## page was renamed from Netbeans = Netbeans = == Zenburn theme == Original link [[http://forums.netbeans.org/download.php?id=2086]] Local file: [[attachment:nb.zip]] Local file (with highlight color changed): [[attachment:nb2.zip]] Run Netbeans (7.3): * Tools * Options * Fonts & Colors * Import * Browse: nb.zip * All * Ok * Import confirmation: yes == Library jaxrpc16 == In Netbeans 7.3: * Tools menu * Plugins * Settings * Add provider * Name: JAX-RPC Provider * URL: [[http://deadlock.netbeans.org/hudson/job/nbms-and-javadoc/lastStableBuild/artifact/nbbuild/nbms/updates.xml.gz]] * OK * Available plugins * Select JAX-RPC Web Services, source: JAX-RPC provider * Click on Install, next , I accept, install * Restart IDE now, Finish * Apply required updates, I accept, Update * Delete the JAX-RPC Provider == Clear cache == Sometimes error may appear with red icon of files that build on Netbeans. Exit Netbeans and clears the cache: {{{#!highlight sh cd ~/.cache/netbeans rm -rf }}} == Netbeans 7.4 installation == {{{#!highlight sh mkdir -p /opt/ide/netbeans-7.4 chown vitor /opt/ide/netbeans-7.4 chgrp users /opt/ide/netbeans-7.4 mkdir -p /opt/appsrv/glassfish-4.0 chown vitor /opt/appsrv/glassfish-4.0 chgrp users /opt/appsrv/glassfish-4.0 sh netbeans-7.4-linux.sh --javahome /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_60/ # next # I accept # Next # I accept # Next # Netbeans folder: /opt/ide/netbeans-7.4 # Java folder: /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_60/ # Next # Install # Finish # /opt/ide/netbeans-7.4/bin/netbeans # Import settings from 7.3: yes }}} == Templates pre-defined variables == http://wiki.netbeans.org/FaqFreeMarker * ${date} inserts the current date, in this format: Feb 16, 2008 * ${encoding} inserts the default encoding, such as: UTF-8 * ${name} inserts the name of the file. * ${nameAndExt} inserts the name of the file, together with its extension. * ${package} inserts the name of the package where the file is created. * ${time} inserts the current time, in this format: 7:37:58 PM * ${user} inserts the user name. * ${project.license} based on the value (e.g., 'CDDL'), the license header is found and is inserted into the template. * ${project.name} inserts the project name * ${project.displayName} inserts the project displayname * ${date?date?string("yyyy")} year only To change the user variable: * Tools * Templates * Settings * Change the user property, user=UserX == Change menu font size == Run with option --fontsize 14 {{{ /opt/ide/netbeans-7.4/bin/netbeans --fontsize 14 }}}