= AngularJS = HTML enhanced for web apps! https://angularjs.org/ * https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/concepts * Model - the data shown to the user in the view and with which the user interacts * View - what the user sees (the DOM) * Controller - the business logic behind views * Dependency Injection - Creates and wires objects and functions * https://angular.io/guide/cheatsheet * https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/angularjs/ AngularJS is a [[Javascript]] framework. It can be added to an HTML page with a “script” tag. AngularJS extends HTML attributes with Directives, and binds data to HTML with Expressions. == Examples == * Check https://github.com/vborrego/testSpringThymeleaf === example.html === {{{#!highlight html





}}} === todo.js === {{{#!highlight javascript var app = angular.module('todoApp', []); app.controller('TodoListController', TodoListController ); function TodoListController($scope,$timeout,$interval,$http) { console.log('Called TodoListController'); this.valuesX=[]; this.listDisabled=true; this.scope = $scope; this.scope.selectedOption=''; this.scope.testx = this.testx; $timeout(this.fillValues.bind(this),5000); $interval(function () { console.log('$interval kkkk llll ' + new Date() );},10000); $http.get('todo.js').then(function(response) { console.log( response.data ); }); } TodoListController.prototype.testx=function(){ return "ASDF"; }; TodoListController.prototype.fillValues=function(){ console.log('called fill values'); this.valuesX=['aa','bb','cc']; this.listDisabled=false; this.scope.selectedOption='bb'; //select default value // when calling with $timeout $apply is not needed //this.scope.$apply(); }; TodoListController.prototype.change=function(){ console.log('change'); console.log( JSON.stringify(this.valuesX) ); console.log( this.scope.selectedOption ); } }}} == Quickstart Angular2 == Uses [[typescript]] which is a superset of [[Javascript]] {{{#!highlight bash cd ~ mkdir angular-quickstart cd angular-quickstart touch package.json # identifies npm package dependencies for the project. touch tsconfig.json # defines how the TypeScript compiler generates JavaScript from the project's files. touch typings.json # provides additional definition files for libraries that the TypeScript compiler doesn't natively recognize. touch systemjs.config.js npm update npm install }}}