {{{#!highlight sh yum install ntp service ntpd start chkconfig ntpd on service ntpd stop ntpdate pt.pool.ntp.org # sync clock service ntpd start ntpdate -q pt.pool.ntp.org ntpq -pn }}} == Ubuntu / Debian == {{{#!highlight sh apt-get install ntp ntpdate -q pt.pool.ntp.org service ntp stop ntpdate pt.pool.ntp.org service ntp start ntpq -pn }}} == FreeBSD 9.0 == Run the command: {{{#!highlight sh ntpdate pool.ntp.org }}} Check the UTC date: {{{#!highlight sh date -u }}} Edit the file '''/etc/rc.conf''': {{{#!highlight sh ntpd_enabled="YES" }}} Start and check the NTPD service status: {{{#!highlight sh /etc/rc.d/ntpd start /etc/rc.d/ntpd status }}} == Sync summer time Slackware == {{{#!highlight sh timeconfig # set HW clock to UTC /etc/rc.d/rc.ntpd stop ntpdate pt.pool.ntp.org /etc/rc.d/rc.ntpd start }}} == Windows == * net start w32time * w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:pt.pool.ntp.org * w32tm /resync /force