Attachment 'csharp-mode-0.8.5.el'
Download 1 ;;; csharp-mode.el --- C# mode derived mode
3 ;; Author : Dylan R. E. Moonfire (original)
4 ;; Maintainer : Dino Chiesa <>
5 ;; Created : Feburary 2005
6 ;; Modified : May 2011
7 ;; Version : 0.8.6
8 ;; Keywords : c# languages oop mode
9 ;; X-URL :
10 ;; Last-saved : <2011-May-22 10:51:23>
12 ;;
13 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
14 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
16 ;; (at your option) any later version.
17 ;;
18 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
22 ;;
23 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 ;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
25 ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
26 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
28 ;;; Commentary:
29 ;;
30 ;; This is a major mode for editing C# code. It performs automatic
31 ;; indentation of C# syntax; font locking; and integration with compile.el;
32 ;; flymake.el; yasnippet.el; and imenu.el.
33 ;;
34 ;; csharp-mode requires CC Mode 5.30 or later. It works with
35 ;; cc-mode 5.31.3, which is current at this time.
36 ;;
37 ;; Features:
38 ;;
39 ;; - font-lock and indent of C# syntax including:
40 ;; all c# keywords and major syntax
41 ;; attributes that decorate methods, classes, fields, properties
42 ;; enum types
43 ;; #if/#endif #region/#endregion
44 ;; instance initializers
45 ;; anonymous functions and methods
46 ;; verbatim literal strings (those that begin with @)
47 ;; generics
48 ;;
49 ;; - automagic code-doc generation when you type three slashes.
50 ;;
51 ;; - intelligent insertion of matched pairs of curly braces.
52 ;;
53 ;; - compile tweaks. Infers the compile command from special comments
54 ;; in the file header. Also, sets the regex for next-error, so that
55 ;; compile.el can handle csc.exe output.
56 ;;
57 ;; - flymake integration
58 ;; - select flymake command from code comments
59 ;; - infer flymake command otherwise (presence of makefile, etc)
60 ;; - Turn off query-on-exit-flag for the flymake process.
61 ;; - define advice to flymake-goto-line , to allow it to goto the
62 ;; appropriate column for the error on a given line. This works
63 ;; with `flymake-goto-next-error' etc.
64 ;;
65 ;; - yasnippet integration
66 ;; - preloaded snippets
67 ;;
68 ;; - imenu integration - generates an index of namespaces, classes,
69 ;; interfaces, methods, and properties for easy navigation within
70 ;; the buffer.
71 ;;
74 ;; Installation instructions
75 ;; --------------------------------
76 ;;
77 ;; Put csharp-mode.el somewhere in your load path, optionally byte-compile
78 ;; it, and add the following to your .emacs file:
79 ;;
80 ;; (autoload 'csharp-mode "csharp-mode" "Major mode for editing C# code." t)
81 ;; (setq auto-mode-alist
82 ;; (append '(("\\.cs$" . csharp-mode)) auto-mode-alist))
83 ;;
84 ;;
85 ;; Optionally, define and register a mode-hook function. To do so, use
86 ;; something like this in your .emacs file:
87 ;;
88 ;; (defun my-csharp-mode-fn ()
89 ;; "function that runs when csharp-mode is initialized for a buffer."
90 ;; (turn-on-auto-revert-mode)
91 ;; (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
92 ;; (require 'flymake)
93 ;; (flymake-mode 1)
94 ;; (require 'yasnippet)
95 ;; (yas/minor-mode-on)
96 ;; (require 'rfringe)
97 ;; ...insert more code here...
98 ;; ...including any custom key bindings you might want ...
99 ;; )
100 ;; (add-hook 'csharp-mode-hook 'my-csharp-mode-fn t)
101 ;;
102 ;;
103 ;; General
104 ;; ----------------------------
105 ;;
106 ;; Mostly C# mode will "just work." Use `describe-mode' to see the
107 ;; default keybindings and the highlights of the mode.
108 ;;
109 ;;
110 ;; Flymake Integration
111 ;; ----------------------------
112 ;;
113 ;; You can use flymake with csharp mode to automatically check the
114 ;; syntax of your csharp code, and highlight errors. To do so, add a
115 ;; comment line like this to each .cs file that you use flymake with:
116 ;;
117 ;; // flymake: c:\.net3.5\csc.exe /t:module /nologo /R:Foo.dll @@FILE@@
118 ;;
119 ;; That lines specifies a command "stub". Flymake appends the name of
120 ;; the file to compile, and then runs the command to check
121 ;; syntax. Flymake assumes that syntax errors will be noted in the
122 ;; output of the command in a form that fits one of the regexs in the
123 ;; `compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist'. Check the flymake module for
124 ;; more information on that.
125 ;;
126 ;; Some rules for the command:
127 ;;
128 ;; 1. it must appear all on a single line.
129 ;;
130 ;; 2. csharp-mode generally looks for the marker line in the first N
131 ;; lines of the file, where N is set in
132 ;; `csharp-cmd-line-limit'. See the documentation on that
133 ;; variable for more information.
134 ;;
135 ;; 3. the command SHOULD use @@FILE@@ in place of the name of the
136 ;; source file to be compiled, normally the file being edited.
137 ;; This is because normally flymake saves a copy of the buffer
138 ;; into a temporary file with a unique name, and then compiles
139 ;; that temporary file. The token @@FILE@@ is replaced by
140 ;; csharp-mode with the name of the temporary file created by
141 ;; flymake, before invoking the command.
142 ;;
143 ;; 4. The command should include /R options specifying external
144 ;; libraries that the code depends on.
145 ;;
146 ;; If you have no external dependencies, then you need not specify any
147 ;; flymake command at all. csharp-mode will implicitly act as if you had
148 ;; specified the command:
149 ;;
150 ;; // flymake: c:\.net3.5\csc.exe /t:module /nologo @@FILE@@
151 ;;
152 ;;
153 ;; If you use csc.exe as the syntax check tool (as almost everyone
154 ;; will), the /t:module is important. csharp-mode assumes that the
155 ;; syntax-check compile command will produce a file named
156 ;; NAME.netmodule, which is the default when using /t:module. (Remember
157 ;; than NAME is dynamically generated). csharp-mode will remove the
158 ;; generated netmodule file after the syntax check is complete. If you
159 ;; don't specify /t:module, then csharp-mode won't know what file to
160 ;; delete.
161 ;;
162 ;; csharp-mode also fiddles with some other flymake things. In
163 ;; particular it: adds .cs to the flymake "allowed filename masks";
164 ;; adds parsing for csc error messages; and adds advice to the error
165 ;; parsing logic. This all should be pretty benign for all other
166 ;; flymake buffers. But it might not be.
167 ;;
168 ;; You can explicitly turn the flymake integration for C# off by
169 ;; setting `csharp-want-flymake-fixup' to nil.
170 ;;
171 ;;
172 ;; Compile Integration
173 ;; ----------------------------
174 ;;
175 ;; csharp-mode binds the function `csharp-invoke-compile-interactively'
176 ;; to "\C-x\C-e" . This function attempts to intellgently guess the
177 ;; format of the compile command to use for a buffer. It looks in the
178 ;; comments at the head of the buffer for a line that begins with
179 ;; compile: . If found, csharp-mode suggests the text that follows as
180 ;; the compilation command when running `compile' . If such a line is
181 ;; not found, csharp-mode falls back to a msbuild or nmake command.
182 ;; See the documentation on `csharp-cmd-line-limit' for further
183 ;; information.
184 ;;
185 ;; Also, csharp-mode installs an error regexp for csc.exe into
186 ;; `compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist', which allows `next-error'
187 ;; and `previous-error' (defined in compile.el) to navigate to the next
188 ;; and previous compile errors in the cs buffer, after you've run `compile'.
189 ;;
190 ;;
191 ;; YASnippet integration
192 ;; -----------------------------
193 ;;
194 ;; csharp-mode defines some built-in snippets for
195 ;; convenience. For example, if statements, for, foreach, and
196 ;; so on. You can see them on the YASnippet menu that is displayed
197 ;; when a csharp-mode buffer is opened. csharp-mode defines this
198 ;; snippets happens only if ya-snippet is available. (It is done in an
199 ;; `eval-after-load' clause.) The builtin snippets will not overwrite
200 ;; snippets that use the same name, if they are defined in the normal
201 ;; way (in a compiled bundle) with ya-snippet.
202 ;;
203 ;; You can explicitly turn off ya-snippet integration. See the var,
204 ;; `csharp-want-yasnippet-fixup'.
205 ;;
206 ;;
207 ;; imenu integration
208 ;; -----------------------------
209 ;;
210 ;; This should just work. For those who don't know what imenu is, it
211 ;; allows navigation to different points within the file from an
212 ;; "Index" menu, in the window's menubar. csharp-mode computes the
213 ;; menu containing the namespaces, classes, methods, and so on, in the
214 ;; buffer. This happens at the time the file is loaded; for large
215 ;; files it takes a bit of time to complete the scan. If you don't
216 ;; want this capability, set `csharp-want-imenu' to nil.
217 ;;
218 ;;
221 ;;; Known Bugs:
222 ;;
223 ;; The imenu scan is text-based and naive. For example, if you
224 ;; intersperse comments between the name of a class/method/namespace,
225 ;; and the curly brace, the scan will not recognize the thing being
226 ;; declared. This is fixable - would need to extract the buffer
227 ;; substring then remove comments before doing the regexp checks - but
228 ;; it would make the scan much slower. Also, the scan doesn't deal
229 ;; with preproc symbol definitions and #if/#else. Those things are
230 ;; invisible to the scanner csharp-mode uses to build the imenu menu.
231 ;;
232 ;; Leading identifiers are no longer being fontified, for some reason.
233 ;; See matchers-before. (Not sure this is still a problem - 19 may
234 ;; 2011 DPC)
235 ;;
236 ;; Method names with a preceding attribute are not fontified.
237 ;;
238 ;; The symbol followng #if is not fontified. It should be treated like
239 ;; define and get font-lock-variable-name-face .
240 ;;
241 ;; This code doesn't seem to work when you compile it, then
242 ;; load/require in the emacs file. You will get an error (error
243 ;; "`c-lang-defconst' must be used in a file") which happens because
244 ;; cc-mode doesn't think it is in a buffer while loading directly
245 ;; from the init. However, if you call it based on a file extension,
246 ;; it works properly. Interestingly enough, this doesn't happen if
247 ;; you don't byte-compile cc-mode.
248 ;;
249 ;;
250 ;;
251 ;; Todo:
252 ;;
253 ;; imenu should scan for and find delegates and events, in addition
254 ;; to the classes, structs, properties and methods it does currently.
255 ;;
256 ;; Get csharp-mode.el accepted as part of the emacs standard distribution.
257 ;; Must contact monnier at to make this happen.
258 ;;
259 ;; Add refactoring capabilities?
260 ;; - extract as method - extract a block of code into a method
261 ;; - extract as Func<> - extract a block of code into an Action<T>
262 ;;
263 ;; More code-gen power:
264 ;; - interface implementation - I think would require csharp-shell
265 ;;
266 ;;
267 ;; Acknowledgements:
268 ;;
269 ;; Thanks to Alan Mackenzie and Stefan Monnier for answering questions
270 ;; and making suggestions. And to Trey Jackson for sharing his
271 ;; knowledge of emacs lisp.
272 ;;
273 ;;
275 ;;; Versions:
276 ;;
277 ;; 0.1.0 - Initial release.
278 ;; 0.2.0 - Fixed the identification on the "enum" keyword.
279 ;; - Fixed the font-lock on the "base" keyword
280 ;; 0.3.0 - Added a regex to fontify attributes. It isn't the
281 ;; the best method, but it handles single-like attributes
282 ;; well.
283 ;; - Got "super" not to fontify as a keyword.
284 ;; - Got extending classes and interfaces to fontify as something.
285 ;; 0.4.0 - Removed the attribute matching because it broke more than
286 ;; it fixed.
287 ;; - Corrected a bug with namespace not being properly identified
288 ;; and treating the class level as an inner object, which screwed
289 ;; up formatting.
290 ;; - Added "partial" to the keywords.
291 ;; 0.5.0 - Found bugs with compiled cc-mode and loading from init files.
292 ;; - Updated the eval-when-compile to code to let the mode be
293 ;; compiled.
294 ;; 0.6.0 - Added the c-filter-ops patch for 5.31.1 which made that
295 ;; function in cc-langs.el unavailable.
296 ;; - Added a csharp-lineup-region for indention #region and
297 ;; #endregion block differently.
298 ;; 0.7.0 - Added autoload so update-directory-autoloads works
299 ;; (Thank you, Nikolaj Schumacher)
300 ;; - Fontified the entire #region and #endregion lines.
301 ;; - Initial work to get get, set, add, remove font-locked.
302 ;; 0.7.1 - Added option to indent #if/endif with code
303 ;; - Fixed c-opt-cpp-prefix defn (it must not include the BOL
304 ;; char (^).
305 ;; - proper fontification and indent of classes that inherit
306 ;; (previously the colon was confusing the parser)
307 ;; - reclassified namespace as a block beginner
308 ;; - removed $ as a legal symbol char - not legal in C#.
309 ;; - added struct to c-class-decl-kwds so indent is correct
310 ;; within a struct.
311 ;; 0.7.2 - Added automatic codedoc insertion.
312 ;; 0.7.3 - Instance initializers (new Type { ... } ) and
313 ;; (new Type() { ...} ) are now indented properly.
314 ;; - proper fontification and indent of enums as brace-list-*,
315 ;; including special treatment for enums that explicitly
316 ;; inherit from an int type. Previously the colon was
317 ;; confusing the parser.
318 ;; - proper fontification of verbatim literal strings,
319 ;; including those that end in slash. This edge case was not
320 ;; handled at all before; it is now handled correctly.
321 ;; - code cleanup and organization; removed the formfeed.
322 ;; - intelligent curly-brace insertion with
323 ;; `csharp-insert-open-brace'
324 ;; 0.7.4 - added a C# style
325 ;; - using is now a keyword and gets fontified correctly
326 ;; - fixed a bug that had crept into the codedoc insertion.
327 ;; 0.7.5 - now fontify namespaces in the using statements. This is
328 ;; done in the csharp value for c-basic-matchers-before .
329 ;; - also fontify the name following namespace decl.
330 ;; This is done in the csharp value for c-basic-matchers-after .
331 ;; - turn on recognition of generic types. They are now
332 ;; fontified correctly.
333 ;; - <> are now treated as syntactic parens and can be jumped
334 ;; over with c-forward-sexp.
335 ;; - Constructors are now fontified.
336 ;; - Field/Prop names inside object initializers are now fontified.
337 ;;
338 ;; 0.7.7 - relocate running c-run-mode-hooks to the end of
339 ;; csharp-mode, to allow user to modify key bindings in a
340 ;; hook if he doesn't like the defaults.
341 ;;
342 ;; 0.7.8 - redefine csharp-log to insert timestamp.
343 ;; - Fix byte-compile errors on emacs 23.2 ? Why was
344 ;; c-filter-ops duplicated here? What was the purpose of its
345 ;; presence here, I am not clear.
346 ;;
347 ;; 0.8.0 - include flymake magic into this module.
348 ;; - include yasnippet integration
349 ;;
350 ;; 0.8.2 2011 April DPC
351 ;; - small tweaks; now set a one-time bool for flymake installation
352 ;; - some doc updates on flymake
353 ;;
354 ;; 0.8.3 2011 May 17 DPC
355 ;; - better help on csharp-mode
356 ;; - csharp-move-* functions for manual navigation.
357 ;; - imenu integration for menu-driven navigation - navigate to
358 ;; named methods, classes, etc.
359 ;; - adjusted the flymake regexp to handle output from fxcopcmd,
360 ;; and extended the help to provide examples how to use this.
361 ;;
362 ;; 0.8.4 DPC 2011 May 18
363 ;; - fix a basic bug in the `csharp-yasnippet-fixup' fn.
364 ;;
365 ;; 0.8.5 DPC 2011 May 21
366 ;; - imenu: correctly parse Properties that are part of an
367 ;; explicitly specified interface. Probably need to do this
368 ;; for methods, too.
369 ;; - fontify the optional alias before namespace in a using (import).
370 ;; - Tweak open-curly magic insertion for object initializers.
371 ;; - better fontification of variables and references
372 ;; - "sealed" is now fontified as a keyword
373 ;; - imenu: correctly index ctors that call this or base.
374 ;; - imenu: correctly index Extension methods (this System.Enum e)
375 ;; - imenu: correctly scan method params tagged with out, ref, params
376 ;; - imenu scan: now handle curlies within strings.
377 ;; - imenu: split menus now have better labels, are sorted correctly.
378 ;;
379 ;; 0.8.6 DPC 2011 May ??
380 ;; -
383 (require 'cc-mode)
385 (message (concat "Loading " load-file-name))
388 ;; ==================================================================
389 ;; c# upfront stuff
390 ;; ==================================================================
392 ;; This is a copy of the function in cc-mode which is used to handle the
393 ;; eval-when-compile which is needed during other times.
394 ;;
395 ;; NB: I think this is needed to satisfy requirements when this module
396 ;; calls `c-lang-defconst'. (DPC)
398 ;; (defun c-filter-ops (ops opgroup-filter op-filter &optional xlate)
399 ;; ;; See cc-langs.el, a direct copy.
400 ;; (unless (listp (car-safe ops))
401 ;; (setq ops (list ops)))
402 ;; (cond ((eq opgroup-filter t)
403 ;; (setq opgroup-filter (lambda (opgroup) t)))
404 ;; ((not (functionp opgroup-filter))
405 ;; (setq opgroup-filter `(lambda (opgroup)
406 ;; (memq opgroup ',opgroup-filter)))))
407 ;; (cond ((eq op-filter t)
408 ;; (setq op-filter (lambda (op) t)))
409 ;; ((stringp op-filter)
410 ;; (setq op-filter `(lambda (op)
411 ;; (string-match ,op-filter op)))))
412 ;; (unless xlate
413 ;; (setq xlate 'identity))
414 ;; (c-with-syntax-table (c-lang-const c-mode-syntax-table)
415 ;; (delete-duplicates
416 ;; (mapcan (lambda (opgroup)
417 ;; (when (if (symbolp (car opgroup))
418 ;; (when (funcall opgroup-filter (car opgroup))
419 ;; (setq opgroup (cdr opgroup))
420 ;; t)
421 ;; t)
422 ;; (mapcan (lambda (op)
423 ;; (when (funcall op-filter op)
424 ;; (let ((res (funcall xlate op)))
425 ;; (if (listp res) res (list res)))))
426 ;; opgroup)))
427 ;; ops)
428 ;; :test 'equal)))
432 ;; These are only required at compile time to get the sources for the
433 ;; language constants. (The load of cc-fonts and the font-lock
434 ;; related constants could additionally be put inside an
435 ;; (eval-after-load "font-lock" ...) but then some trickery is
436 ;; necessary to get them compiled.)
438 (eval-when-compile
439 (let ((load-path
440 (if (and (boundp 'byte-compile-dest-file)
441 (stringp byte-compile-dest-file))
442 (cons (file-name-directory byte-compile-dest-file) load-path)
443 load-path)))
444 (load "cc-mode" nil t)
445 (load "cc-fonts" nil t)
446 (load "cc-langs" nil t)))
448 (eval-and-compile
449 ;; Make our mode known to the language constant system. Use Java
450 ;; mode as the fallback for the constants we don't change here.
451 ;; This needs to be done also at compile time since the language
452 ;; constants are evaluated then.
453 (c-add-language 'csharp-mode 'java-mode))
455 ;; ==================================================================
456 ;; end of c# upfront stuff
457 ;; ==================================================================
463 ;; ==================================================================
464 ;; constants used in this module
465 ;; ==================================================================
467 ;;(error (byte-compile-dest-file))
468 ;;(error (c-get-current-file))
470 (defconst csharp-aspnet-directive-re
471 "<%@.+?%>"
472 "Regex for matching directive blocks in ASP.NET files (.aspx, .ashx, .ascx)")
475 (defconst csharp-enum-decl-re
476 (concat
477 "\\<enum[ \t\n\r\f\v]+"
478 "\\([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*\\)"
479 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
480 "\\(:[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
481 "\\("
482 (c-make-keywords-re nil
483 (list "sbyte" "byte" "short" "ushort" "int" "uint" "long" "ulong"))
484 "\\)"
485 "\\)?")
486 "Regex that captures an enum declaration in C#"
487 )
489 ;; ==================================================================
496 ;; ==================================================================
497 ;; csharp-mode utility and feature defuns
498 ;; ==================================================================
500 (defun csharp--at-vsemi-p (&optional pos)
501 "Determines if there is a virtual semicolon at POS or point.
502 It returns t if at a position where a virtual-semicolon is.
503 Otherwise nil.
505 This is the C# version of the function. It gets set into
506 the variable `c-at-vsemi-p-fn'.
508 A vsemi is a cc-mode concept implying the end of a statement,
509 where no actual end-of-statement signifier character ( semicolon,
510 close-brace) appears. The concept is used to allow proper
511 indenting of blocks of code: Where a vsemi appears, the following
512 line will not indent further.
514 A vsemi appears in 3 cases in C#:
516 - after an attribute that decorates a class, method, field, or
517 property.
519 - in an object initializer, before the open-curly?
521 - after an ASPNET directive, that appears in a aspx/ashx/ascx file
523 An example of the former is [WebMethod] or [XmlElement].
524 An example of the latter is something like this:
526 <%@ WebHandler Language=\"C#\" Class=\"Handler\" %>
528 Providing this function allows the indenting in csharp-mode
529 to work properly with code that includes attributes and ASPNET
530 directives.
532 "
533 (save-excursion
534 (let ((pos-or-point (progn (if pos (goto-char pos)) (point))))
536 (cond
538 ;; before open curly in object initializer. new Foo* { }
539 ((and (looking-back
540 (concat "\\<new[ \t\n\f\v\r]+"
541 "\\(?:[A-Za-z_][[:alnum:]]*\\.\\)*"
542 "[A-Za-z_][[:alnum:]]*[\ t\n\f\v\r]*"))
543 (looking-at "[ \t\n\f\v\r]*{"))
544 t)
546 ;; put a vsemi after an ASPNET directive, like
547 ;; <%@ WebHandler Language="C#" Class="Handler" %>
548 ((looking-back (concat csharp-aspnet-directive-re "$") nil t)
549 t)
551 ;; put a vsemi after an attribute, as with
552 ;; [XmlElement]
553 ;; Except when the attribute is used within a line of code, as
554 ;; specifying something for a parameter.
555 ((c-safe (backward-sexp) t)
556 (cond
557 ((re-search-forward
558 (concat
559 "\\(\\["
560 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
561 "\\("
562 "\\(?:[A-Za-z_][[:alnum:]]*\\.\\)*"
563 "[A-Za-z_][[:alnum:]]*"
564 "\\)"
565 "[^]]*\\]\\)"
566 )
567 (1+ pos-or-point) t)
569 (c-safe (backward-sexp))
570 (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
571 (cond
573 ((eq (char-before) 93) ;; close sq brace (a previous attribute)
574 (csharp--at-vsemi-p (point))) ;; recurse
576 ((or
577 (eq (char-before) 59) ;; semicolon
578 (eq (char-before) 123) ;; open curly
579 (eq (char-before) 125)) ;; close curly
580 t)
582 ;; attr is used within a line of code
583 (t nil)))
585 (t nil)))
587 (t nil))
588 )))
593 (defun csharp-lineup-region (langelem)
594 "Indent all #region and #endregion blocks inline with code while
595 retaining normal column-zero indention for #if and the other
596 processing blocks.
598 To use this indenting just put the following in your emacs file:
599 (c-set-offset 'cpp-macro 'csharp-lineup-region)
601 An alternative is to use `csharp-lineup-if-and-region'.
602 "
604 (save-excursion
605 (back-to-indentation)
606 (if (re-search-forward "#\\(end\\)?region" (c-point 'eol) [0]) 0 [0])))
612 (defun csharp-lineup-if-and-region (langelem)
614 "Indent all #region/endregion blocks and #if/endif blocks inline
615 with code while retaining normal column-zero indention for any
616 other processing blocks.
618 To use this indenting just put the following in your emacs file:
619 (c-set-offset 'cpp-macro 'csharp-lineup-if-and-region)
621 Another option is to use `csharp-lineup-region'.
623 "
624 (save-excursion
625 (back-to-indentation)
626 (if (re-search-forward "#\\(\\(end\\)?\\(if\\|region\\)\\|else\\)" (c-point 'eol) [0]) 0 [0])))
631 (defun csharp-in-literal (&optional lim detect-cpp)
632 "Return the type of literal point is in, if any.
633 Basically this works like `c-in-literal' except it doesn't
634 use or fill the cache (`c-in-literal-cache').
636 The return value is a symbol: `c' if in a C-style comment, `c++'
637 if in a C++ style comment, `string' if in a string literal,
638 `pound' if DETECT-CPP is non-nil and in a preprocessor line, or
639 nil if somewhere else. Optional LIM is used as the backward
640 limit of the search. If omitted, or nil, `c-beginning-of-syntax'
641 is used.
643 Note that this function might do hidden buffer changes. See the
644 comment at the start of cc-engine.el for more info."
646 (let ((rtn
647 (save-excursion
648 (let* ((pos (point))
649 (lim (or lim (progn
650 (c-beginning-of-syntax)
651 (point))))
652 (state (parse-partial-sexp lim pos)))
653 (csharp-log 4 "parse lim(%d) state: %s" lim (prin1-to-string state))
654 (cond
655 ((elt state 3)
656 (csharp-log 4 "in literal string (%d)" pos)
657 'string)
658 ((elt state 4)
659 (csharp-log 4 "in literal comment (%d)" pos)
660 (if (elt state 7) 'c++ 'c))
661 ((and detect-cpp (c-beginning-of-macro lim)) 'pound)
662 (t nil))))))
663 rtn))
667 (defun csharp-insert-open-brace ()
668 "Intelligently insert a pair of curly braces. This fn should be
669 bound to the open-curly brace, with
671 (local-set-key (kbd \"{\") 'csharp-insert-open-brace)
673 The default binding for an open curly brace in cc-modes is often
674 `c-electric-brace' or `skeleton-pair-insert-maybe'. The former
675 can be configured to insert newlines around braces in various
676 syntactic positions. The latter inserts a pair of braces and
677 then does not insert a newline, and does not indent.
679 This fn provides another option, with some additional
680 intelligence for csharp-mode. When you type an open curly, the
681 appropriate pair of braces appears, with spacing and indent set
682 in a context-sensitive manner:
684 - Within a string literal, you just get a pair of braces, and
685 point is set between them. This works for String.Format()
686 purposes.
688 - Following = or [], as in an array assignment, you get a pair
689 of braces, with two intervening spaces, with a semincolon
690 appended. Point is left between the braces.
692 - Following \"new Foo\", it's an object initializer. You get:
693 newline, open brace, newline, newline, close, semi. Point is
694 left on the blank line between the braces. Unless the object
695 initializer is within an array initializer, in which case, no
696 newlines, and the semi is replaced with a comma. (Try it to
697 see what this means).
699 - Following => , implying a lambda, you get an open/close pair,
700 with two intervening spaces, no semicolon, and point on the
701 2nd space.
703 - Otherwise, you get a newline, the open curly, followed by
704 an empty line and the closing curly on the line following,
705 with point on the empty line.
708 There may be another way to get this to happen appropriately just
709 within emacs, but I could not figure out how to do it. So I
710 wrote this alternative.
712 "
713 (interactive)
714 (let
715 (tpoint
716 (in-string (string= (csharp-in-literal) "string"))
717 (preceding3
718 (save-excursion
719 (and
720 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
721 (> (- (point) 2) (point-min))
722 (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (- (point) 3)))))
723 (one-word-back
724 (save-excursion
725 (backward-word 2)
726 (thing-at-point 'word))))
728 (cond
730 ;; Case 1: inside a string literal?
731 ;; --------------------------------------------
732 ;; If so, then just insert a pair of braces and put the point
733 ;; between them. The most common case is a format string for
734 ;; String.Format() or Console.WriteLine().
735 (in-string
736 (self-insert-command 1)
737 (insert "}")
738 (backward-char))
740 ;; Case 2: the open brace starts an array initializer.
741 ;; --------------------------------------------
742 ;; When the last non-space was an equals sign or square brackets,
743 ;; then it's an initializer.
744 ((save-excursion
745 (and (c-safe (backward-sexp) t)
746 (looking-at "\\(\\w+\\b *=\\|[[]]+\\)")))
747 (self-insert-command 1)
748 (insert " };")
749 (backward-char 3))
751 ;; Case 3: the open brace starts an instance initializer
752 ;; --------------------------------------------
753 ;; If one-word-back was "new", then it's an object initializer.
754 ((string= one-word-back "new")
755 (csharp-log 2 "object initializer")
756 (setq tpoint (point)) ;; prepare to indent-region later
757 (backward-word 2)
758 (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
759 (if (or (eq (char-before) ?,) ;; comma
760 (and (eq (char-before) 123) ;; open curly
761 (progn (backward-char)
762 (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
763 (looking-back "\\[\\]"))))
764 (progn
765 ;; within an array - emit no newlines
766 (goto-char tpoint)
767 (self-insert-command 1)
768 (insert " },")
769 (backward-char 3))
771 (progn
772 (goto-char tpoint)
773 (newline)
774 (self-insert-command 1)
775 (newline-and-indent)
776 (newline)
777 (insert "};")
778 (c-indent-region tpoint (point))
779 (forward-line -1)
780 (indent-according-to-mode)
781 (end-of-line))))
784 ;; Case 4: a lambda initialier.
785 ;; --------------------------------------------
786 ;; If the open curly follows =>, then it's a lambda initializer.
787 ((string= (substring preceding3 -2) "=>")
788 (csharp-log 2 "lambda init")
789 (self-insert-command 1)
790 (insert " }")
791 (backward-char 2))
793 ;; else, it's a new scope. (if, while, class, etc)
794 (t
795 (save-excursion
796 (csharp-log 2 "new scope")
797 (set-mark (point)) ;; prepare to indent-region later
798 ;; check if the prior sexp is on the same line
799 (if (save-excursion
800 (let ((curline (line-number-at-pos))
801 (aftline (progn
802 (if (c-safe (backward-sexp) t)
803 (line-number-at-pos)
804 -1))))
805 (= curline aftline)))
806 (newline-and-indent))
807 (self-insert-command 1)
808 (c-indent-line-or-region)
809 (end-of-line)
810 (newline)
811 (insert "}")
812 ;;(c-indent-command) ;; not sure of the difference here
813 (c-indent-line-or-region)
814 (forward-line -1)
815 (end-of-line)
816 (newline-and-indent)
817 ;; point ends up on an empty line, within the braces, properly indented
818 (setq tpoint (point)))
820 (goto-char tpoint)))))
823 ;; ==================================================================
824 ;; end of csharp-mode utility and feature defuns
825 ;; ==================================================================
829 ;; ==================================================================
830 ;; c# values for "language constants" defined in cc-langs.el
831 ;; ==================================================================
833 (c-lang-defconst c-at-vsemi-p-fn
834 csharp 'csharp--at-vsemi-p)
837 ;; This c-opt-after-id-concat-key is a regexp that matches
838 ;; dot. In other words: "\\(\\.\\)"
839 ;; Not sure why this needs to be so complicated.
840 ;; This const is now internal (obsolete); need to move to
841 ;; c-after-id-concat-ops. I don't yet understand the meaning
842 ;; of that variable, so for now. . . .
844 ;; (c-lang-defconst c-opt-after-id-concat-key
845 ;; csharp (if (c-lang-const c-opt-identifier-concat-key)
846 ;; (c-lang-const c-symbol-start)))
848 (c-lang-defconst c-opt-after-id-concat-key
849 csharp "[[:alpha:]_]" )
854 ;; The matchers elements can be of many forms. It gets pretty
855 ;; complicated. Do a describe-variable on font-lock-keywords to get a
856 ;; description. (Why on font-lock-keywords? I don't know, but that's
857 ;; where you get the help.)
858 ;;
859 ;; Aside from the provided documentation, the other option of course, is
860 ;; to look in the source code as an example for what to do. The source
861 ;; in cc-fonts uses a defun c-make-font-lock-search-function to produce
862 ;; most of the matchers. Called this way:
863 ;;
864 ;; (c-make-font-lock-search-function regexp '(A B c))
865 ;;
866 ;; The REGEXP is used in re-search-forward, and if there's a match, then
867 ;; A is called within a save-match-data. If B and C are non-nil, they
868 ;; are called as pre and post blocks, respecitvely.
869 ;;
870 ;; Anyway the c-make-font-lock-search-function works for a single regex,
871 ;; but more complicated scenarios such as those intended to match and
872 ;; fontify object initializers, call for a hand-crafted lambda.
873 ;;
874 ;; The object initializer is special because matching on it must
875 ;; allow nesting.
876 ;;
877 ;; In c#, the object initializer block is used directly after a
878 ;; constructor, like this:
879 ;;
880 ;; new MyType
881 ;; {
882 ;; Prop1 = "foo"
883 ;; }
884 ;;
885 ;; csharp-mode needs to fontify the properties in the
886 ;; initializer block in font-lock-variable-name-face. The key thing is
887 ;; to set the text property on the open curly, using type c-type and
888 ;; value c-decl-id-start. This apparently allows `parse-partial-sexp' to
889 ;; do the right thing, later.
890 ;;
891 ;; This simple case is easy to handle in a regex, using the basic
892 ;; `c-make-font-lock-search-function' form. But the general syntax for a
893 ;; constructor + object initializer in C# is more complex:
894 ;;
895 ;; new MyType(..arglist..) {
896 ;; Prop1 = "foo"
897 ;; }
898 ;;
899 ;; A simple regex match won't satisfy here, because the ..arglist.. can
900 ;; be anything, including calls to other constructors, potentially with
901 ;; object initializer blocks. This may nest arbitrarily deeply, and the
902 ;; regex in emacs doesn't support balanced matching. Therefore there's
903 ;; no way to match on the "outside" pair of parens, to find the relevant
904 ;; open curly. What's necessary is to do the match on "new MyType" then
905 ;; skip over the sexp defined by the parens, then set the text property on
906 ;; the appropriate open-curly.
907 ;;
908 ;; To make that happen, it's good to have insight into what the matcher
909 ;; really does. The output of `c-make-font-lock-search-function' before
910 ;; byte-compiling, is:
911 ;;
912 ;; (lambda (limit)
913 ;; (let ((parse-sexp-lookup-properties
914 ;; (cc-eval-when-compile
915 ;; (boundp 'parse-sexp-lookup-properties))))
916 ;; (while (re-search-forward REGEX limit t)
917 ;; (unless
918 ;; (progn
919 ;; (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
920 ;; (c-skip-comments-and-strings limit))
921 ;; (goto-char (match-end 0))
922 ;; (progn
923 ;; B
924 ;; (save-match-data A)
925 ;; C ))))
926 ;; nil)
927 ;;
928 ;; csharp-mode uses this hand-crafted form of a matcher to handle the
929 ;; general case for constructor + object initializer, within
930 ;; `c-basic-matchers-after' .
931 ;;
936 ;; (defun c-make-font-lock-search-function (regexp &rest highlights)
937 ;; ;; This function makes a byte compiled function that works much like
938 ;; ;; a matcher element in `font-lock-keywords'. It cuts out a little
939 ;; ;; bit of the overhead compared to a real matcher. The main reason
940 ;; ;; is however to pass the real search limit to the anchored
941 ;; ;; matcher(s), since most (if not all) font-lock implementations
942 ;; ;; arbitrarily limits anchored matchers to the same line, and also
943 ;; ;; to insulate against various other irritating differences between
944 ;; ;; the different (X)Emacs font-lock packages.
945 ;; ;;
946 ;; ;; REGEXP is the matcher, which must be a regexp. Only matches
947 ;; ;; where the beginning is outside any comment or string literal are
948 ;; ;; significant.
949 ;; ;;
950 ;; ;; HIGHLIGHTS is a list of highlight specs, just like in
951 ;; ;; `font-lock-keywords', with these limitations: The face is always
952 ;; ;; overridden (no big disadvantage, since hits in comments etc are
953 ;; ;; filtered anyway), there is no "laxmatch", and an anchored matcher
954 ;; ;; is always a form which must do all the fontification directly.
955 ;; ;; `limit' is a variable bound to the real limit in the context of
956 ;; ;; the anchored matcher forms.
957 ;; ;;
958 ;; ;; This function does not do any hidden buffer changes, but the
959 ;; ;; generated functions will. (They are however used in places
960 ;; ;; covered by the font-lock context.)
961 ;;
962 ;; ;; Note: Replace `byte-compile' with `eval' to debug the generated
963 ;; ;; lambda easier.
964 ;; (byte-compile
965 ;; `(lambda (limit)
966 ;; (let (;; The font-lock package in Emacs is known to clobber
967 ;; ;; `parse-sexp-lookup-properties' (when it exists).
968 ;; (parse-sexp-lookup-properties
969 ;; (cc-eval-when-compile
970 ;; (boundp 'parse-sexp-lookup-properties))))
971 ;; (while (re-search-forward ,regexp limit t)
972 ;; (unless (progn
973 ;; (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
974 ;; (c-skip-comments-and-strings limit))
975 ;; (goto-char (match-end 0))
976 ;; ,@(mapcar
977 ;; (lambda (highlight)
978 ;; (if (integerp (car highlight))
979 ;; (progn
980 ;; (unless (eq (nth 2 highlight) t)
981 ;; (error
982 ;; "The override flag must currently be t in %s"
983 ;; highlight))
984 ;; (when (nth 3 highlight)
985 ;; (error
986 ;; "The laxmatch flag may currently not be set in %s"
987 ;; highlight))
988 ;; `(save-match-data
989 ;; (c-put-font-lock-face
990 ;; (match-beginning ,(car highlight))
991 ;; (match-end ,(car highlight))
992 ;; ,(elt highlight 1))))
993 ;; (when (nth 3 highlight)
994 ;; (error "Match highlights currently not supported in %s"
995 ;; highlight))
996 ;; `(progn
997 ;; ,(nth 1 highlight)
998 ;; (save-match-data ,(car highlight))
999 ;; ,(nth 2 highlight))))
1000 ;; highlights))))
1001 ;; nil))
1002 ;; )
1005 (c-lang-defconst c-basic-matchers-before
1006 csharp `(
1007 ;;;; Font-lock the attributes by searching for the
1008 ;;;; appropriate regex and marking it as TODO.
1009 ;;,`(,(concat "\\(" csharp-attribute-regex "\\)")
1010 ;; 0 font-lock-function-name-face)
1012 ;; Put a warning face on the opener of unclosed strings that
1013 ;; can't span lines. Later font
1014 ;; lock packages have a `font-lock-syntactic-face-function' for
1015 ;; this, but it doesn't give the control we want since any
1016 ;; fontification done inside the function will be
1017 ;; unconditionally overridden.
1018 ,(c-make-font-lock-search-function
1019 ;; Match a char before the string starter to make
1020 ;; `c-skip-comments-and-strings' work correctly.
1021 (concat ".\\(" c-string-limit-regexp "\\)")
1022 '((c-font-lock-invalid-string)))
1025 ;; Fontify keyword constants.
1026 ,@(when (c-lang-const c-constant-kwds)
1027 (let ((re (c-make-keywords-re nil
1028 (c-lang-const c-constant-kwds))))
1029 `((eval . (list ,(concat "\\<\\(" re "\\)\\>")
1030 1 c-constant-face-name)))))
1033 ;; Fontify the namespaces that follow using statements.
1034 ;; This regex handles the optional alias, as well.
1035 ,`(,(concat
1036 "\\<\\(using\\)[ \t\n\f\v\r]+"
1037 "\\(?:"
1038 "\\([A-Za-z_][[:alnum:]]*\\)"
1039 "[ \t\n\f\v\r]*="
1040 "[ \t\n\f\v\r]*"
1041 "\\)?"
1042 "\\(\\(?:[A-Za-z_][[:alnum:]]*\\.\\)*[A-Za-z_][[:alnum:]]*\\)"
1043 "[ \t\n\f\v\r]*;")
1044 (2 font-lock-constant-face t t)
1045 (3 font-lock-constant-face))
1048 ;; Fontify all keywords except the primitive types.
1049 ,`(,(concat "\\<" (c-lang-const c-regular-keywords-regexp))
1050 1 font-lock-keyword-face)
1053 ;; Fontify leading identifiers as a reference? in fully
1054 ;; qualified names like "Foo.Bar".
1055 ,@(when (c-lang-const c-opt-identifier-concat-key)
1056 `((,(byte-compile
1057 `(lambda (limit)
1058 (csharp-log 3 "bmb reference? p(%d) L(%d)" (point) limit)
1059 (while (re-search-forward
1060 ,(concat "\\(\\<" ;; 1
1061 "\\(" ;; 2
1062 ;;"[A-Z]";; uppercase - assume upper = classname
1063 "[A-Za-z_]" ;; any old
1064 "[A-Za-z0-9_]*" ;; old: (c-lang-const c-symbol-key)
1065 "\\)"
1066 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
1067 "\\." ;;(c-lang-const c-opt-identifier-concat-key)
1068 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
1069 "\\)" ;; 1 ends
1070 "\\("
1071 "[[:alpha:]_][A-Za-z0-9_]*" ;; start of another symbolname
1072 "\\)" ;; 3 ends
1073 )
1074 limit t)
1075 (csharp-log 3 "bmb ref? B(%d)" (match-beginning 0))
1076 (unless (progn
1077 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
1078 (c-skip-comments-and-strings limit))
1079 (let* ((prefix (match-string 2))
1080 (me1 (match-end 1))
1081 (first-char (string-to-char prefix))
1082 (is-upper (and (>= first-char 65)
1083 (<= first-char 90))))
1084 (csharp-log 3 " - class/intf ref (%s)" prefix)
1085 ;; only put face if not there already
1086 (or (get-text-property (match-beginning 2) 'face)
1087 (c-put-font-lock-face (match-beginning 2)
1088 (match-end 2)
1089 (if is-upper
1090 font-lock-type-face ;; it's a type!
1091 font-lock-variable-name-face)))
1093 (goto-char (match-end 3))
1094 (c-forward-syntactic-ws limit)
1096 ;; now, maybe fontify the thing afterwards, too
1097 (let ((c (char-after)))
1098 (csharp-log 3 " - now lkg at c(%c)" c)
1100 (cond
1102 ((= c 40) ;; open paren
1103 (or (get-text-property (match-beginning 3) 'face)
1104 (c-put-font-lock-face (match-beginning 3)
1105 (match-end 3)
1106 font-lock-function-name-face))
1107 (goto-char (match-end 3)))
1109 ;; these all look like variables or properties
1110 ((or (= c 59) ;; semicolon
1111 (= c 91) ;; open sq brack
1112 (= c 41) ;; close paren
1113 (= c 44) ;; ,
1114 (= c 33) ;; !
1115 (= c 124) ;; |
1116 (= c 61) ;; =
1117 (= c 43) ;; +
1118 (= c 45) ;; -
1119 (= c 42) ;; *
1120 (= c 47)) ;; /
1121 (or (get-text-property (match-beginning 3) 'face)
1122 (c-put-font-lock-face (match-beginning 3)
1123 (match-end 3)
1124 font-lock-variable-name-face))
1125 (goto-char (match-end 3)))
1127 (t
1128 (goto-char (match-end 1)))))))))))))
1130 ))
1134 (c-lang-defconst c-basic-matchers-after
1135 csharp `(
1137 ;; option 1:
1138 ;; ,@(when condition
1139 ;; `((,(byte-compile
1140 ;; `(lambda (limit) ...
1141 ;;
1142 ;; option 2:
1143 ;; ,`((lambda (limit) ...
1144 ;;
1145 ;; I don't know how to avoid the (when condition ...) in the
1146 ;; byte-compiled version.
1147 ;;
1148 ;; X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+
1150 ;; Case 1: invocation of constructor + maybe an object
1151 ;; initializer. Some possible examples that satisfy:
1152 ;;
1153 ;; new Foo ();
1154 ;;
1155 ;; new Foo () { };
1156 ;;
1157 ;; new Foo { };
1158 ;;
1159 ;; new Foo { Prop1= 7 };
1160 ;;
1161 ;; new Foo {
1162 ;; Prop1= 7
1163 ;; };
1164 ;;
1165 ;; new Foo {
1166 ;; Prop1= 7,
1167 ;; Prop2= "Fred"
1168 ;; };
1169 ;;
1170 ;; new Foo {
1171 ;; Prop1= new Bar()
1172 ;; };
1173 ;;
1174 ;; new Foo {
1175 ;; Prop1= new Bar { PropA = 5.6F }
1176 ;; };
1177 ;;
1178 ,@(when t
1179 `((,(byte-compile
1180 `(lambda (limit)
1181 (let ((parse-sexp-lookup-properties
1182 (cc-eval-when-compile
1183 (boundp 'parse-sexp-lookup-properties))))
1185 (while (re-search-forward
1186 ,(concat "\\<new"
1187 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]+"
1188 "\\(\\(?:"
1189 (c-lang-const c-symbol-key)
1190 "\\.\\)*"
1191 (c-lang-const c-symbol-key)
1192 "\\)"
1193 )
1194 limit t)
1195 (unless
1196 (progn
1197 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
1198 (c-skip-comments-and-strings limit))
1200 (csharp-log 3 "ctor invoke? at %d" (match-beginning 1))
1202 (save-match-data
1203 ;; next thing could be: [] () <> or {} or nothing (semicolon, comma).
1205 ;; fontify the typename
1206 (c-put-font-lock-face (match-beginning 1)
1207 (match-end 1)
1208 'font-lock-type-face)
1210 (goto-char (match-end 0))
1211 (c-forward-syntactic-ws limit)
1212 (if (eq (char-after) ?<) ;; ctor for generic type
1213 (progn
1214 (csharp-log 3 " - this is a generic type")
1215 ;; skip over <> safely
1216 (c-safe (c-forward-sexp 1) t)
1217 (c-forward-syntactic-ws)))
1219 ;; now, could be [] or (..) or {..} or semicolon.
1221 (csharp-log 3 " - looking for sexp")
1223 (if (or
1224 (eq (char-after) ?{) ;; open curly
1225 (and (eq (char-after) 91) ;; open square
1226 (while (eq (char-after) 91)
1227 (c-safe (c-forward-sexp 1)))
1228 (eq (char-before) 93)) ;; close square
1229 (and (eq (char-after) 40) ;; open paren
1230 (c-safe (c-forward-sexp 1) t)))
1232 (progn
1233 ;; at this point we've jumped over any intervening s-exp,
1234 ;; like sq brackets or parens.
1235 (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
1236 (csharp-log 3 " - after fwd-syn-ws point(%d)" (point))
1237 (csharp-log 3 " - next char: %c" (char-after))
1238 (if (eq (char-after) ?{)
1239 (let ((start (point))
1240 (end (if (c-safe (c-forward-sexp 1) t)
1241 (point) 0)))
1242 (csharp-log 3 " - open curly gets c-decl-id-start %d" start)
1243 (c-put-char-property start
1244 'c-type
1245 'c-decl-id-start)
1246 (goto-char start)
1247 (if (> end start)
1248 (progn
1249 (forward-char 1) ;; step over open curly
1250 (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
1251 (while (> end (point))
1252 ;; now, try to fontify/assign variables to any properties inside the curlies
1253 (csharp-log 3 " - inside open curly point(%d)" (point))
1254 (csharp-log 3 " - next char: %c" (char-after))
1255 ;; fontify each property assignment
1256 (if (re-search-forward
1257 (concat "\\(" (c-lang-const c-symbol-key) "\\)\\s*=")
1258 end t)
1259 (progn
1260 (csharp-log 3 " - found variable %d-%d"
1261 (match-beginning 1)
1262 (match-end 1))
1263 (c-put-font-lock-face (match-beginning 1)
1264 (match-end 1)
1265 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
1266 (goto-char (match-end 0))
1267 (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
1268 ;; advance to the next assignment, if possible
1269 (if (eq (char-after) ?@)
1270 (forward-char 1))
1272 (if (c-safe (c-forward-sexp 1) t)
1273 (progn
1274 (forward-char 1)
1275 (c-forward-syntactic-ws))))
1277 ;; else
1278 (csharp-log 3 " - no more assgnmts found")
1279 (goto-char end)))))
1280 )))))
1282 (goto-char (match-end 0))
1283 )))
1284 nil))
1285 )))
1288 ;; Case 2: declaration of enum with or without an explicit
1289 ;; base type.
1290 ;;
1291 ;; Examples:
1292 ;;
1293 ;; public enum Foo { ... }
1294 ;;
1295 ;; public enum Foo : uint { ... }
1296 ;;
1297 ,@(when t
1298 `((,(byte-compile
1299 `(lambda (limit)
1300 (let ((parse-sexp-lookup-properties
1301 (cc-eval-when-compile
1302 (boundp 'parse-sexp-lookup-properties))))
1303 (while (re-search-forward
1304 ,(concat csharp-enum-decl-re
1305 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
1306 "{")
1307 limit t)
1309 (csharp-log 3 "enum? at %d" (match-beginning 0))
1311 (unless
1312 (progn
1313 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
1314 (c-skip-comments-and-strings limit))
1315 (progn
1316 (save-match-data
1317 (goto-char (match-end 0))
1318 (c-put-char-property (1- (point))
1319 'c-type
1320 'c-decl-id-start)
1321 (c-forward-syntactic-ws))
1322 (save-match-data
1323 (c-font-lock-declarators limit t nil))
1324 (goto-char (match-end 0))
1325 )
1326 )))
1327 nil))
1328 )))
1331 ;; Case 3: declaration of constructor
1332 ;;
1333 ;; Example:
1334 ;;
1335 ;; private Foo(...) {...}
1336 ;;
1337 ,@(when t
1338 `((,(byte-compile
1339 `(lambda (limit)
1340 (let ((parse-sexp-lookup-properties
1341 (cc-eval-when-compile
1342 (boundp 'parse-sexp-lookup-properties)))
1343 (found-it nil))
1344 (while (re-search-forward
1345 ,(concat
1346 "^[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
1347 "\\(\\<\\(public\\|private\\|protected\\)\\)?[ \t\n\r\f\v]+"
1348 "\\(@?[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*\\)" ;; name of constructor
1349 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
1350 "\\("
1351 "("
1352 "\\)")
1353 limit t)
1355 (unless
1356 (progn
1357 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
1358 (c-skip-comments-and-strings limit))
1360 (goto-char (match-end 0))
1362 (csharp-log 3 "ctor decl? L(%d) B(%d) E(%d)"
1363 limit (match-beginning 0) (point))
1365 (backward-char 1) ;; just left of the open paren
1366 (save-match-data
1367 ;; Jump over the parens, safely.
1368 ;; If it's an unbalanced paren, no problem,
1369 ;; do nothing.
1370 (if (c-safe (c-forward-sexp 1) t)
1371 (progn
1372 (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
1373 (cond
1375 ;; invokes base or this constructor.
1376 ((re-search-forward
1377 ,(concat
1378 "\\(:[ \t\n\r\f\v]*\\(base\\|this\\)\\)"
1379 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
1380 "("
1381 )
1382 limit t)
1383 (csharp-log 3 " - ctor with dependency?")
1385 (goto-char (match-end 0))
1386 (backward-char 1) ;; just left of the open paren
1387 (csharp-log 3 " - before paren at %d" (point))
1389 (if (c-safe (c-forward-sexp 1) t)
1390 (progn
1391 (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
1392 (csharp-log 3 " - skipped over paren pair %d" (point))
1393 (if (eq (char-after) ?{)
1394 (setq found-it t)))))
1396 ;; open curly. no depedency on other ctor.
1397 ((eq (char-after) ?{)
1398 (csharp-log 3 " - no dependency, curly at %d" (point))
1399 (setq found-it t)))
1401 )))
1403 (if found-it
1404 ;; fontify the constructor symbol
1405 (c-put-font-lock-face (match-beginning 3)
1406 (match-end 3)
1407 'font-lock-function-name-face))
1408 (goto-char (match-end 0)))))
1409 nil)))))
1412 ;; Case 4: using clause. Without this, using (..) gets fontified as a fn.
1413 ,@(when t
1414 `((,(byte-compile
1415 `(lambda (limit)
1416 (let ((parse-sexp-lookup-properties
1417 (cc-eval-when-compile
1418 (boundp 'parse-sexp-lookup-properties))))
1419 (while (re-search-forward
1420 ,(concat "\\<\\(using\\)"
1421 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
1422 "(")
1423 limit t)
1425 (csharp-log 3 "using clause p(%d)" (match-beginning 0))
1427 (unless
1428 (progn
1429 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
1430 (c-skip-comments-and-strings limit))
1432 (save-match-data
1433 (c-put-font-lock-face (match-beginning 1)
1434 (match-end 1)
1435 'font-lock-keyword-face)
1436 (goto-char (match-end 0))))))
1437 nil))
1438 )))
1440 ;; Case 5: attributes
1441 ,`((lambda (limit)
1442 (let ((parse-sexp-lookup-properties
1443 (cc-eval-when-compile
1444 (boundp 'parse-sexp-lookup-properties))))
1446 (while (re-search-forward
1447 ,(concat "[ \t\n\r\f\v]+"
1448 "\\(\\["
1449 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
1450 "\\(?:\\(?:return\\|assembly\\)[ \t]*:[ \t]*\\)?"
1451 "\\("
1452 "\\(?:[A-Za-z_][[:alnum:]]*\\.\\)*"
1453 "[A-Za-z_][[:alnum:]]*"
1454 "\\)"
1455 "[^]]*\\]\\)"
1456 )
1457 limit t)
1459 (csharp-log 3 "attribute? - %d limit(%d)" (match-beginning 1)
1460 limit)
1462 (unless
1463 (progn
1464 (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
1465 (c-skip-comments-and-strings limit))
1467 (let ((b2 (match-beginning 2))
1468 (e2 (match-end 2))
1469 (is-attr nil))
1470 (csharp-log 3 " - type match: %d - %d"
1471 b2 e2)
1472 (save-match-data
1473 (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
1474 (setq is-attr (or
1475 (eq (char-before) 59) ;; semicolon
1476 (eq (char-before) 93) ;; close square brace
1477 (eq (char-before) 123) ;; open curly
1478 (eq (char-before) 125) ;; close curly
1479 (save-excursion
1480 (c-beginning-of-statement-1)
1481 (looking-at
1482 "#\\(pragma\\|endregion\\|region\\|if\\|else\\|endif\\)"))
1483 )))
1485 (if is-attr
1486 (progn
1487 (if (<= 3 csharp-log-level)
1488 (csharp-log 3 " - attribute: '%s'"
1489 (buffer-substring-no-properties b2 e2)))
1490 (c-put-font-lock-face b2 e2 'font-lock-type-face)))))
1491 (goto-char (match-end 0))
1492 ))
1493 nil))
1496 ;; Case 6: directive blocks for .aspx/.ashx/.ascx
1497 ,`((lambda (limit)
1498 (let ((parse-sexp-lookup-properties
1499 (cc-eval-when-compile
1500 (boundp 'parse-sexp-lookup-properties))))
1502 (while (re-search-forward csharp-aspnet-directive-re limit t)
1503 (csharp-log 3 "aspnet template? - %d limit(%d)" (match-beginning 1)
1504 limit)
1506 (unless
1507 (progn
1508 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
1509 (c-skip-comments-and-strings limit))
1511 (save-match-data
1512 (let ((end-open (+ (match-beginning 0) 3))
1513 (beg-close (- (match-end 0) 2)))
1514 (c-put-font-lock-face (match-beginning 0)
1515 end-open
1516 'font-lock-preprocessor-face)
1518 (c-put-font-lock-face beg-close
1519 (match-end 0)
1520 'font-lock-preprocessor-face)
1522 ;; fontify within the directive
1523 (while (re-search-forward
1524 ,(concat
1525 "\\("
1526 (c-lang-const c-symbol-key)
1527 "\\)"
1528 "=?"
1529 )
1530 beg-close t)
1532 (c-put-font-lock-face (match-beginning 1)
1533 (match-end 1)
1534 'font-lock-keyword-face)
1535 (c-skip-comments-and-strings beg-close))
1536 ))
1537 (goto-char (match-end 0)))))
1538 nil))
1541 ;; ;; Case 5: #if
1542 ;; ,@(when t
1543 ;; `((,(byte-compile
1544 ;; `(lambda (limit)
1545 ;; (let ((parse-sexp-lookup-properties
1546 ;; (cc-eval-when-compile
1547 ;; (boundp 'parse-sexp-lookup-properties))))
1548 ;; (while (re-search-forward
1549 ;; "\\<\\(#if\\)[ \t\n\r\f\v]+\\([A-Za-z_][[:alnum:]]*\\)"
1550 ;; limit t)
1551 ;;
1552 ;; (csharp-log 3 "#if directive - %d" (match-beginning 1))
1553 ;;
1554 ;; (unless
1555 ;; (progn
1556 ;; (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
1557 ;; (c-skip-comments-and-strings limit))
1558 ;;
1559 ;; (save-match-data
1560 ;; (c-put-font-lock-face (match-beginning 2)
1561 ;; (match-end 2)
1562 ;; 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
1563 ;; (goto-char (match-end 0))))))
1564 ;; nil))
1565 ;; )))
1568 ;; ,`(,(c-make-font-lock-search-function
1569 ;; (concat "\\<new"
1570 ;; "[ \t\n\r\f\v]+"
1571 ;; "\\(\\(?:"
1572 ;; (c-lang-const c-symbol-key)
1573 ;; "\\.\\)*"
1574 ;; (c-lang-const c-symbol-key)
1575 ;; "\\)"
1576 ;; "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
1577 ;; "\\(?:"
1578 ;; "( *)[ \t\n\r\f\v]*" ;; optional ()
1579 ;; "\\)?"
1580 ;; "{")
1581 ;; '((c-font-lock-declarators limit t nil)
1582 ;; (save-match-data
1583 ;; (goto-char (match-end 0))
1584 ;; (c-put-char-property (1- (point)) 'c-type
1585 ;; 'c-decl-id-start)
1586 ;; (c-forward-syntactic-ws))
1587 ;; (goto-char (match-end 0)))))
1592 ;; Fontify labels after goto etc.
1593 ,@(when (c-lang-const c-before-label-kwds)
1594 `( ;; (Got three different interpretation levels here,
1595 ;; which makes it a bit complicated: 1) The backquote
1596 ;; stuff is expanded when compiled or loaded, 2) the
1597 ;; eval form is evaluated at font-lock setup (to
1598 ;; substitute c-label-face-name correctly), and 3) the
1599 ;; resulting structure is interpreted during
1600 ;; fontification.)
1601 (eval
1602 . ,(let* ((c-before-label-re
1603 (c-make-keywords-re nil
1604 (c-lang-const c-before-label-kwds))))
1605 `(list
1606 ,(concat "\\<\\(" c-before-label-re "\\)\\>"
1607 "\\s *"
1608 "\\(" ; identifier-offset
1609 (c-lang-const c-symbol-key)
1610 "\\)")
1611 (list ,(+ (regexp-opt-depth c-before-label-re) 2)
1612 c-label-face-name nil t))))))
1616 ;; Fontify the clauses after various keywords.
1617 ,@(when (or (c-lang-const c-type-list-kwds)
1618 (c-lang-const c-ref-list-kwds)
1619 (c-lang-const c-colon-type-list-kwds)
1620 (c-lang-const c-paren-type-kwds))
1621 `((,(c-make-font-lock-search-function
1622 (concat "\\<\\("
1623 (c-make-keywords-re nil
1624 (append (c-lang-const c-type-list-kwds)
1625 (c-lang-const c-ref-list-kwds)
1626 (c-lang-const c-colon-type-list-kwds)
1627 (c-lang-const c-paren-type-kwds)))
1628 "\\)\\>")
1629 '((c-fontify-types-and-refs ((c-promote-possible-types t))
1630 (c-forward-keyword-clause 1)
1631 (if (> (point) limit) (goto-char limit))))))))
1634 ;; Fontify the name that follows each namespace declaration
1635 ;; this needs to be done in the matchers-after because
1636 ;; otherwise the namespace names get the font-lock-type-face,
1637 ;; due to the energetic efforts of c-forward-type.
1638 ,`("\\<\\(namespace\\)[ \t\n\r\f\v]+\\(\\(?:[A-Za-z_][[:alnum:]]*\\.\\)*[A-Za-z_][[:alnum:]]*\\)"
1639 2 font-lock-constant-face t)
1642 ))
1646 ;; C# does generics. Setting this to t tells the parser to put
1647 ;; parenthesis syntax on angle braces that surround a comma-separated
1648 ;; list.
1649 (c-lang-defconst c-recognize-<>-arglists
1650 csharp t)
1653 (c-lang-defconst c-identifier-key
1654 csharp (concat "\\([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*\\)" ; 1
1655 "\\("
1656 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
1657 "\\(\\.\\)" ;;(c-lang-const c-opt-identifier-concat-key)
1658 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
1659 "\\(\\([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*\\)\\)"
1660 "\\)*"))
1662 ;; C# has a few rules that are slightly different than Java for
1663 ;; operators. This also removed the Java's "super" and replaces it
1664 ;; with the C#'s "base".
1665 (c-lang-defconst c-operators
1666 csharp `((prefix "base")))
1669 ;; C# uses CPP-like prefixes to mark #define, #region/endregion,
1670 ;; #if/else/endif, and #pragma. This regexp matches the prefix, not
1671 ;; including the beginning-of-line (BOL), and not including the term
1672 ;; after the prefix (define, pragma, region, etc). This regexp says
1673 ;; whitespace, followed by the prefix, followed by maybe more
1674 ;; whitespace.
1676 (c-lang-defconst c-opt-cpp-prefix
1677 csharp "\\s *#\\s *")
1680 ;; there are no message directives in C#
1681 (c-lang-defconst c-cpp-message-directives
1682 csharp nil)
1684 (c-lang-defconst c-cpp-expr-directives
1685 csharp '("if"))
1687 (c-lang-defconst c-opt-cpp-macro-define
1688 csharp "define")
1690 ;; $ is not a legal char in an identifier in C#. So we need to
1691 ;; create a csharp-specific definition of this constant.
1692 (c-lang-defconst c-symbol-chars
1693 csharp (concat c-alnum "_"))
1695 ;; c-identifier-syntax-modifications by default defines $ as a word
1696 ;; syntax, which is not legal in C#. So, define our own lang-specific
1697 ;; value.
1698 (c-lang-defconst c-identifier-syntax-modifications
1699 csharp '((?_ . "w")))
1703 (c-lang-defconst c-colon-type-list-kwds
1704 csharp '("class"))
1706 (c-lang-defconst c-block-prefix-disallowed-chars
1708 ;; Allow ':' for inherit list starters.
1709 csharp (set-difference (c-lang-const c-block-prefix-disallowed-chars)
1710 '(?: ?,)))
1713 (c-lang-defconst c-assignment-operators
1714 csharp '("=" "*=" "/=" "%=" "+=" "-=" ">>=" "<<=" "&=" "^=" "|="))
1716 (c-lang-defconst c-primitive-type-kwds
1717 ;; ECMA-344, S8
1718 csharp '("object" "string" "sbyte" "short" "int" "long" "byte"
1719 "ushort" "uint" "ulong" "float" "double" "bool" "char"
1720 "decimal" "void"))
1722 ;; The keywords that define that the following is a type, such as a
1723 ;; class definition.
1724 (c-lang-defconst c-type-prefix-kwds
1725 ;; ECMA-344, S?
1726 csharp '("class" "interface" "struct")) ;; no enum here.
1727 ;; we want enum to be a brace list.
1730 ;; Type modifier keywords. They appear anywhere in types, but modify
1731 ;; instead of create one.
1732 (c-lang-defconst c-type-modifier-kwds
1733 ;; EMCA-344, S?
1734 csharp '("readonly" "const"))
1737 ;; Tue, 20 Apr 2010 16:02
1738 ;; need to verify that this works for lambdas...
1739 (c-lang-defconst c-special-brace-lists
1740 csharp '((?{ . ?}) ))
1744 ;; dinoch
1745 ;; Thu, 22 Apr 2010 18:54
1746 ;;
1747 ;; No idea why this isn't getting set properly in the first place.
1748 ;; In cc-langs.el, it is set to the union of a bunch of things, none
1749 ;; of which include "new", or "enum".
1750 ;;
1751 ;; But somehow both of those show up in the resulting derived regexp.
1752 ;; This breaks indentation of instance initializers, such as
1753 ;;
1754 ;; var x = new Foo { ... };
1755 ;;
1756 ;; Based on my inspection, the existing c-lang-defconst should work!
1757 ;; I don't know how to fix this c-lang-defconst, so I am re-setting this
1758 ;; variable here, to provide the regex explicitly.
1759 ;;
1760 (c-lang-defconst c-decl-block-key
1761 csharp '"\\(namespace\\)\\([^[:alnum:]_]\\|$\\)\\|\\(class\\|interface\\|struct\\)\\([^[:alnum:]_]\\|$\\)" )
1764 ;; Thu, 22 Apr 2010 14:29
1765 ;; I want this to handle var x = new Foo[] { ... };
1766 ;; not sure if necessary.
1767 (c-lang-defconst c-inexpr-brace-list-kwds
1768 csharp '("new"))
1771 ;; ;;(c-lang-defconst c-inexpr-class-kwds
1772 ;; ;; csharp '("new"))
1776 (c-lang-defconst c-class-decl-kwds
1777 ;; EMCA-344, S?
1778 ;; don't include enum here, because we want it to be fontified as a brace
1779 ;; list, with commas delimiting the values. see c-brace-list-decl-kwds
1780 ;; below.
1781 csharp '("class" "interface" "struct" )) ;; no "enum"!!
1784 ;; The various modifiers used for class and method descriptions.
1785 (c-lang-defconst c-modifier-kwds
1786 csharp '("public" "partial" "private" "const" "abstract" "sealed"
1787 "protected" "ref" "out" "static" "virtual"
1788 "override" "params" "internal"))
1791 ;; Thu, 22 Apr 2010 23:02
1792 ;; Based on inspection of the cc-mode code, the c-protection-kwds
1793 ;; c-lang-const is used only for objective-c. So the value is
1794 ;; irrelevant for csharp.
1795 (c-lang-defconst c-protection-kwds
1796 csharp nil
1797 ;; csharp '("private" "protected" "public" "internal")
1798 )
1801 ;; Define the keywords that can have something following after them.
1802 (c-lang-defconst c-type-list-kwds
1803 csharp '("struct" "class" "interface" "is" "as"
1804 "delegate" "event" "set" "get" "add" "remove"))
1807 ;; This allows the classes after the : in the class declartion to be
1808 ;; fontified.
1809 (c-lang-defconst c-typeless-decl-kwds
1810 csharp '(":"))
1812 ;; Sets up the enum to handle the list properly, and also the new
1813 ;; keyword to handle object initializers. This requires a modified
1814 ;; c-basic-matchers-after (see above) in order to correctly fontify C#
1815 ;; 3.0 object initializers.
1816 (c-lang-defconst c-brace-list-decl-kwds
1817 csharp '("enum" "new"))
1820 ;; Statement keywords followed directly by a substatement.
1821 ;; catch is not one of them, because catch has a paren (typically).
1822 (c-lang-defconst c-block-stmt-1-kwds
1823 csharp '("do" "try" "finally" "unsafe"))
1826 ;; Statement keywords followed by a paren sexp and then by a substatement.
1827 (c-lang-defconst c-block-stmt-2-kwds
1828 csharp '("for" "if" "switch" "while" "catch" "foreach" "using"
1829 "checked" "unchecked" "lock"))
1832 ;; Statements that break out of braces
1833 (c-lang-defconst c-simple-stmt-kwds
1834 csharp '("return" "continue" "break" "throw" "goto" ))
1836 ;; Statements that allow a label
1837 ;; TODO?
1838 (c-lang-defconst c-before-label-kwds
1839 csharp nil)
1841 ;; Constant keywords
1842 (c-lang-defconst c-constant-kwds
1843 csharp '("true" "false" "null"))
1845 ;; Keywords that start "primary expressions."
1846 (c-lang-defconst c-primary-expr-kwds
1847 csharp '("this" "base"))
1849 ;; Treat namespace as an outer block so class indenting
1850 ;; works properly.
1851 (c-lang-defconst c-other-block-decl-kwds
1852 csharp '("namespace"))
1854 (c-lang-defconst c-other-kwds
1855 csharp '("sizeof" "typeof" "is" "as" "yield"
1856 "where" "select" "in" "from"))
1858 (c-lang-defconst c-overloadable-operators
1859 ;; EMCA-344, S14.2.1
1860 csharp '("+" "-" "*" "/" "%" "&" "|" "^"
1861 "<<" ">>" "==" "!=" ">" "<" ">=" "<="))
1864 ;; This c-cpp-matchers stuff is used for fontification.
1865 ;; see cc-font.el
1866 ;;
1868 ;; There's no preprocessor in C#, but there are still compiler
1869 ;; directives to fontify: "#pragma", #region/endregion, #define, #undef,
1870 ;; #if/else/endif. (The definitions for the extra keywords above are
1871 ;; enough to incorporate them into the fontification regexps for types
1872 ;; and keywords, so no additional font-lock patterns are required for
1873 ;; keywords.)
1875 (c-lang-defconst c-cpp-matchers
1876 csharp (cons
1877 ;; Use the eval form for `font-lock-keywords' to be able to use
1878 ;; the `c-preprocessor-face-name' variable that maps to a
1879 ;; suitable face depending on the (X)Emacs version.
1880 '(eval . (list "^\\s *\\(#pragma\\|undef\\|define\\)\\>\\(.*\\)"
1881 (list 1 c-preprocessor-face-name)
1882 '(2 font-lock-string-face)))
1883 ;; There are some other things in `c-cpp-matchers' besides the
1884 ;; preprocessor support, so include it.
1885 (c-lang-const c-cpp-matchers)))
1889 ;; Custom variables
1890 ;;;###autoload
1891 (defcustom csharp-mode-hook nil
1892 "*Hook called by `csharp-mode'."
1893 :type 'hook
1894 :group 'csharp)
1896 ;; The following fn allows this:
1897 ;; (csharp-log 3 "scan result...'%s'" state)
1899 (defcustom csharp-log-level 0
1900 "The current log level for CSharp-mode-specific operations.
1901 This is used in particular by the verbatim-literal
1902 string scanning.
1904 Most other csharp functions are not instrumented.
1905 0 = NONE, 1 = Info, 2 = VERBOSE, 3 = DEBUG, 4 = SHUTUP ALREADY. "
1906 :type 'integer
1907 :group 'csharp)
1910 ;;;###autoload
1911 (defcustom csharp-want-flymake-fixup t
1912 "*Whether to enable the builtin C# support for flymake. This is meaningful
1913 only if flymake is loaded."
1914 :type 'boolean :group 'csharp)
1916 ;;;###autoload
1917 (defcustom csharp-want-yasnippet-fixup t
1918 "*Whether to enable the builtin C# support for yasnippet. This is meaningful
1919 only if flymake is loaded."
1920 :type 'boolean :group 'csharp)
1923 ;;;###autoload
1924 (defcustom csharp-want-imenu t
1925 "*Whether to generate a buffer index via imenu for C# buffers."
1926 :type 'boolean :group 'csharp)
1929 ;;;###autoload
1930 (defcustom csharp-make-tool "nmake.exe"
1931 "*The make tool to use. Defaults to nmake, found on path. Specify
1932 a full path or alternative program name, to tell csharp-mode to use
1933 a different make tool in compile commands.
1935 See also, `csharp-msbuild-tool'.
1937 "
1938 :type 'string :group 'csharp)
1941 ;;;###autoload
1942 (defcustom csharp-msbuild-tool "msbuild.exe"
1943 "*The tool to use to build .csproj files. Defaults to msbuild, found on
1944 path. Specify a full path or alternative program name, to tell csharp-mode
1945 to use a different make tool in compile commands.
1947 See also, `csharp-make-tool'.
1949 "
1950 :type 'string :group 'csharp)
1953 ;;;###autoload
1954 (defcustom csharp-cmd-line-limit 28
1955 "The number of lines at the top of the file to look in, to find
1956 the command that csharp-mode will use to compile the current
1957 buffer, or the command \"stub\" that csharp-mode will use to
1958 check the syntax of the current buffer via flymake.
1960 If the value of this variable is zero, then csharp-mode looks
1961 everywhere in the file. If the value is positive, then only in
1962 the first N lines. If negative, then only in the final N lines.
1964 The line should appear in a comment inside the C# buffer.
1967 Compile
1968 --------
1970 In the case of compile, the compile command must be prefixed with
1971 \"compile:\". For example,
1973 // compile: csc.exe /r:Hallo.dll Arfie.cs
1976 This command will be suggested as the compile command when the
1977 user invokes `compile' for the first time.
1980 Flymake
1981 --------
1983 In the case of flymake, the command \"stub\" string must be
1984 prefixed with \"flymake:\". For example,
1986 // flymake: DOTNETDIR\csc.exe /target:netmodule /r:foo.dll @@FILE@@
1988 In the case of flymake, the string should NOT include the name of
1989 the file for the buffer being checked. Instead, use the token
1990 @@FILE@@ . csharp-mode will replace this token with the name of
1991 the source file to compile, before passing the command to flymake
1992 to run it.
1994 If for some reason the command is invalid or illegal, flymake
1995 will report an error and disable itself.
1997 It might be handy to run fxcop, for example, via flymake.
1999 // flymake: fxcopcmd.exe /c /f:MyLibrary.dll
2003 In all cases
2004 ------------
2006 Be sure to specify the proper path for your csc.exe, whatever
2007 version that might be, or no path if you want to use the system
2008 PATH search.
2010 If the buffer depends on external libraries, then you will want
2011 to include /R arguments to that csc.exe command.
2013 To be clear, this variable sets the number of lines to search for
2014 the command. This cariable is an integer.
2016 If the marker string (either \"compile:\" or \"flymake:\"
2017 is present in the given set of lines, csharp-mode will take
2018 anything after the marker string as the command to run.
2020 "
2021 :type 'integer :group 'csharp)
2025 (defconst csharp-font-lock-keywords-1 (c-lang-const c-matchers-1 csharp)
2026 "Minimal highlighting for C# mode.")
2028 (defconst csharp-font-lock-keywords-2 (c-lang-const c-matchers-2 csharp)
2029 "Fast normal highlighting for C# mode.")
2031 (defconst csharp-font-lock-keywords-3 (c-lang-const c-matchers-3 csharp)
2032 "Accurate normal highlighting for C# mode.")
2034 (defvar csharp-font-lock-keywords csharp-font-lock-keywords-3
2035 "Default expressions to highlight in C# mode.")
2038 (defvar csharp-mode-syntax-table nil
2039 "Syntax table used in csharp-mode buffers.")
2040 (or csharp-mode-syntax-table
2041 (setq csharp-mode-syntax-table
2042 (funcall (c-lang-const c-make-mode-syntax-table csharp))))
2044 (defvar csharp-mode-abbrev-table nil
2045 "Abbreviation table used in csharp-mode buffers.")
2046 (c-define-abbrev-table 'csharp-mode-abbrev-table
2047 ;; Keywords that if they occur first on a line might alter the
2048 ;; syntactic context, and which therefore should trig reindentation
2049 ;; when they are completed.
2050 '(("else" "else" c-electric-continued-statement 0)
2051 ("while" "while" c-electric-continued-statement 0)
2052 ("catch" "catch" c-electric-continued-statement 0)
2053 ("finally" "finally" c-electric-continued-statement 0)))
2055 (defvar csharp-mode-map (let ((map (c-make-inherited-keymap)))
2056 ;; Add bindings which are only useful for C#
2057 map)
2058 "Keymap used in csharp-mode buffers.")
2061 (defvar csharp--yasnippet-has-been-fixed nil
2062 "indicates whether yasnippet has been patched for use with csharp.
2063 Intended for internal use only.")
2065 (defvar csharp--flymake-has-been-installed nil
2066 "one-time use boolean, to check whether csharp tweaks for flymake (advice
2067 etc) have been installed.")
2069 (defvar csharp-flymake-csc-arguments
2070 (list "/t:module" "/nologo")
2071 "A list of arguments to use with the csc.exe
2072 compiler, when using flymake with a
2073 direct csc.exe build for syntax checking purposes.")
2076 (defvar csharp-flymake-aux-error-info nil
2077 "a list of auxiliary flymake error info items. Each item in the
2078 list is a pair, consisting of a line number and a column number.
2079 This info is set by advice to flymake-parse-line, and used by
2080 advice attached to flymake-goto-line, to navigate to the proper
2081 error column when possible. ")
2084 (defvar csharp-flymake-csc-error-pattern
2085 "^[ \t]*\\([_A-Za-z0-9][^(]+\\.cs\\)(\\([0-9]+\\)[,]\\([0-9]+\\)) ?: \\(\\(error\\|warning\\) +:? *C[SA][0-9]+ *:[ \t\n]*\\(.+\\)\\)"
2086 "The regex pattern for C# compiler error messages. Follows
2087 the same form as an entry in `flymake-err-line-patterns'. The
2088 value is a STRING, a regex.")
2090 ;; TODO
2091 ;; Defines our constant for finding attributes.
2092 ;;(defconst csharp-attribute-regex "\\[\\([XmlType]+\\)(")
2093 ;;(defconst csharp-attribute-regex "\\[\\(.\\)")
2094 ;; This doesn't work because the string regex happens before this point
2095 ;; and getting the font-locking to work before and after is fairly difficult
2096 ;;(defconst csharp-attribute-regex
2097 ;; (concat
2098 ;; "\\[[a-zA-Z][ \ta-zA-Z0-9.]+"
2099 ;; "\\((.*\\)?"
2100 ;;))
2103 ;; ==================================================================
2104 ;; end of c# values for "language constants" defined in cc-langs.el
2105 ;; ==================================================================
2111 ;; ========================================================================
2112 ;; Flymake integration
2114 (defun csharp-flymake-init ()
2115 (csharp-flymake-init-impl
2116 'flymake-create-temp-inplace t t 'csharp-flymake-get-cmdline))
2118 (defun csharp-flymake-init-impl (create-temp-f use-relative-base-dir use-relative-source get-cmdline-f)
2119 "Create syntax check command line for a directly checked source file.
2120 Use CREATE-TEMP-F for creating temp copy."
2121 (let* ((args nil)
2122 (temp-source-file-name (flymake-init-create-temp-buffer-copy create-temp-f)))
2123 (setq args (flymake-get-syntax-check-program-args
2124 temp-source-file-name "."
2125 use-relative-base-dir use-relative-source
2126 get-cmdline-f))
2127 args))
2130 (defun csharp-flymake-cleanup ()
2131 "Delete the temporary .netmodule file created in syntax checking
2132 a C# buffer, then call through to flymake-simple-cleanup."
2134 (if flymake-temp-source-file-name
2135 (progn
2136 (let* ((netmodule-name
2137 (concat (file-name-sans-extension flymake-temp-source-file-name)
2138 ".netmodule"))
2139 (expanded-netmodule-name (expand-file-name netmodule-name ".")))
2140 (if (file-exists-p expanded-netmodule-name)
2141 (flymake-safe-delete-file expanded-netmodule-name)))
2142 ))
2143 (flymake-simple-cleanup))
2146 (defun csharp-split-string-respecting-quotes (s)
2147 "splits a string into tokens, respecting double quotes
2148 For example, the string 'This is \"a string\"' will be split into 3 tokens.
2150 More pertinently, the string
2151 'csc /t:module /R:\"c:\abba dabba\dooo\Foo.dll\"'
2153 ...will be split into 3 tokens.
2155 This fn also removes quotes from the tokens that have them. This is for
2156 compatibility with flymake and the process-start fn.
2158 "
2159 (let ((local-s s)
2160 (my-re-1 "[^ \"]*\"[^\"]+\"\\|[^ \"]+")
2161 (my-re-2 "\\([^ \"]*\\)\"\\([^\"]+\\)\"")
2162 (tokens))
2163 (while (string-match my-re-1 local-s)
2164 (let ((token (match-string 0 local-s))
2165 (remainder (substring local-s (match-end 0))))
2166 (if (string-match my-re-2 token)
2167 (setq token (concat (match-string 1 token) (match-string 2 token))))
2168 ;;(message "token: %s" token)
2169 (setq tokens (append tokens (list token)))
2170 (setq local-s remainder)))
2171 tokens))
2174 (defun csharp-get-value-from-comments (marker-string line-limit)
2175 "gets a string from the header comments in the current buffer.
2177 This is used to extract the flymake command and the compile
2178 command from the comments.
2180 It looks for \"marker-string:\" and returns the string that
2181 follows it, or returns nil if that string is not found.
2183 eg, when marker-string is \"flymake\", and the following
2184 string is found at the top of the buffer:
2186 flymake: csc.exe /r:Hallo.dll
2188 ...then this command will return the string
2190 \"csc.exe /r:Hallo.dll\"
2192 It's ok to have whitespace between the marker and the following
2193 colon.
2195 "
2197 (let (start search-limit found)
2198 ;; determine what lines to look in
2199 (save-excursion
2200 (save-restriction
2201 (widen)
2202 (cond ((> line-limit 0)
2203 (goto-char (setq start (point-min)))
2204 (forward-line line-limit)
2205 (setq search-limit (point)))
2206 ((< line-limit 0)
2207 (goto-char (setq search-limit (point-max)))
2208 (forward-line line-limit)
2209 (setq start (point)))
2210 (t ;0 => no limit (use with care!)
2211 (setq start (point-min))
2212 (setq search-limit (point-max))))))
2214 ;; look in those lines
2215 (save-excursion
2216 (save-restriction
2217 (widen)
2218 (let ((re-string
2219 (concat "\\b" marker-string "[ \t]*:[ \t]*\\(.+\\)$")))
2220 (if (and start
2221 (< (goto-char start) search-limit)
2222 (re-search-forward re-string search-limit 'move))
2224 (buffer-substring-no-properties
2225 (match-beginning 1)
2226 (match-end 1))))))))
2231 (defun csharp-replace-command-tokens (explicitly-specified-command)
2232 "Replace tokens in the flymake or compile command extracted from the
2233 buffer, to allow specification of the original and modified
2234 filenames.
2236 @@ORIG@@ - gets replaced with the original filename
2237 @@FILE@@ - gets replaced with the name of the temporary file
2238 created by flymake
2240 "
2241 (let ((massaged-command explicitly-specified-command))
2242 (if (string-match "@@SRC@@" massaged-command)
2243 (setq massaged-command
2244 (replace-match
2245 (file-relative-name flymake-temp-source-file-name) t t massaged-command)))
2246 (if (string-match "@@ORIG@@" massaged-command)
2247 (setq massaged-command
2248 (replace-match
2249 (file-relative-name buffer-file-name) t t massaged-command)))
2250 massaged-command))
2253 ;;(setq flymake-log-level 3)
2255 (defun csharp-flymake-get-final-csc-arguments (initial-arglist)
2256 "Gets the command used by csc.exe for flymake runs.
2257 This may inject a /t:module into an arglist, where it is not
2258 present.
2260 This fn burps if a different /t: argument is found.
2262 "
2263 (interactive)
2264 (let ((args initial-arglist)
2265 arg
2266 (found nil))
2267 (while args
2268 (setq arg (car args))
2269 (cond
2270 ((string-equal arg "/t:module") (setq found t))
2271 ((string-match "^/t:" arg)
2272 (setq found t)
2273 (message "csharp-mode: WARNING /t: option present in arglist, and not /t:module; fix this.")))
2275 (setq args (cdr args)))
2277 (setq args
2278 (if found
2279 initial-arglist
2280 (append (list "/t:module") initial-arglist)))
2282 (if (called-interactively-p 'any)
2283 (message "result: %s" (prin1-to-string args)))
2285 args))
2288 (defun csharp-flymake-get-cmdline (source base-dir)
2289 "Gets the cmd line for running a flymake session in a C# buffer.
2290 This gets called by flymake itself.
2292 The fn looks in the buffer for a line that looks like:
2294 flymake: <command goes here>
2296 (It should be embedded into a comment)
2298 Typically the command will be a line that runs nmake.exe,
2299 msbuild.exe, or csc.exe, with various options. It should
2300 eventually run the CSC.exe compiler, or something else that emits
2301 error messages in the same form as the C# compiler, like FxCopCmd.exe
2303 Some notes on implementation:
2305 1. csharp-mode copies the buffer to a temporary file and
2306 compiles *that*. This temporary file has a different name
2307 than the actual file name for the buffer - _flymake gets
2308 appended to the basename. Therefore, you should specify
2309 Foo_flymake.cs for the filename, if you want to explicitly
2310 refer to it.
2312 If you want to refer to it implicitly, you can use the special
2313 token \"@@SRC@@\" in the command. It will get replaced with the
2314 name of the temporary file at runtime. If you want to refer to
2315 the original name of the buffer, use @@ORIG@@.
2317 2. In general, when running the compiler, you should use a
2318 target type of \"module\" (eg, /t:module) to allow
2319 csharp-mode to clean up the products of the build.
2321 3. See `csharp-cmd-line-limit' for a way to restrict where
2322 csharp-mode will search for the command.
2324 4. If this string is not found, then this fn will fallback to
2325 a generic, generated csc.exe command.
2327 "
2328 (let ((explicitly-specified-command
2329 (csharp-get-value-from-comments "flymake" csharp-cmd-line-limit)))
2331 (cond
2332 (explicitly-specified-command
2334 ;; the marker string was found in the buffer
2335 (let ((tokens (csharp-split-string-respecting-quotes
2336 (csharp-replace-command-tokens explicitly-specified-command))))
2338 (list (car tokens) (cdr tokens))))
2340 ;; ;; implicitly append? the name of the temporary source file
2341 ;; (list (car tokens) (append (cdr tokens) (list flymake-temp-source-file-name)))))
2343 (t
2344 ;; fallback
2345 (list "csc.exe"
2346 (append (csharp-flymake-get-final-csc-arguments
2347 csharp-flymake-csc-arguments)
2348 (list source)))))))
2351 ;; (defun csharp-flymake-get-cmdline (source base-dir)
2352 ;; "Gets the cmd line for running a flymake session in a C# buffer.
2353 ;; This gets called by flymake itself.
2354 ;;
2355 ;; The fn looks in the buffer for a line that looks like:
2356 ;;
2357 ;; flymake: <command goes here>
2358 ;;
2359 ;; (It should be embedded into a comment)
2360 ;;
2361 ;; Typically the command will be a line that runs nmake.exe,
2362 ;; msbuild.exe, or cscc.exe, with various options. It should
2363 ;; eventually run the CSC.exe compiler, or something else that emits
2364 ;; error messages in the same form as the C# compiler.
2365 ;;
2366 ;; In general, when running the compiler, you should use a target
2367 ;; type of \"module\" (eg, /t:module) to allow csharp-mode to
2368 ;; clean up the products of the build.
2369 ;;
2370 ;; See `csharp-cmd-line-limit' for a way to restrict where
2371 ;; csharp-mode will search for the command.
2372 ;;
2373 ;; If this string is not found, then this fn will fallback to a
2374 ;; generic, generated csc.exe command.
2375 ;;
2376 ;; "
2377 ;; (let ((explicitly-specified-command
2378 ;; (let ((line-limit csharp-cmd-line-limit)
2379 ;; start search-limit found)
2380 ;; ;; determine what lines to look in
2381 ;; (save-excursion
2382 ;; (save-restriction
2383 ;; (widen)
2384 ;; (cond ((> line-limit 0)
2385 ;; (goto-char (setq start (point-min)))
2386 ;; (forward-line line-limit)
2387 ;; (setq search-limit (point)))
2388 ;; ((< line-limit 0)
2389 ;; (goto-char (setq search-limit (point-max)))
2390 ;; (forward-line line-limit)
2391 ;; (setq start (point)))
2392 ;; (t ;0 => no limit (use with care!)
2393 ;; (setq start (point-min))
2394 ;; (setq search-limit (point-max))))))
2395 ;;
2396 ;; ;; look in those lines
2397 ;; (save-excursion
2398 ;; (save-restriction
2399 ;; (widen)
2400 ;; (if (and start
2401 ;; (< (goto-char start) search-limit)
2402 ;; (re-search-forward "\\bflymake-command[ \t]*:[ \t]*\\(.+\\)$" search-limit 'move))
2403 ;;
2404 ;; (buffer-substring-no-properties
2405 ;; (match-beginning 1)
2406 ;; (match-end 1))))))))
2407 ;;
2408 ;; (cond
2409 ;; (explicitly-specified-command
2410 ;; ;; the marker string was found in the buffer
2411 ;; (let ((tokens (csharp-split-string-respecting-quotes
2412 ;; explicitly-specified-command)))
2413 ;; ;; implicitly append the name of the temporary source file
2414 ;; (list (car tokens) (append (cdr tokens) (list flymake-temp-source-file-name)))))
2415 ;;
2416 ;; (t
2417 ;; ;; fallback
2418 ;; (list "csc.exe"
2419 ;; (append (csharp-flymake-get-final-csc-arguments
2420 ;; csharp-flymake-csc-arguments)
2421 ;; (list source)))))))
2427 (defun csharp-flymake-install ()
2428 "Change flymake variables and fns to work with C#.
2430 This fn does these things:
2432 1. add a C# entry to the flymake-allowed-file-name-masks,
2433 or replace it if it already exists.
2435 2. add a C# entry to flymake-err-line-patterns.
2436 This isn't strictly necessary because of item #4.
2438 3. override the definition for flymake-process-sentinel
2439 to NOT check the process status on exit. MSBuild.exe
2440 sets a non-zero status code when compile errors occur,
2441 which causes flymake to disable itself with the regular
2442 flymake-process-sentinel.
2444 4. redefine flymake-start-syntax-check-process to unset the
2445 query-on-exit flag for flymake processes. This allows emacs to
2446 exit even if flymake is currently running.
2448 5. provide advice to flymake-parse-line and
2449 flymake-parse-err-lines, specifically set up for C#
2450 buffers. This allows optimized searching for errors in csc.exe
2451 output, and storing column numbers, for use in #6.
2453 6. define advice to flymake-goto-line , to allow it to goto the
2454 appropriate column for the error on a given line. This advice
2455 looks in flymake-er-info, a list, and uses the heuristic that
2456 the first error that matches the given line number, is the error
2457 we want. This will break if there is more than one error on a
2458 single line.
2460 "
2462 (flymake-log 2 "csharp-flymake-install")
2464 (or csharp--flymake-has-been-installed
2465 (progn
2467 ;; 1. add a C# entry to the flymake-allowed-file-name-masks
2468 (let* ((key "\\.cs\\'")
2469 (csharpentry (assoc key flymake-allowed-file-name-masks)))
2470 (if csharpentry
2471 (setcdr csharpentry '(csharp-flymake-init csharp-flymake-cleanup))
2472 (add-to-list
2473 'flymake-allowed-file-name-masks
2474 (list key 'csharp-flymake-init 'csharp-flymake-cleanup))))
2477 ;; 2. add a C# entry to flymake-err-line-patterns
2478 ;;
2479 ;; The value of each entry is a list, (STRING IX1 IX2 IX3 IX4), where
2480 ;; STRING is the regex, and the other 4 values are indexes into the
2481 ;; regex captures for the filename, line, column, and error text,
2482 ;; respectively.
2483 (add-to-list
2484 'flymake-err-line-patterns
2485 (list csharp-flymake-csc-error-pattern 1 2 3 4))
2489 ;; 3. override the definition for flymake-process-sentinel
2490 ;;
2491 ;; DPC - 2011 Feb 26
2492 ;; Redefining a function is a bit unusual, but I think it is necessary
2493 ;; to remove the check on process exit status. For VBC.exe, it gives
2494 ;; a 1 status when compile errors result. Likewise msbuild.exe. This
2495 ;; means flymake turns itself off, which we don't want. This really
2496 ;; ought to be tunable in flymake, but I guess no one asked for that
2497 ;; feature yet.
2498 (defun flymake-process-sentinel (process event)
2499 "Sentinel for syntax check buffers."
2500 (when (memq (process-status process) '(signal exit))
2501 (let* ((exit-status (process-exit-status process))
2502 (command (process-command process))
2503 (source-buffer (process-buffer process))
2504 (cleanup-f (flymake-get-cleanup-function (buffer-file-name source-buffer))))
2506 (flymake-log 2 "process %d exited with code %d"
2507 (process-id process) exit-status)
2508 (condition-case err
2509 (progn
2510 (flymake-log 3 "cleaning up using %s" cleanup-f)
2511 (when (buffer-live-p source-buffer)
2512 (with-current-buffer source-buffer
2513 (funcall cleanup-f)))
2515 (delete-process process)
2516 (setq flymake-processes (delq process flymake-processes))
2518 (when (buffer-live-p source-buffer)
2519 (with-current-buffer source-buffer
2521 (flymake-parse-residual)
2522 ;;(flymake-post-syntax-check exit-status command)
2523 (flymake-post-syntax-check 0 command)
2524 (setq flymake-is-running nil))))
2525 (error
2526 (let ((err-str (format "Error in process sentinel for buffer %s: %s"
2527 source-buffer (error-message-string err))))
2528 (flymake-log 0 err-str)
2529 (with-current-buffer source-buffer
2530 (setq flymake-is-running nil))))))))
2533 ;; 4. redefine this fn - the reason is to allow exit without query on
2534 ;; flymake processes. Not sure why this is not the default.
2535 (defun flymake-start-syntax-check-process (cmd args dir)
2536 "Start syntax check process."
2537 (let* ((process nil))
2538 (condition-case err
2539 (progn
2540 (when dir
2541 (let ((default-directory dir))
2542 (flymake-log 3 "starting process on dir %s" default-directory)))
2543 (setq process (apply 'start-process "flymake-proc" (current-buffer) cmd args))
2545 ;; dino - exit without query on active flymake processes
2546 (set-process-query-on-exit-flag process nil)
2548 (set-process-sentinel process 'flymake-process-sentinel)
2549 (set-process-filter process 'flymake-process-filter)
2550 (push process flymake-processes)
2552 (setq flymake-is-running t)
2553 (setq flymake-last-change-time nil)
2554 (setq flymake-check-start-time (flymake-float-time))
2556 (flymake-report-status nil "*")
2557 (flymake-log 2 "started process %d, command=%s, dir=%s"
2558 (process-id process) (process-command process)
2559 default-directory)
2560 process)
2561 (error
2562 (let* ((err-str (format "Failed to launch syntax check process '%s' with args %s: %s"
2563 cmd args (error-message-string err)))
2564 (source-file-name buffer-file-name)
2565 (cleanup-f (flymake-get-cleanup-function source-file-name)))
2566 (flymake-log 0 err-str)
2567 (funcall cleanup-f)
2568 (flymake-report-fatal-status "PROCERR" err-str))))))
2571 ;; 5. define some advice for the error parsing
2572 (defadvice flymake-parse-err-lines (before
2573 csharp-flymake-parse-line-patch-1
2574 activate compile)
2575 (if (string-match "\\.[Cc][Ss]$" (file-relative-name buffer-file-name))
2576 ;; clear the auxiliary line information list, when a new parse
2577 ;; starts.
2578 (setq csharp-flymake-aux-error-info nil)))
2580 (defadvice flymake-parse-line (around
2581 csharp-flymake-parse-line-patch-2
2582 activate compile)
2583 ;; This advice will run in all buffers. Let's may sure we
2584 ;; actually execute the important stiff only when a C# buffer is active.
2585 (if (string-match "\\.[Cc][Ss]$" (file-relative-name buffer-file-name))
2587 (let (raw-file-name
2588 e-text
2589 result
2590 (pattern (list csharp-flymake-csc-error-pattern 1 2 3 4))
2591 (line-no 0)
2592 (col-no 0)
2593 (err-type "e"))
2594 (if (string-match (car pattern) line)
2595 (let* ((file-idx (nth 1 pattern))
2596 (line-idx (nth 2 pattern))
2597 (col-idx (nth 3 pattern))
2598 (e-idx (nth 4 pattern)))
2599 (flymake-log 3 "parse line: fx=%s lx=%s ex=%s"
2600 file-idx line-idx e-idx)
2601 (setq raw-file-name (if file-idx (match-string file-idx line) nil))
2602 (setq line-no (if line-idx (string-to-number (match-string line-idx line)) 0))
2603 (setq col-no (if col-idx (string-to-number (match-string col-idx line)) 0))
2604 (setq e-text (if e-idx
2605 (match-string e-idx line)
2606 (flymake-patch-e-text (substring line (match-end 0)))))
2607 (or e-text (setq e-text "<no error text>"))
2608 (if (and e-text (string-match "^[wW]arning" e-text))
2609 (setq err-type "w"))
2610 (flymake-log 3 "parse line: fx=%s/%s lin=%s/%s col=%s/%s text=%s"
2611 file-idx raw-file-name
2612 line-idx line-no
2613 col-idx (prin1-to-string col-no)
2614 e-text)
2616 ;; add one entry to the list of auxiliary error information.
2617 (add-to-list 'csharp-flymake-aux-error-info
2618 (list line-no col-no))
2620 (setq ad-return-value
2621 (flymake-ler-make-ler raw-file-name line-no err-type e-text nil))
2622 )))
2624 ;; else - not in a C# buffer
2625 ad-do-it))
2628 ;; 6. finally, define some advice for the line navigation. It moves
2629 ;; to the proper column, given the line number containing the
2630 ;; error. It first calls the normal `flymake-goto-line', and assumes
2631 ;; that the result is that the cursor is on the line that contains the
2632 ;; error. At exit from that fn, the column is not important. This advice
2633 ;; sets the column.
2634 (defadvice flymake-goto-line (around
2635 csharp-flymake-goto-line-patch
2636 activate compile)
2637 ;; This advice will run in all buffers. Let's may sure we
2638 ;; actually execute the important stuff only when a C# buffer is active.
2639 ad-do-it
2640 (if (string-match "\\.[Cc][Ss]$" (file-relative-name buffer-file-name))
2641 (let* ((lno (ad-get-arg 0))
2642 (epair (assoc lno csharp-flymake-aux-error-info)))
2643 (if epair
2644 (forward-char (- (cadr epair) (current-column) 1))))))
2647 ;; 7. finally, set the flag
2648 (setq csharp--flymake-has-been-installed t))))
2652 ;; Need to temporarily turn off flymake while reverting.
2653 ;; There' some kind of race-condition where flymake is trying
2654 ;; to compile while the buffer is being changed, and that
2655 ;; causes flymake to choke.
2656 (defadvice revert-buffer (around
2657 csharp-advise-revert-buffer
2658 activate compile)
2659 (let ((is-flymake-enabled
2660 (and (fboundp 'flymake-mode)
2661 flymake-mode)))
2662 ;; disable
2663 (if is-flymake-enabled
2664 (flymake-mode-off))
2666 ;; revert
2667 ad-do-it
2669 ;; enable
2670 (if is-flymake-enabled
2671 (flymake-mode-on))))
2673 ;; ++++++++++++++++++++++
2678 ;; ========================================================================
2679 ;; moving
2681 ;; alist of regexps for various structures in a csharp source file.
2682 (eval-and-compile
2683 (defconst csharp--regexp-alist
2684 (list
2686 `(func-start
2687 ,(concat
2688 "^[ \t\n\r\f\v]*" ;; leading whitespace
2689 "\\("
2690 "public\\(?: static\\)?\\|" ;; 1. access modifier
2691 "private\\(?: static\\)?\\|"
2692 "protected\\(?: internal\\)?\\(?: static\\)?\\|"
2693 "static\\|"
2694 "\\)"
2695 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]+"
2696 "\\(?:override[ \t\n\r\f\v]+\\)?" ;; optional
2697 "\\([[:alpha:]_][^\t\(\n]+\\)" ;; 2. return type - possibly generic
2698 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]+"
2699 "\\([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*\\)" ;; 3. name of func
2700 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2701 "\\(\([^\)]*\)\\)" ;; 4. params w/parens
2702 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2703 ))
2705 `(ctor-start
2706 ,(concat
2707 "^[ \t\n\r\f\v]*" ;; leading whitespace
2708 "\\("
2709 "public\\|" ;; 1. access modifier
2710 "private\\|"
2711 "protected\\(?: internal\\)?\\|"
2712 "static\\|"
2713 "\\)"
2714 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]+"
2715 "\\([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*\\)" ;; 2. name of ctor
2716 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2717 "\\(\([^\)]*\)\\)" ;; 3. parameter list (with parens)
2718 "\\(" ;; 4. ctor dependency
2719 "[ \t\n]*:[ \t\n]*" ;; colon
2720 "\\(?:this\\|base\\)" ;; this or base
2721 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2722 "\\(?:\([^\)]*\)\\)" ;; parameter list (with parens)
2723 "\\)?" ;; possibly
2724 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2725 ))
2728 `(using-stmt
2729 ,(concat
2730 ;;"^[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2731 "\\(\\<using\\)"
2732 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]+"
2733 "\\(?:"
2734 "\\([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*\\)" ;; alias
2735 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2736 "="
2737 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2738 "\\)?"
2739 "\\("
2740 "\\(?:[A-Za-z_][[:alnum:]]*\\.\\)*"
2741 "[A-Za-z_][[:alnum:]]*"
2742 "\\)" ;; imported namespace
2743 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2744 ";"
2745 ))
2747 `(class-start
2748 ,(concat
2749 "^[ \t]*" ;; leading whitespace
2750 "\\("
2751 "public\\(?: \\(?:static\\|sealed\\)\\)?[ \t]+\\|" ;; access modifiers
2752 "internal\\(?: \\(?:static\\|sealed\\)\\)?[ \t]+\\|"
2753 "static\\(?: internal\\)?[ \t]+\\|"
2754 "sealed\\(?: internal\\)?[ \t]+\\|"
2755 "static[ \t]+\\|"
2756 "sealed[ \t]+\\|"
2757 "\\)"
2758 "\\(\\(?:partial[ \t]+\\)?class\\|struct\\)" ;; class/struct keyword
2759 "[ \t]+"
2760 "\\([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]]*\\)" ;; type name
2761 "\\("
2762 "[ \t\n]*:[ \t\n]*" ;; colon
2763 "\\([[:alpha:]_][^\t\(\n]+\\)" ;; base / intf - poss generic
2764 "\\("
2765 "[ \t\n]*,[ \t\n]*"
2766 "\\([[:alpha:]_][^\t\(\n]+\\)" ;; addl interface - poss generic
2767 "\\)*"
2768 "\\)?" ;; possibly
2769 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2770 ))
2772 `(genclass-start
2773 ,(concat
2774 "^[ \t]*" ;; leading whitespace
2775 "\\("
2776 "public\\(?: \\(?:static\\|sealed\\)\\)?[ \t]+\\|" ;; access modifiers
2777 "internal\\(?: \\(?:static\\|sealed\\)\\)?[ \t]+\\|"
2778 "static\\(?: internal\\)?[ \t]+\\|"
2779 "sealed\\(?: internal\\)?[ \t]+\\|"
2780 "static[ \t]+\\|"
2781 "sealed[ \t]+\\|"
2782 "\\)"
2783 "\\(\\(?:partial[ \t]+\\)?class\\|struct\\)" ;; class/struct keyword
2784 "[ \t]+"
2785 "\\([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_<>, ]*\\)" ;; type name (generic)
2786 "\\("
2787 "[ \t\n]*:[ \t\n]*" ;; colon
2788 "\\([[:alpha:]_][^\t\(\n]+\\)" ;; base / intf - poss generic
2789 "\\("
2790 "[ \t\n]*,[ \t\n]*"
2791 "\\([[:alpha:]_][^\t\(\n]+\\)" ;; addl interface - poss generic
2792 "\\)*"
2793 "\\)?" ;; possibly
2794 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2795 ))
2797 `(enum-start
2798 ,(concat
2799 "^[ \t\f\v]*" ;; leading whitespace
2800 "\\("
2801 "public[ \t]+enum\\|" ;; enum keyword
2802 "enum"
2803 "\\)"
2804 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]+"
2805 "\\([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*\\)" ;; name of enum
2806 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2807 "\\(:[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2808 "\\("
2809 "sbyte\\|byte\\|short\\|ushort\\|int\\|uint\\|long\\|ulong"
2810 "\\)"
2811 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2812 "\\)?" ;; possibly
2813 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2814 ))
2817 `(intf-start
2818 ,(concat
2819 "^[ \t\f\v]*" ;; leading whitespace
2820 "\\(?:"
2821 "public\\|internal\\|" ;; access modifier
2822 "\\)"
2823 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]+"
2824 "\\(interface\\)"
2825 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]+"
2826 "\\([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*\\)" ;; name of interface
2827 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2828 ))
2830 `(prop-start
2831 ,(concat
2832 "^[ \t\f\v]*" ;; leading whitespace
2833 "\\("
2834 "public\\|" ;; 1: access modifier
2835 "private\\|"
2836 "protected internal\\|"
2837 "internal protected\\|"
2838 "internal\\|"
2839 "\\)"
2840 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]+"
2841 "\\([[:alpha:]_][^\t\(\n]+\\)" ;; 2: return type - possibly generic
2842 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]+"
2843 "\\("
2844 "\\(?:[A-Za-z_][[:alnum:]_]*\\.\\)*" ;; possible prefix interface
2845 "[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*" ;; 3: name of prop
2846 "\\)"
2847 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2848 ))
2850 `(indexer-start
2851 ,(concat
2852 "^[ \t\f\v]*" ;; leading whitespace
2853 "\\("
2854 "public\\|" ;; 1: access modifier
2855 "private\\|"
2856 "protected internal\\|"
2857 "internal protected\\|"
2858 "internal\\|"
2859 "\\)"
2860 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]+"
2861 "\\([[:alpha:]_][^\t\(\n]+\\)" ;; 2: return type - possibly generic
2862 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]+"
2863 "\\(this\\)" ;; 3: 'this' keyword
2864 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2865 "\\[" ;; open square bracket
2866 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2867 "\\([^\]]+\\)" ;; 4: index type
2868 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]+"
2869 "[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*" ;; index name - a simple identifier
2870 "\\]" ;; closing sq bracket
2871 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2872 ))
2874 `(namespace-start
2875 ,(concat
2876 "^[ \t\f\v]*" ;; leading whitespace
2877 "\\(namespace\\)"
2878 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]+"
2879 "\\("
2880 "\\(?:[A-Za-z_][[:alnum:]_]*\\.\\)*" ;; name of namespace
2881 "[A-Za-z_][[:alnum:]]*"
2882 "\\)"
2883 "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*"
2884 ))
2886 )))
2889 (defun csharp--regexp (symbol)
2890 "Retrieves a regexp from the `csharp--regexp-alist' corresponding
2891 to the given symbol.
2892 "
2893 (let ((elt (assoc symbol csharp--regexp-alist)))
2894 (if elt (cadr elt) nil)))
2897 (defun csharp-move-back-to-beginning-of-block ()
2898 "Moves to the previous open curly.
2899 "
2900 (interactive)
2901 (re-search-backward "{" (point-min) t))
2904 (defun csharp--move-back-to-beginning-of-something (must-match &optional must-not-match)
2905 "Moves back to the open-curly that defines the beginning of *something*,
2906 defined by the given MUST-MATCH, a regexp which must match immediately
2907 preceding the curly. If MUST-NOT-MATCH is non-nil, it is treated
2908 as a regexp that must not match immediately preceding the curly.
2910 This is a helper fn for `csharp-move-back-to-beginning-of-defun' and
2911 `csharp-move-back-to-beginning-of-class'
2913 "
2914 (interactive)
2915 (let (done
2916 (found (point))
2917 (need-to-backup (not (looking-at "{"))))
2918 (while (not done)
2919 (if need-to-backup
2920 (setq found (csharp-move-back-to-beginning-of-block)))
2921 (if found
2922 (setq done (and (looking-back must-match)
2923 (or (not must-not-match)
2924 (not (looking-back must-not-match))))
2925 need-to-backup t)
2926 (setq done t)))
2927 found))
2931 (defun csharp-move-back-to-beginning-of-defun ()
2932 "Moves back to the open-curly that defines the beginning of the
2933 enclosing method. If point is outside a method, then move back to the
2934 beginning of the prior method.
2936 See also, `csharp-move-fwd-to-end-of-defun'.
2937 "
2938 (interactive)
2939 (cond
2941 ((bobp) nil)
2943 (t
2944 (let (found)
2945 (save-excursion
2946 ;; handle the case where we're at the top of a fn now.
2947 ;; if the user is asking to move back, then obviously
2948 ;; he wants to move back to a *prior* defun.
2949 (if (and (looking-at "{")
2950 (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'func-start))
2951 (not (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'namespace-start))))
2952 (forward-char -1))
2954 ;; now do the real work
2955 (setq found (csharp--move-back-to-beginning-of-something
2956 (csharp--regexp 'func-start)
2957 (csharp--regexp 'namespace-start))))
2958 (if found
2959 (goto-char found))))))
2962 (defun csharp--on-defun-close-curly-p ()
2963 "return t when point is on the close-curly of a method."
2964 (and (looking-at "}")
2965 (save-excursion
2966 (and
2967 (progn (forward-char) (forward-sexp -1) t)
2968 (not (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'class-start)))
2969 (not (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'namespace-start)))
2970 (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'func-start))))))
2972 (defun csharp--on-ctor-close-curly-p ()
2973 "return t when point is on the close-curly of a constructor."
2974 (and (looking-at "}")
2975 (save-excursion
2976 (and
2977 (progn (forward-char) (forward-sexp -1) t)
2978 (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'ctor-start))))))
2980 (defun csharp--on-class-close-curly-p ()
2981 "return t when point is on the close-curly of a class or struct."
2982 (and (looking-at "}")
2983 (save-excursion
2984 (and
2985 (progn (forward-char) (forward-sexp -1) t)
2986 (not (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'namespace-start)))
2987 (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'class-start))))))
2989 (defun csharp--on-intf-close-curly-p ()
2990 "return t when point is on the close-curly of an interface."
2991 (and (looking-at "}")
2992 (save-excursion
2993 (and
2994 (progn (forward-char) (forward-sexp -1) t)
2995 (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'intf-start))))))
2997 (defun csharp--on-enum-close-curly-p ()
2998 "return t when point is on the close-curly of an enum."
2999 (and (looking-at "}")
3000 (save-excursion
3001 (and
3002 (progn (forward-char) (forward-sexp -1) t)
3003 (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'enum-start))))))
3005 (defun csharp--on-namespace-close-curly-p ()
3006 "return t when point is on the close-curly of a namespace."
3007 (and (looking-at "}")
3008 (save-excursion
3009 (and
3010 (progn (forward-char) (forward-sexp -1) t)
3011 (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'namespace-start))))))
3013 (defun csharp--on-defun-open-curly-p ()
3014 "return t when point is on the open-curly of a method."
3015 (and (looking-at "{")
3016 (not (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'class-start)))
3017 (not (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'namespace-start)))
3018 (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'func-start))))
3020 (defun csharp--on-class-open-curly-p ()
3021 "return t when point is on the open-curly of a class."
3022 (and (looking-at "{")
3023 (not (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'namespace-start)))
3024 (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'class-start))))
3026 (defun csharp--on-genclass-open-curly-p ()
3027 "return t when point is on the open-curly of a generic class."
3028 (and (looking-at "{")
3029 (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'genclass-start))))
3031 (defun csharp--on-namespace-open-curly-p ()
3032 "return t when point is on the open-curly of a namespace."
3033 (and (looking-at "{")
3034 (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'namespace-start))))
3036 (defun csharp--on-ctor-open-curly-p ()
3037 "return t when point is on the open-curly of a ctor."
3038 (and (looking-at "{")
3039 (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'ctor-start))))
3041 (defun csharp--on-intf-open-curly-p ()
3042 "return t when point is on the open-curly of a interface."
3043 (and (looking-at "{")
3044 (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'intf-start))))
3046 (defun csharp--on-prop-open-curly-p ()
3047 "return t when point is on the open-curly of a property."
3048 (and (looking-at "{")
3049 (not (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'class-start)))
3050 (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'prop-start))))
3052 (defun csharp--on-indexer-open-curly-p ()
3053 "return t when point is on the open-curly of a C# indexer."
3054 (and (looking-at "{")
3055 (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'indexer-start))))
3057 (defun csharp--on-enum-open-curly-p ()
3058 "return t when point is on the open-curly of a interface."
3059 (and (looking-at "{")
3060 (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'enum-start))))
3064 (defun csharp-move-fwd-to-end-of-defun ()
3065 "Moves forward to the close-curly that defines the end of the enclosing
3066 method. If point is outside a method, moves forward to the close-curly that
3067 defines the end of the next method.
3069 See also, `csharp-move-back-to-beginning-of-defun'.
3070 "
3071 (interactive)
3073 (let ((really-move
3074 (lambda ()
3075 (let ((start (point))
3076 dest-char)
3077 (save-excursion
3078 (csharp-move-back-to-beginning-of-defun)
3079 (forward-sexp)
3080 (if (>= (point) start)
3081 (setq dest-char (point))))
3082 (if dest-char
3083 (goto-char dest-char))))))
3085 (cond
3087 ;; case 1: end of buffer. do nothing.
3088 ((eobp) nil)
3090 ;; case 2: we're at the top of a class
3091 ((csharp--on-class-open-curly-p)
3092 (let (found-it)
3093 (save-excursion
3094 (forward-char 1) ;; get off the curly
3095 (setq found-it
3096 (and ;; look for next open curly
3097 (re-search-forward "{" (point-max) t)
3098 (funcall really-move))))
3099 (if found-it
3100 (goto-char found-it))))
3103 ;; case 3: we're at the top of a fn now.
3104 ((csharp--on-defun-open-curly-p)
3105 (forward-sexp))
3108 ;; case 4: we're at the bottom of a fn now (possibly
3109 ;; after just calling csharp-move-fwd-to-end-of-defun.
3110 ((and (looking-back "}")
3111 (save-excursion
3112 (forward-sexp -1)
3113 (csharp--on-defun-open-curly-p)))
3115 (let (found-it)
3116 (save-excursion
3117 (setq found-it
3118 (and (re-search-forward "{" (point-max) t)
3119 (funcall really-move))))
3120 (if found-it
3121 (goto-char found-it))))
3124 ;; case 5: we're at none of those places.
3125 (t
3126 (funcall really-move)))))
3131 (defun csharp-move-back-to-beginning-of-class ()
3132 "Moves back to the open-curly that defines the beginning of the
3133 enclosing class. If point is outside a class, then move back to the
3134 beginning of the prior class.
3136 See also, `csharp-move-fwd-to-end-of-defun'.
3137 "
3138 (interactive)
3140 (cond
3141 ((bobp) nil)
3143 (t
3144 (let (found)
3145 (save-excursion
3146 ;; handle the case where we're at the top of a class now.
3147 ;; if the user is asking to move back, then obviously
3148 ;; he wants to move back to a *prior* defun.
3149 (if (and (looking-at "{")
3150 (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'class-start))
3151 (not (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'namespace-start))))
3152 (forward-char -1))
3154 ;; now do the real work
3155 (setq found (csharp--move-back-to-beginning-of-something
3156 (csharp--regexp 'class-start)
3157 (csharp--regexp 'namespace-start))))
3158 (if found
3159 (goto-char found))))))
3164 (defun csharp-move-fwd-to-end-of-class ()
3165 "Moves forward to the close-curly that defines the end of the
3166 enclosing class.
3168 See also, `csharp-move-back-to-beginning-of-class'.
3169 "
3170 (interactive)
3171 (let ((start (point))
3172 dest-char)
3173 (save-excursion
3174 (csharp-move-back-to-beginning-of-class)
3175 (forward-sexp)
3176 (if (>= (point) start)
3177 (setq dest-char (point))))
3179 (if dest-char
3180 (goto-char dest-char))))
3184 (defun csharp-move-back-to-beginning-of-namespace ()
3185 "Moves back to the open-curly that defines the beginning of the
3186 enclosing namespace. If point is outside a namespace, then move back
3187 to the beginning of the prior namespace.
3189 "
3190 (interactive)
3191 (cond
3193 ((bobp) nil)
3195 (t
3196 (let (found)
3197 (save-excursion
3198 ;; handle the case where we're at the top of a namespace now.
3199 ;; if the user is asking to move back, then obviously
3200 ;; he wants to move back to a *prior* defun.
3201 (if (and (looking-at "{")
3202 (looking-back (csharp--regexp 'namespace-start)))
3203 (forward-char -1))
3205 ;; now do the real work
3206 (setq found (csharp--move-back-to-beginning-of-something
3207 (csharp--regexp 'namespace-start))))
3208 (if found
3209 (goto-char found))))))
3211 ;; moving
3212 ;; ========================================================================
3217 ;; ==================================================================
3218 ;;; imenu stuff
3220 ;; define some advice for menu construction.
3222 ;; The way imenu constructs menus from the index alist, in
3223 ;; `imenu--split-menu', is ... ah ... perplexing. If the csharp
3224 ;; create-index fn returns an ordered menu, and the imenu "sort" fn has
3225 ;; been set to nil, imenu still sorts the menu, according to the rule
3226 ;; that all submenus must appear at the top of any menu. Why? I don't
3227 ;; know. This advice disables that weirdness in C# buffers.
3229 (defadvice imenu--split-menu (around
3230 csharp--imenu-split-menu-patch
3231 activate compile)
3232 ;; This advice will run in all buffers. Let's may sure we
3233 ;; actually execute the important bits only when a C# buffer is active.
3234 (if (and (string-match "\\.[Cc][Ss]$" (file-relative-name buffer-file-name))
3235 (boundp 'csharp-want-imenu)
3236 csharp-want-imenu)
3237 (let ((menulist (copy-sequence menulist))
3238 keep-at-top)
3239 (if (memq imenu--rescan-item menulist)
3240 (setq keep-at-top (list imenu--rescan-item)
3241 menulist (delq imenu--rescan-item menulist)))
3242 ;; This is the part from the original imenu code
3243 ;; that puts submenus at the top. huh? why?
3244 ;; --------------------------------------------
3245 ;; (setq tail menulist)
3246 ;; (dolist (item tail)
3247 ;; (when (imenu--subalist-p item)
3248 ;; (push item keep-at-top)
3249 ;; (setq menulist (delq item menulist))))
3250 (if imenu-sort-function
3251 (setq menulist (sort menulist imenu-sort-function)))
3252 (if (> (length menulist) imenu-max-items)
3253 (setq menulist
3254 (mapcar
3255 (lambda (menu)
3256 (cons (format "From: %s" (caar menu)) menu))
3257 (imenu--split menulist imenu-max-items))))
3258 (setq ad-return-value
3259 (cons title
3260 (nconc (nreverse keep-at-top) menulist))))
3261 ;; else
3262 ad-do-it))
3265 ;;
3266 ;; I used this to examine the performance of the imenu scanning.
3267 ;; It's not necessary during normal operation.
3268 ;;
3269 ;; (defun csharp-imenu-begin-profile ()
3270 ;; "turn on profiling"
3271 ;; (interactive)
3272 ;; (let ((fns '(csharp--on-class-open-curly-p
3273 ;; csharp--on-namespace-open-curly-p
3274 ;; csharp--on-ctor-open-curly-p
3275 ;; csharp--on-enum-open-curly-p
3276 ;; csharp--on-intf-open-curly-p
3277 ;; csharp--on-prop-open-curly-p
3278 ;; csharp--on-indexer-open-curly-p
3279 ;; csharp--on-defun-open-curly-p
3280 ;; csharp--imenu-create-index-helper
3281 ;; looking-back
3282 ;; looking-at)))
3283 ;; (if (fboundp 'elp-reset-all)
3284 ;; (elp-reset-all))
3285 ;; (mapc 'elp-instrument-function fns)))
3289 (defun csharp--imenu-remove-param-names-from-paramlist (s)
3290 "The input string S is a parameter list, of the form seen in a
3291 C# method. TYPE1 NAME1 [, TYPE2 NAME2 ...]
3293 This fn returns a string of the form TYPE1 [, TYPE2...]
3295 Upon entry, it's assumed that the parens included in S.
3297 "
3298 (if (string= s "()")
3299 s
3300 (save-match-data
3301 (let* (new
3302 (state 0) ;; 0 => ws, 1=>slurping param...
3303 c
3304 cs
3305 nesting
3306 need-type
3307 ix2
3308 (s2 (substring s 1 -1))
3309 (len (length s2))
3310 (i (1- len)))
3312 (while (> i 0)
3313 (setq c (aref s2 i) ;; current character
3314 cs (char-to-string c)) ;; s.t. as a string
3316 (cond
3318 ;; backing over whitespace "after" the param
3319 ((= state 0)
3320 (cond
3321 ;; more ws
3322 ((string-match "[ \t\f\v\n\r]" cs)
3323 t)
3324 ;; a legal char for an identifier
3325 ((string-match "[A-Za-z_0-9]" cs)
3326 (setq state 1))
3327 (t
3328 (error "unexpected char (A)"))))
3331 ;; slurping param name
3332 ((= state 1)
3333 (cond
3334 ;; ws signifies the end of the param
3335 ((string-match "[ \t\f\v\n\r]" cs)
3336 (setq state 2))
3337 ;; a legal char for an identifier
3338 ((string-match "[A-Za-z_0-9]" cs)
3339 t)
3340 (t
3341 (error "unexpected char (B)"))))
3344 ;; ws between typespec and param name
3345 ((= state 2)
3346 (cond
3347 ((string-match "[ \t\f\v\n\r]" cs)
3348 t)
3349 ;; non-ws indicates the type spec is beginning
3350 (t
3351 (incf i)
3352 (setq state 3
3353 need-type nil
3354 nesting 0
3355 ix2 i))))
3358 ;; slurping type
3359 ((= state 3)
3360 (cond
3361 ((= ?> c) (incf nesting))
3362 ((= ?< c)
3363 (decf nesting)
3364 (setq need-type t))
3366 ;; ws or comma maybe signifies the end of the typespec
3367 ((string-match "[ \t\f\v\n\r,]" cs)
3368 (if (and (= nesting 0) (not need-type))
3369 (progn
3370 (setq new (cons (substring s2 (1+ i) ix2) new))
3371 (setq state
3372 (if (= c ?,) 0 4)))))
3374 ((string-match "[A-Za-z_0-9]" cs)
3375 (setq need-type nil))))
3378 ;; awaiting comma or b-o-s
3379 ((= state 4)
3380 (cond
3382 ((= ?, c)
3383 (if (= nesting 0)
3384 (setq state 0)))
3386 ((string-match "[ \t\f\v\n\r]" cs)
3387 t)
3389 ((= 93 c) (incf nesting)) ;; sq brack
3390 ((= 91 c) ;; open sq brack
3391 (decf nesting))
3393 ;; handle this (extension methods), out, ref, params
3394 ((and (>= i 5)
3395 (string= (substring s2 (- i 5) (1+ i)) "params"))
3396 (setf (car new) (concat "params " (car new)))
3397 (setq i (- i 5)))
3399 ((and (>= i 3)
3400 (string= (substring s2 (- i 3) (1+ i)) "this"))
3401 (setf (car new) (concat "this " (car new)))
3402 (setq i (- i 3)))
3404 ((and (>= i 2)
3405 (string= (substring s2 (- i 2) (1+ i)) "ref"))
3406 (setf (car new) (concat "ref " (car new)))
3407 (setq i (- i 2)))
3409 ((and (>= i 2)
3410 (string= (substring s2 (- i 2) (1+ i)) "out"))
3411 (setf (car new) (concat "out " (car new)))
3412 (setq i (- i 2)))
3414 (t
3415 (error "unexpected char (C)"))))
3416 )
3418 (decf i))
3420 (if (and (= state 3) (= nesting 0))
3421 (setq new (cons (substring s2 i ix2) new)))
3423 (concat "("
3424 (if new
3425 (mapconcat 'identity new ", ")
3426 "")
3427 ")")))))
3430 (defun csharp--imenu-item-basic-comparer (a b)
3431 "Compares the car of each element, assumed to be a string."
3432 (string-lessp (car a) (car b)))
3435 (defun csharp--imenu-get-method-name-from-sig (sig)
3436 "Extract a method name with its parameter list from a method
3437 signature, SIG. This is used to aid in sorting methods by name,
3438 and secondarily by parameter list.
3440 For this input:
3442 private Dict<String, int> DoSomething(int, string)
3444 ...the output is:
3446 DoSomething(int, string)
3448 "
3449 (let* (c
3450 result
3451 (state 0)
3452 (len (length sig))
3453 (i (1- len)))
3454 (while (> i 0)
3455 (setq c (aref sig i))
3457 (cond
3458 ((and (= state 0) (= c 40))
3459 (setq state 1))
3461 ((and (= state 1) (or (= c 9) (= c 32)))
3462 (setq result (substring sig (1+ i))
3463 i 0)))
3464 (decf i))
3465 result))
3469 (defun csharp--imenu-item-method-name-comparer (a b)
3470 "Compares the method names in the respective cars of each element.
3472 The car of each element is assumed to be a string with multiple
3473 tokens in it, representing a method signature, including access
3474 modifier, return type, and parameter list (surrounded by parens).
3475 If the method takes no params, then it's just an empty pair of
3476 parens.
3478 This fn extracts the method name and param list from that
3479 signature and compares *that*.
3481 "
3482 (let ((methoda (csharp--imenu-get-method-name-from-sig (car a)))
3483 (methodb (csharp--imenu-get-method-name-from-sig (car b))))
3484 ;;(csharp-log -1 "compare '%s' <> '%s'" methoda methodb)
3485 (string-lessp methoda methodb)))
3489 (defun csharp--imenu-create-index-helper (&optional parent-ns indent-level
3490 consider-usings consider-namespaces)
3491 "Helper fn for `csharp-imenu-create-index'.
3493 Scans a possibly narrowed section of a c# buffer. It finds
3494 namespaces, classes, structs, enums, interfaces, and methods
3495 within classes and structs.
3497 The way it works: it looks for an open-curly. If the open-curly
3498 is a namespace or a class, it narrows to whatever is inside the
3499 curlies, then recurses.
3501 Otherwise (the open-curly is neither of those things), this fn
3502 tries to recognize the open-curly as the beginning of an enum,
3503 method, or interface.
3505 If it succeeds, then a menu item is created for the thing. Then
3506 it jumps to the matching close-curly, and continues. Stop when no
3507 more open-curlies are found.
3509 "
3511 ;; A C# module consists of zero of more explicitly denoted (and
3512 ;; possibly nested) namespaces. In the absence of an
3513 ;; explicitly-denoted namespace, the global namespace is implicitly
3514 ;; applied. Within each namespace there can be zero or more
3515 ;; "container" things - like class, struct, or interface; each with
3516 ;; zero or more indexable items - like methods, constructors.
3517 ;; and so on.
3519 ;; This fn parses the module and indexes those items, creating a
3520 ;; hierarchically organized list to describe them. Each container
3521 ;; (ns/class/struct/etc) is represented on a separate submenu.
3523 ;; It works like this:
3524 ;; (start at the top of the module)
3525 ;;
3526 ;; 1. look for a using clause
3527 ;; yes - insert an item in the menu; move past all using clauses.
3528 ;;
3529 ;; 2. go to next open curly
3530 ;;
3531 ;; 2. beginning of a container? (a class or namespace)
3532 ;;
3533 ;; yes - narrow, and recurse
3534 ;;
3535 ;; no - create a menu item for the thing, whatever it is. add to
3536 ;; the submenu. Go to the end of the thing (to the matching
3537 ;; close curly) then goto step 1.
3538 ;;
3540 (let (container-name
3541 (pos-last-curly -1)
3542 this-flavor
3543 this-item
3544 this-menu
3545 found-usings
3546 done)
3548 (while (not done)
3550 ;; move to the next thing
3551 (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
3552 (cond
3553 ((and consider-usings
3554 (re-search-forward (csharp--regexp 'using-stmt) (point-max) t))
3555 (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
3556 (setq found-usings t
3557 done nil))
3559 ((re-search-forward "{" (point-max) t)
3560 (if (= pos-last-curly (point))
3561 (progn
3562 ;;(csharp-log -1 "imenu: No advance? quitting (%d)" (point))
3563 (setq done t)) ;; haven't advanced- likely a loop
3565 (setq pos-last-curly (point))
3566 (let ((literal (csharp-in-literal)))
3567 ;; skip over comments?
3568 (cond
3570 ((memq literal '(c c++))
3571 (while (memq literal '(c c++))
3572 (end-of-line)
3573 (forward-char 1)
3574 (setq literal (csharp-in-literal)))
3575 (if (re-search-forward "{" (point-max) t)
3576 (forward-char -1)
3577 ;;(csharp-log -1 "imenu: No more curlies (A) (%d)" (point))
3578 (setq done t)))
3580 ((eq literal 'string)
3581 (if (re-search-forward "\"" (point-max) t)
3582 (forward-char 1)
3583 ;;(csharp-log -1 "imenu: Never-ending string? posn(%d)" (point))
3584 (setq done t)))
3586 (t
3587 (forward-char -1)))))) ;; backup onto the curly
3589 (t
3590 ;;(csharp-log -1 "imenu: No more curlies (B) posn(%d)" (point))
3591 (setq done t)))
3594 (if (not done)
3595 (cond
3597 ;; case 1: open curly for an array initializer
3598 ((looking-back "\\[\\][ \t\n\r]*")
3599 (forward-sexp 1))
3601 ;; case 2: just jumped over a string
3602 ((looking-back "\"")
3603 (forward-char 1))
3605 ;; case 3: at the head of a block of using statements
3606 (found-usings
3607 (setq found-usings nil
3608 consider-usings nil) ;; only one batch
3609 (let ((first-using (match-beginning 1))
3610 (count 0)
3611 marquis
3612 ;; don't search beyond next open curly
3613 (limit (1-
3614 (save-excursion
3615 (re-search-forward "{" (point-max) t)))))
3617 ;; count the using statements
3618 (while (re-search-forward (csharp--regexp 'using-stmt) limit t)
3619 (incf count))
3621 (setq marquis (if (eq count 1) "using (1)"
3622 (format "usings (%d)" count)))
3623 (push (cons marquis first-using) this-menu)))
3626 ;; case 4: an interface or enum inside the container
3627 ;; (must come before class / namespace )
3628 ((or (csharp--on-intf-open-curly-p)
3629 (csharp--on-enum-open-curly-p))
3630 (setq consider-namespaces nil
3631 consider-usings nil
3632 this-menu
3633 (append this-menu
3634 (list
3635 (cons (concat
3636 (match-string-no-properties 1) ;; thing flavor
3637 " "
3638 (match-string-no-properties 2)) ;; intf name
3639 (match-beginning 1)))))
3640 (forward-sexp 1))
3643 ;; case 5: at the start of a container (class, namespace)
3644 ((or (and consider-namespaces (csharp--on-namespace-open-curly-p))
3645 (csharp--on-class-open-curly-p)
3646 (csharp--on-genclass-open-curly-p))
3648 ;; produce a fully-qualified name for this thing
3649 (if (string= (match-string-no-properties 1) "namespace")
3650 (setq this-flavor (match-string-no-properties 1)
3651 this-item (match-string-no-properties 2))
3652 (setq this-flavor (match-string-no-properties 2)
3653 this-item (match-string-no-properties 3)
3654 consider-usings nil
3655 consider-namespaces nil))
3657 (setq container-name (if parent-ns
3658 (concat parent-ns "." this-item)
3659 this-item))
3661 ;; create a submenu
3662 (let (submenu
3663 (top (match-beginning 1))
3664 (open-curly (point))
3665 (close-curly (save-excursion
3666 (forward-sexp 1)
3667 (point))))
3668 (setq submenu
3669 (list
3670 (concat this-flavor " " container-name)
3671 (cons "(top)" top)))
3673 ;; find all contained items
3674 (save-restriction
3675 (narrow-to-region (1+ open-curly) (1- close-curly))
3677 (let* ((yok (string= this-flavor "namespace"))
3678 (child-menu
3679 (csharp--imenu-create-index-helper container-name
3680 (concat indent-level " ")
3681 yok yok)))
3682 (if child-menu
3683 (setq submenu
3684 (append submenu
3685 (sort child-menu
3686 'csharp--imenu-item-basic-comparer))))))
3687 (setq submenu
3688 (append submenu
3689 (list (cons "(bottom)" close-curly))))
3691 (setq this-menu
3692 (append this-menu (list submenu)))
3694 (goto-char close-curly)))
3697 ;; case 6: a property
3698 ((csharp--on-prop-open-curly-p)
3699 (setq consider-namespaces nil
3700 consider-usings nil
3701 this-menu
3702 (append this-menu
3703 (list
3704 (cons (concat
3705 "prop "
3706 (match-string-no-properties 3)) ;; prop name
3707 (match-beginning 1)))))
3708 (forward-sexp 1))
3711 ;; case 7: an indexer
3712 ((csharp--on-indexer-open-curly-p)
3713 (setq consider-namespaces nil
3714 consider-usings nil
3715 this-menu
3716 (append this-menu
3717 (list
3718 (cons (concat
3719 "indexer "
3720 (match-string-no-properties 4)) ;; index type
3721 (match-beginning 1)))))
3722 (forward-sexp 1))
3725 ;; case 8: a constructor inside the container
3726 ((csharp--on-ctor-open-curly-p)
3727 (setq consider-namespaces nil
3728 consider-usings nil
3729 this-menu
3730 (append this-menu
3731 (list
3732 (cons (concat
3733 "ctor "
3734 (match-string-no-properties 2) ;; ctor name
3735 (csharp--imenu-remove-param-names-from-paramlist
3736 (match-string-no-properties 3))) ;; ctor params
3737 (match-beginning 1)))))
3738 (forward-sexp 1))
3741 ;; case 9: a method inside the container
3742 ((csharp--on-defun-open-curly-p)
3743 (setq consider-namespaces nil
3744 consider-usings nil
3745 this-menu
3746 (append this-menu
3747 (list
3748 (cons (concat
3749 "method "
3750 (match-string-no-properties 2) ;; return type
3751 " "
3752 (match-string-no-properties 3) ;; func name
3753 (csharp--imenu-remove-param-names-from-paramlist
3754 (match-string-no-properties 4))) ;; fn params
3755 (match-beginning 1)))))
3756 (forward-sexp 1))
3759 ;; case 10: unknown open curly - just jump over it.
3760 ((looking-at "{")
3761 (forward-sexp 1))
3763 ;; case 11: none of the above. shouldn't happen?
3764 (t
3765 (forward-char 1)))))
3767 this-menu))
3770 ;; =======================================================
3771 ;; DPC Thu, 19 May 2011 11:25
3772 ;; There are two challenges with the imenu support: generating the
3773 ;; index, and generating a reasonable display for the index. The index
3774 ;; generation is pretty straightforward: use regexi to locate
3775 ;; interesting stuff in the buffer.
3776 ;;
3777 ;; The menu generation is a little trickier. Long lists of methods
3778 ;; mixed with properties and interfaces (etc) will be displayed in the
3779 ;; menu but will look Very Bad. Better to organize the menu into
3780 ;; submenus, organized primarily by category. Also the menus should be
3781 ;; sorted, for ease of human scanning. The next section of logic is
3782 ;; designed to do the stuff for the menu generation.
3785 (defcustom csharp-imenu-max-similar-items-before-extraction 6
3786 "The maximum number of things of a particular
3787 category (constructor, property, method, etc) that will be
3788 separely displayed on an imenu without factoring them into a
3789 separate submenu.
3791 For example, if a module has 3 consructors, 5 methods, and 7
3792 properties, and the value of this variable is 4, then upon
3793 refactoring, the constructors will remain in the toplevel imenu
3794 and the methods and properties will each get their own
3795 category-specific submenu.
3797 See also `csharp-imenu-min-size-for-sub-submenu'.
3799 For more information on how csharp-mode uses imenu,
3800 see `csharp-want-imenu', and `csharp-mode'.
3801 "
3802 :type 'integer
3803 :group 'csharp)
3806 (defcustom csharp-imenu-min-size-for-sub-submenu 18
3807 "The minimum number of imenu items of a particular
3808 category (constructor, property, method, etc) that will be
3809 broken out into sub-submenus.
3811 For example, if a module has 28 properties, then the properties will
3812 be placed in a submenu, and then that submenu with be further divided
3813 into smaller submenus.
3815 See also `csharp-imenu-max-similar-items-before-extraction'
3817 For more information on how csharp-mode uses imenu,
3818 see `csharp-want-imenu', and `csharp-mode'.
3819 "
3820 :type 'integer
3821 :group 'csharp)
3824 (defun csharp--first-word (s)
3825 "gets the first word from the given string.
3826 It had better be a string!"
3827 (car (split-string s nil t)))
3830 (defun csharp--make-plural (s)
3831 "make a word plural. For use within the generated imenu."
3832 (cond
3833 ((string= s "prop") "properties")
3834 ((string= s "class") "classes")
3835 ((string= s "ctor") "constructors")
3836 (t (concat s "s"))))
3839 (defun csharp--imenu-counts (list)
3840 "Returns an alist, each item is a cons cell where the car is a
3841 unique first substring of an element of LIST, and the cdr is the
3842 number of occurrences of that substring in elements in the
3843 list.
3845 For a complicated imenu generated for a large C# module, the result of
3846 this fn will be something like this:
3848 ((\"(top)\" . 1)
3849 (\"properties\" . 38)
3850 (\"methods\" . 12)
3851 (\"constructors\" . 7)
3852 (\"(bottom)\" . 1))
3854 "
3855 (flet ((helper (list new)
3856 (if (null list) new
3857 (let* ((elt (car list))
3858 (topic (csharp--make-plural (csharp--first-word (car elt))))
3859 (xelt (assoc topic new)))
3860 (helper (cdr list)
3861 (if xelt
3862 (progn (incf (cdr xelt)) new)
3863 (cons (cons topic 1) new)))))))
3864 (nreverse (helper list nil))))
3868 (defun csharp--imenu-get-submenu-size (n)
3869 "Gets the preferred size of submenus given N, the size of the
3870 flat, unparceled menu.
3872 Suppose there are 50 properties in a given C# module. This fn maps
3873 from that number, to the maximum size of the submenus into which the
3874 large set of properties should be broken.
3876 Currently the submenu size for 50 is 12. To change this, change
3877 the lookup table.
3879 The reason it's a lookup table and not a simple arithmetic
3880 function: I think it would look silly to have 2 submenus each
3881 with 24 items. Sixteen or 18 items on a submenu seems fine when
3882 you're working through 120 items total. But if you have only 28
3883 items, better to have 3 submenus with 10 and 9 items each. So
3884 it's not a linear function. That's what this lookup tries to do.
3886 "
3887 (let ((size-pairs '((100 . 22)
3888 (80 . 20)
3889 (60 . 18)
3890 (40 . 15)
3891 (30 . 14)
3892 (24 . 11)
3893 (0 . 9)))
3894 elt
3895 (r 0))
3897 (while (and size-pairs (eq r 0))
3898 (setq elt (car size-pairs))
3899 (if (> n (car elt))
3900 (setq r (cdr elt)))
3901 (setq size-pairs (cdr size-pairs)))
3902 r))
3906 (defun csharp--imenu-remove-category-names (menu-list)
3907 "Input is a list, each element is (LABEL . LOCATION). This fn
3908 returns a modified list, with the first word - the category name
3909 - removed from each label.
3911 "
3912 (mapcar (lambda (elt)
3913 (let ((tokens (split-string (car elt) "[ \t]" t)))
3914 (cons (mapconcat 'identity (cdr tokens) " ")
3915 (cdr elt))))
3916 menu-list))
3918 (defun string-indexof (s c)
3919 "Returns the index of the first occurrence of character C in string S.
3920 Returns nil if not found.
3922 See also, `string-lastindexof'
3924 "
3925 (let ((len (length s))
3926 (i 0) ix c2)
3927 (while (and (< i len) (not ix))
3928 (setq c2 (aref s i))
3929 (if (= c c2)
3930 (setq ix i))
3931 (incf i))
3932 ix))
3934 (defun string-lastindexof (s c)
3935 "Returns the index of the last occurrence of character C in string S.
3936 Returns nil if not found.
3938 See also, `string-indexof'
3940 "
3941 (let ((i (1- (length s)))
3942 ix c2)
3943 (while (and (>= i 0) (not ix))
3944 (setq c2 (aref s i))
3945 (if (= c c2)
3946 (setq ix i))
3947 (decf i))
3948 ix))
3951 (defun csharp--imenu-submenu-label (sig flavor)
3952 "generate a submenu label from the given signature, SIG.
3953 The sig is a method signature, property type-and-name,
3954 constructor, and so on, indicated by FLAVOR.
3956 This fn returns a simple name that can be used in the label for a
3957 break out submenu.
3959 "
3960 (if (string= flavor "method")
3961 (let ((method-name (csharp--imenu-get-method-name-from-sig sig)))
3962 (substring method-name 0 (string-indexof method-name 40)))
3963 (substring sig (1+ (string-lastindexof sig 32)))))
3968 (defun csharp--imenu-break-one-menu-into-submenus (menu-list)
3969 "Parcels a flat list MENU-LIST up into smaller sublists. It tries
3970 to balance the number of sublists and the size of each sublist.
3972 The max size of any sublist will be about 20 (arbitrary) and the
3973 min size will be 7 or so. See `csharp--imenu-get-submenu-size'
3974 for how this is done.
3976 It does this destructively, using `nbutlast'.
3978 Returns a new list, containing sublists.
3979 "
3981 (let ((len (length menu-list))
3982 (counts (csharp--imenu-counts menu-list)))
3984 (cond
3985 ;; a small number, and all the same flavor
3986 ((and (< len csharp-imenu-min-size-for-sub-submenu) (= (length counts) 1))
3987 (csharp--imenu-remove-category-names
3988 (sort menu-list
3989 (if (string= (caar counts) "methods")
3990 'csharp--imenu-item-method-name-comparer
3991 'csharp--imenu-item-basic-comparer))))
3993 ;; is the length already pretty short?
3994 ((< len csharp-imenu-min-size-for-sub-submenu)
3995 menu-list)
3997 ((/= (length counts) 1)
3998 menu-list)
4000 (t
4001 (let* ((lst (sort menu-list
4002 (if (string= (caar counts) "methods")
4003 'csharp--imenu-item-method-name-comparer
4004 'csharp--imenu-item-basic-comparer)))
4005 new
4006 (sz (csharp--imenu-get-submenu-size len)) ;; goal max size of sublist
4007 (n (ceiling (/ (* 1.0 len) sz))) ;; total number of sublists
4008 (adj-sz (ceiling (/ (* 1.0 len) n))) ;; maybe a little less than sz
4009 (nsmall (mod (- adj-sz (mod len adj-sz)) adj-sz)) ;; num of (n-1) lists
4010 (i 0)
4011 (base-name (csharp--first-word (caar lst)))
4012 label
4013 chunksz
4014 this-chunk)
4016 (while lst
4017 (setq chunksz (if (> nsmall i) (1- adj-sz) adj-sz)
4018 this-chunk (csharp--imenu-remove-category-names
4019 (nthcdr (- len chunksz) lst))
4020 lst (nbutlast lst chunksz)
4021 ;;label (format "%s %d" plural-name (- n i))
4022 label (concat "from " (csharp--imenu-submenu-label (caar this-chunk) base-name))
4023 new (cons (cons label this-chunk) new)
4024 len (- len chunksz))
4025 (incf i))
4026 new)))))
4030 (defun csharp--imenu-break-into-submenus (menu-list)
4031 "For an imenu menu-list with category-based submenus,
4032 possibly break a submenu into smaller sublists, based on size.
4034 "
4035 (mapcar (lambda (elt)
4036 (if (imenu--subalist-p elt)
4037 (cons (car elt)
4038 (csharp--imenu-break-one-menu-into-submenus (cdr elt)))
4039 elt))
4040 menu-list))
4046 (defun csharp--imenu-reorg-alist-intelligently (menu-alist)
4047 "Accepts an imenu alist. Returns an alist, reorganized.
4048 Things get sorted, factored out into category submenus,
4049 and split into multiple submenus, where conditions warrant.
4051 For example, suppose this imenu alist is generated from a scan:
4053 ((\"usings (4)\" . 1538)
4054 (\"namespace Ionic.Zip\"
4055 (\"(top)\" . 1651)
4056 (\"partial class Ionic.Zip.ZipFile\"
4057 (\"(top)\" . 5473)
4058 (\"prop FullScan\" . 8036)
4059 ...
4060 (\"prop Comment\" . 21118)
4061 (\"prop Verbose\" . 32278)
4062 (\"method override String ToString\" . 96577)
4063 (\"method internal void NotifyEntryChanged\" . 97608)
4064 ....
4065 (\"method internal void Reset\" . 98231)
4066 (\"ctor ZipFile\" . 103598)
4067 ...
4068 (\"ctor ZipFile\" . 109723)
4069 (\"ctor ZipFile\" . 116487)
4070 (\"indexer int\" . 121232)
4071 (\"indexer String\" . 124933)
4072 (\"(bottom)\" . 149777))
4073 (\"public enum Zip64Option\" . 153839)
4074 (\"enum AddOrUpdateAction\" . 154815)
4075 (\"(bottom)\" . 154893)))
4078 This is displayed as a toplevel menu with 2 items; the namespace
4079 menu has 5 items (top, bottom, the 2 enums, and the class). The
4080 class menu has 93 items. It needs to be reorganized to be more usable.
4082 After transformation of the alist through this fn, the result is:
4084 ((\"usings (4)\" . 1538)
4085 (\"namespace Ionic.Zip\"
4086 (\"(top)\" . 1651)
4087 (\"partial class Ionic.Zip.ZipFile\"
4088 (\"(top)\" . 5473)
4089 (\"properties\"
4090 (\"WriteStream\" . 146489)
4091 (\"Count\" . 133827)
4092 ....
4093 (\"BufferSize\" . 12837)
4094 (\"FullScan\" . 8036))
4095 (\"methods\"
4096 (\"virtual void Dispose\" . 144389)
4097 (\"void RemoveEntry\" . 141027)
4098 ....
4099 (\"method override String ToString\" . 96577)
4100 (\"method bool ContainsEntry\" . 32517))
4101 (\"constructors\"
4102 (\"ZipFile\" . 116487)
4103 ....
4104 (\"ZipFile\" . 105698)
4105 (\"ZipFile\" . 103598))
4106 (\"indexer int\" . 121232)
4107 (\"indexer String\" . 124933)
4108 (\"(bottom)\" . 149777))
4109 (\"public enum Zip64Option\" . 153839)
4110 (\"enum AddOrUpdateAction\" . 154815)
4111 (\"(bottom)\" . 154893)))
4113 All menus are the same except the class menu, which has been
4114 organized into subtopics, each of which gets its own cascaded
4115 submenu. If the submenu itself holds more than
4116 `csharp-imenu-max-similar-items-before-extraction' items that are
4117 all the same flavor (properties, methods, etc), thos get split
4118 out into multiple submenus.
4120 "
4121 (let ((counts (csharp--imenu-counts menu-alist)))
4122 (flet ((helper
4123 (list new)
4124 (if (null list)
4125 new
4126 (let* ((elt (car list))
4127 (topic (csharp--make-plural (csharp--first-word (car elt))))
4128 (xelt (assoc topic new)))
4129 (helper
4130 (cdr list)
4131 (if xelt
4132 (progn
4133 (rplacd xelt (cons elt (cdr xelt)))
4134 new)
4135 (cons
4137 (cond
4138 ((> (cdr (assoc topic counts))
4139 csharp-imenu-max-similar-items-before-extraction)
4140 (cons topic (list elt)))
4142 ((imenu--subalist-p elt)
4143 (cons (car elt)
4144 (csharp--imenu-reorg-alist-intelligently (cdr elt))))
4145 (t
4146 elt))
4148 new)))))))
4150 (csharp--imenu-break-into-submenus
4151 (nreverse (helper menu-alist nil))))))
4156 (defun csharp-imenu-create-index ()
4157 "This function is called by imenu to create an index for the
4158 current C# buffer, conforming to the format specified in
4159 `imenu--index-alist' .
4161 See `imenu-create-index-function' for background information.
4163 To produce the index, which lists the classes, functions,
4164 methods, and properties for the current buffer, this function
4165 scans the entire buffer.
4167 This can take a long time for a large buffer. The scan uses
4168 regular expressions that attempt to match on the general-case C#
4169 syntax, for classes and functions, generic types, base-classes,
4170 implemented interfaces, and so on. This can be time-consuming.
4171 For a large source file, say 160k, it can take 10 seconds or more.
4172 The UI hangs during the scan.
4174 imenu calls this fn when it feels like it, I suppose when it
4175 thinks the buffer has been updated. The user can also kick it off
4176 explicitly by selecting *Rescan* from the imenu menu.
4178 After generating the hierarchical list of props, methods,
4179 interfaces, classes, and namespaces, csharp-mode re-organizes the
4180 list as appropriate:
4182 - it extracts sets of like items into submenus. All properties
4183 will be placed on a submenu. See
4184 `csharp-imenu-max-similar-items-before-extraction' for a way
4185 to tune this.
4187 - it converts those submenus into sub-submenus, if there are more than
4188 `csharp-imenu-min-size-for-sub-submenu' items.
4190 - it sorts each set of items on the outermost menus lexicographically.
4192 The result of these transformations is what is provided to imenu
4193 to generate the visible menus. Just FYI - the reorganization of
4194 the scan results is much much faster than the actual generation
4195 of the scan results. If you're looking to save time, the re-org
4196 logic is not where the cost is.
4198 imenu itself likes to sort the menus. See `imenu--split-menu' and
4199 also `csharp--imenu-split-menu-patch', which is advice that
4200 attempts to disable the weird re-jiggering that imenu performs.
4202 "
4203 ;; I think widen/narrow causes the buffer to be marked as
4204 ;; modified. This is a bit surprising, but I have no other
4205 ;; explanation for the source of the problem.
4206 ;; So I use `c-save-buffer-state' so that the buffer is not
4207 ;; marked modified when the scan completes.
4209 (c-save-buffer-state ()
4210 (save-excursion
4211 (save-restriction
4212 (widen)
4213 (goto-char (point-min))
4215 (let ((index-alist
4216 (csharp--imenu-create-index-helper nil "" t t)))
4218 (csharp--imenu-reorg-alist-intelligently index-alist)
4220 ;;index-alist
4222 ;; What follows is No longer used.
4223 ;; =======================================================
4225 ;; If the index menu contains exactly one element, and it is
4226 ;; a namespace menu, then remove it. This simplifies the
4227 ;; menu, and results in no loss of information: all types
4228 ;; get fully-qualified names anyway. This will probably
4229 ;; cover the majority of cases; often a C# source module
4230 ;; defines either one class, or a set of related classes
4231 ;; inside a single namespace.
4233 ;; To remove that namespace, we need to prune & graft the tree.
4234 ;; Remove the ns hierarchy level, but also remove the 1st and
4235 ;; last elements in the sub-menu, which represent the top and
4236 ;; bottom of the namespace.
4238 ;; (if (and
4239 ;; (= 1 (length index-alist))
4240 ;; (consp (car index-alist))
4241 ;; (let ((tokens (split-string
4242 ;; (car (car index-alist))
4243 ;; "[ \t]" t)))
4244 ;; (and (<= 1 (length tokens))
4245 ;; (string= (downcase
4246 ;; (nth 0 tokens)) "namespace"))))
4247 ;;
4248 ;; (let (elt
4249 ;; (newlist (cdar index-alist)))
4250 ;; (setf (car (car newlist)) (car (car index-alist)))
4251 ;; newlist)
4252 ;;
4253 ;; index-alist)
4255 )))))
4258 ;; ==================================================================
4263 ;; ==================================================================
4264 ;; C# code-doc insertion magic
4265 ;; ==================================================================
4266 ;;
4267 ;; In Visual Studio, if you type three slashes, it immediately expands into
4268 ;; an inline code-documentation fragment. The following method does the
4269 ;; same thing.
4270 ;;
4271 ;; This is the kind of thing that could be handled by YASnippet or
4272 ;; another similarly flexible snippet framework. But I don't want to
4273 ;; introduce a dependency on yasnippet to csharp-mode. So the capability
4274 ;; must live within csharp-mode itself.
4276 (defun csharp-maybe-insert-codedoc (arg)
4278 "Insert an xml code documentation template as appropriate, when
4279 typing slashes. This fn gets bound to / (the slash key), in
4280 csharp-mode. If the slash being inserted is not the third
4281 consecutive slash, the slash is inserted as normal. If it is the
4282 third consecutive slash, then a xml code documentation template
4283 may be inserted in some cases. For example,
4285 a <summary> template is inserted if the prior line is empty,
4286 or contains only an open curly brace;
4287 a <remarks> template is inserted if the prior word
4288 closes the <summary> element;
4289 a <returns> template is inserted if the prior word
4290 closes the <remarks> element;
4291 an <example> template is inserted if the prior word closes
4292 the <returns> element;
4293 a <para> template is inserted if the prior word closes
4294 a <para> element.
4296 In all other cases the slash is inserted as normal.
4298 If you want the default cc-mode behavior, which implies no automatic
4299 insertion of xml code documentation templates, then use this in
4300 your `csharp-mode-hook' function:
4302 (local-set-key (kbd \"/\") 'c-electric-slash)
4304 "
4305 (interactive "*p")
4306 ;;(message "csharp-maybe-insert-codedoc")
4307 (let (
4308 (cur-point (point))
4309 (char last-command-event)
4310 (cb0 (char-before (- (point) 0)))
4311 (cb1 (char-before (- (point) 1)))
4312 is-first-non-whitespace
4313 did-auto-insert
4314 )
4316 ;; check if two prior chars were slash, in other words,
4317 ;; check if this is the third slash in a row.
4318 (if (and (= char ?/) cb0 (= ?/ cb0) cb1 (= ?/ cb1))
4320 (progn
4321 ;;(message "yes - this is the third consecutive slash")
4322 (setq is-first-non-whitespace
4323 (save-excursion
4324 (back-to-indentation)
4325 (= cur-point (+ (point) 2))))
4327 (if is-first-non-whitespace
4328 ;; This is a 3-slash sequence. It is the first non-whitespace text
4329 ;; on the line. Now we need to examine the surrounding context
4330 ;; in order to determine which xml cod doc template to insert.
4331 (let (word-back char0 char1
4332 word-fore char-0 char-1
4333 text-to-insert ;; text to insert in lieu of slash
4334 fn-to-call ;; func to call after inserting text
4335 (preceding-line-is-empty (or
4336 (= (line-number-at-pos) 1)
4337 (save-excursion
4338 (forward-line -1)
4339 (beginning-of-line)
4340 (looking-at "[ \t]*$\\|[ \t]*{[ \t]*$"))))
4341 (flavor 0) ;; used only for diagnostic purposes
4342 )
4344 ;;(message "starting a 3-slash comment")
4345 ;; get the prior word, and the 2 chars preceding it.
4346 (backward-word)
4348 (setq word-back (thing-at-point 'word)
4349 char0 (char-before (- (point) 0))
4350 char1 (char-before (- (point) 1)))
4352 ;; restore prior position
4353 (goto-char cur-point)
4355 ;; get the following word, and the 2 chars preceding it.
4356 (forward-word)
4357 (backward-word)
4358 (setq word-fore (thing-at-point 'word)
4359 char-0 (char-before (- (point) 0))
4360 char-1 (char-before (- (point) 1)))
4362 ;; restore prior position again
4363 (goto-char cur-point)
4365 (cond
4366 ;; The preceding line is empty, or all whitespace, or
4367 ;; contains only an open-curly. In this case, insert a
4368 ;; summary element pair.
4369 (preceding-line-is-empty
4370 (setq text-to-insert "/ <summary>\n/// \n/// </summary>"
4371 flavor 1) )
4373 ;; The preceding word closed a summary element. In this case,
4374 ;; if the forward word does not open a remarks element, then
4375 ;; insert a remarks element.
4376 ((and (string-equal word-back "summary") (eq char0 ?/) (eq char1 ?<))
4377 (if (not (and (string-equal word-fore "remarks") (eq char-0 ?<)))
4378 (setq text-to-insert "/ <remarks>\n/// <para>\n/// \n/// </para>\n/// </remarks>"
4379 flavor 2)))
4381 ;; The preceding word closed the remarks section. In this case,
4382 ;; insert an example element.
4383 ((and (string-equal word-back "remarks") (eq char0 ?/) (eq char1 ?<))
4384 (setq text-to-insert "/ <example>\n/// \n/// </example>"
4385 flavor 3))
4387 ;; The preceding word closed the example section. In this
4388 ;; case, insert an returns element. This isn't always
4389 ;; correct, because sometimes the xml code doc is attached to
4390 ;; a class or a property, neither of which has a return
4391 ;; value. A more intelligent implementation would inspect the
4392 ;; syntax state and only inject a returns element if
4393 ;; appropriate.
4394 ((and (string-equal word-back "example") (eq char0 ?/) (eq char1 ?<))
4395 (setq text-to-insert "/ <returns></returns>"
4396 fn-to-call (lambda ()
4397 (backward-word)
4398 (backward-char)
4399 (backward-char)
4400 (c-indent-line-or-region)
4401 )
4402 flavor 4))
4404 ;; The preceding word opened the remarks section, or it
4405 ;; closed a para section. In this case, insert a para
4406 ;; element, using appropriate indentation with respect to the
4407 ;; prior tag.
4408 ((or
4409 (and (string-equal word-back "remarks") (eq char0 ?<) (or (eq char1 32) (eq char1 9)))
4410 (and (string-equal word-back "para") (eq char0 ?/) (eq char1 ?<)))
4412 (let (prior-point spacer)
4413 (save-excursion
4414 (backward-word)
4415 (backward-char)
4416 (backward-char)
4417 (setq prior-point (point))
4418 (skip-chars-backward "\t ")
4419 (setq spacer (buffer-substring (point) prior-point))
4420 ;;(message (format "pt(%d) prior(%d) spacer(%s)" (point) prior-point spacer))
4421 )
4423 (if (string-equal word-back "remarks")
4424 (setq spacer (concat spacer " ")))
4426 (setq text-to-insert (format "/%s<para>\n///%s \n///%s</para>"
4427 spacer spacer spacer)
4428 flavor 6)))
4430 ;; The preceding word opened a para element. In this case, if
4431 ;; the forward word does not close the para element, then
4432 ;; close the para element.
4433 ;; --
4434 ;; This is a nice idea but flawed. Suppose I have a para element with some
4435 ;; text in it. If I position the cursor at the first line, then type 3 slashes,
4436 ;; I get a close-element, and that would be inappropriate. Not sure I can
4437 ;; easily solve that problem, so the best thing might be to simply punt, and
4438 ;; require people to close their own elements.
4439 ;;
4440 ;; ( (and (string-equal word-back "para") (eq char0 60) (or (eq char1 32) (eq char1 9)))
4441 ;; (if (not (and (string-equal word-fore "para") (eq char-0 47) (eq char-1 60) ))
4442 ;; (setq text-to-insert "/ \n/// </para>\n///"
4443 ;; fn-to-call (lambda ()
4444 ;; (previous-line)
4445 ;; (end-of-line)
4446 ;; )
4447 ;; flavor 7) )
4448 ;; )
4450 ;; the default case - do nothing
4451 (t nil))
4453 (if text-to-insert
4454 (progn
4455 ;;(message (format "inserting special text (f(%d))" flavor))
4457 ;; set the flag, that we actually inserted text
4458 (setq did-auto-insert t)
4460 ;; save point of beginning of insertion
4461 (setq cur-point (point))
4463 ;; actually insert the text
4464 (insert text-to-insert)
4466 ;; indent the inserted string, and re-position point, either through
4467 ;; the case-specific fn, or via the default progn.
4468 (if fn-to-call
4469 (funcall fn-to-call)
4471 (let ((newline-count 0) (pos 0) ix)
4473 ;; count the number of newlines in the inserted string
4474 (while (string-match "\n" text-to-insert pos)
4475 (setq pos (match-end 0)
4476 newline-count (+ newline-count 1) )
4477 )
4479 ;; indent what we just inserted
4480 (c-indent-region cur-point (point) t)
4482 ;; move up n/2 lines. This assumes that the
4483 ;; inserted text is ~symmetric about the halfway point.
4484 ;; The assumption holds if the xml code doc uses a
4485 ;; begin-elt and end-elt on a new line all by themselves,
4486 ;; and a blank line in between them where the point should be.
4487 ;; A more intelligent implementation would use a specific
4488 ;; marker string, like @@DOT, to note the desired point.
4489 (forward-line (- 0 (/ newline-count 2)))
4490 (end-of-line)))))))))
4492 (if (not did-auto-insert)
4493 (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)))))
4495 ;; ==================================================================
4496 ;; end of c# code-doc insertion magic
4497 ;; ==================================================================
4502 ;; ==================================================================
4503 ;; c# fontification extensions
4504 ;; ==================================================================
4505 ;; Commentary:
4506 ;;
4507 ;; The purpose of the following code is to fix font-lock for C#,
4508 ;; specifically for the verbatim-literal strings. C# is a cc-mode
4509 ;; language and strings are handled mostly like other c-based
4510 ;; languages. The one exception is the verbatim-literal string, which
4511 ;; uses the syntax @"...".
4512 ;;
4513 ;; `parse-partial-sexp' treats those strings as just regular strings,
4514 ;; with the @ a non-string character. This is fine, except when the
4515 ;; verblit string ends in a slash, in which case, font-lock breaks from
4516 ;; that point onward in the buffer.
4517 ;;
4518 ;; This is an attempt to fix that.
4519 ;;
4520 ;; The idea is to scan the buffer in full for verblit strings, and apply the
4521 ;; appropriate syntax-table text properties for verblit strings. Also setting
4522 ;; `parse-sexp-lookup-properties' to t tells `parse-partial-sexp'
4523 ;; to use the syntax-table text properties set up by the scan as it does
4524 ;; its parse.
4525 ;;
4526 ;; Also need to re-scan after any changes in the buffer, but on a more
4527 ;; limited region.
4528 ;;
4531 ;; ;; I don't remember what this is supposed to do,
4532 ;; ;; or how I figured out the value.
4533 ;; ;;
4534 ;; (defconst csharp-font-lock-syntactic-keywords
4535 ;; '(("\\(@\\)\\(\"\\)[^\"]*\\(\"\\)\\(\"\\)[^\"]*\\(\"\\)[^\"]"
4536 ;; (1 '(6)) (2 '(7)) (3 '(1)) (4 '(1)) (5 '(7))
4537 ;; ))
4538 ;; "Highlighting of verbatim literal strings. See also the variable
4539 ;; `font-lock-keywords'.")
4543 (defun csharp-time ()
4544 "returns the time of day as a string. Used in the `csharp-log' function."
4545 (substring (current-time-string) 11 19)) ;24-hr time
4548 (defun csharp-log (level text &rest args)
4549 "Log a message at level LEVEL.
4550 If LEVEL is higher than `csharp-log-level', the message is
4551 ignored. Otherwise, it is printed using `message'.
4552 TEXT is a format control string, and the remaining arguments ARGS
4553 are the string substitutions (see `format')."
4554 (if (<= level csharp-log-level)
4555 (let* ((msg (apply 'format text args)))
4556 (message "C# %s %s" (csharp-time) msg))))
4560 (defun csharp-max-beginning-of-stmt ()
4561 "Return the greater of `c-beginning-of-statement-1' and
4562 `c-beginning-of-statement' . I don't understand why both of
4563 these methods are necessary or why they differ. But they do."
4565 (let (dash
4566 nodash
4567 (curpos (point)))
4569 ;; I think this may need a save-excursion...
4570 ;; Calling c-beginning-of-statement-1 resets the point!
4572 (setq dash (progn (c-beginning-of-statement-1) (point)))
4573 (csharp-log 3 "max-bostmt dash(%d)" dash)
4574 (goto-char curpos)
4576 (setq nodash (progn (c-beginning-of-statement 1) (point)))
4577 (csharp-log 3 "max-bostmt nodash(%d)" nodash)
4578 (goto-char curpos)
4580 (max dash nodash)))
4586 (defun csharp-set-vliteral-syntax-table-properties (beg end)
4587 "Scan the buffer text between BEG and END, a verbatim literal
4588 string, setting and clearing syntax-table text properties where
4589 necessary.
4591 We need to modify the default syntax-table text property in these cases:
4592 (backslash) - is not an escape inside a verbatim literal string.
4593 (double-quote) - can be a literal quote, when doubled.
4595 BEG is the @ delimiter. END is the 'old' position of the ending quote.
4597 see
4598 for the list of syntax table numeric codes.
4600 "
4602 (csharp-log 3 "set-vlit-syntax-table: beg(%d) end(%d)" beg end)
4604 (if (and (> beg 0) (> end 0))
4606 (let ((curpos beg)
4607 (state 0))
4609 (c-clear-char-properties beg end 'syntax-table)
4611 (while (<= curpos end)
4613 (cond
4614 ((= state 0)
4615 (if (= (char-after curpos) ?@)
4616 (progn
4617 (c-put-char-property curpos 'syntax-table '(6)) ; (6) = expression prefix, (3) = symbol
4618 ;;(message (format "set-s-t: prefix pos(%d) chr(%c)" beg (char-after beg)))
4619 )
4620 )
4621 (setq state (+ 1 state)))
4623 ((= state 1)
4624 (if (= (char-after curpos) ?\")
4625 (progn
4626 (c-put-char-property curpos 'syntax-table '(7)) ; (7) = string quote
4627 ;;(message (format "set-s-t: open quote pos(%d) chr(%c)"
4628 ;; curpos (char-after curpos)))
4629 ))
4630 (setq state (+ 1 state)))
4632 ((= state 2)
4633 (cond
4634 ;; handle backslash inside the string
4635 ((= (char-after curpos) ?\\)
4636 (c-put-char-property curpos 'syntax-table '(2)) ; (1) = punctuation, (2) = word
4637 ;;(message (format "set-s-t: backslash word pos(%d) chr(%c)" curpos (char-after curpos)))
4638 )
4640 ;; doubled double-quote
4641 ((and
4642 (= (char-after curpos) ?\")
4643 (= (char-after (+ 1 curpos)) ?\"))
4644 (c-put-char-property curpos 'syntax-table '(2)) ; (1) = punctuation, (2) = word
4645 (c-put-char-property (+ 1 curpos) 'syntax-table '(2)) ; (1) = punctuation
4646 ;;(message (format "set-s-t: double doublequote pos(%d) chr(%c)" curpos (char-after curpos)))
4647 (setq curpos (+ curpos 1))
4648 )
4650 ;; a single double-quote, which should be a string terminator
4651 ((= (char-after curpos) ?\")
4652 (c-put-char-property curpos 'syntax-table '(7)) ; (7) = string quote
4653 ;;(message (format "set-s-t: close quote pos(%d) chr(%c)" curpos (char-after curpos)))
4654 ;;go no further
4655 (setq state (+ 1 state)))
4657 ;; everything else
4658 (t
4659 ;;(message (format "set-s-t: none pos(%d) chr(%c)" curpos (char-after curpos)))
4660 nil))))
4661 ;; next char
4662 (setq curpos (+ curpos 1))))))
4666 (defun csharp-end-of-verbatim-literal-string (&optional lim)
4667 "Moves to and returns the position of the end quote of the verbatim literal
4668 string. When calling, point should be on the @ of the verblit string.
4669 If it is not, then no movement is performed and `point' is returned.
4671 This function ignores text properties. In fact it is the
4672 underlying scanner used to set the text properties in a C# buffer.
4673 "
4675 (csharp-log 3 "end-of-vlit-string: point(%d) c(%c)" (point) (char-after))
4677 (let (curpos
4678 (max (or lim (point-max))))
4680 (if (not (looking-at "@\""))
4681 (point)
4682 (forward-char 2) ;; pass up the @ sign and first quote
4683 (setq curpos (point))
4685 ;; Within a verbatim literal string, a doubled double-quote
4686 ;; escapes the double-quote."
4687 (while (and ;; process characters...
4688 (or ;; while...
4689 (not (eq (char-after curpos) ?\")) ;; it's not a quote
4690 (eq (char-after (+ curpos 1)) ?\")) ;; or, its a double (double) quote
4691 (< curpos max)) ;; and we're not done yet
4693 (cond
4694 ((and (eq (char-after curpos) ?\") ;; it's a double-quote.
4695 (eq (char-after (+ curpos 1)) ?\"))
4696 (setq curpos (+ 2 curpos))) ;; Skip 2
4697 (t ;; anything else
4698 (setq curpos (+ 1 curpos))))) ;; skip fwd 1
4699 curpos)))
4704 (defun csharp-scan-for-verbatim-literals-and-set-props (&optional beg end)
4705 "Scans the buffer, between BEG and END, for verbatim literal
4706 strings, and sets override text properties on each string to
4707 allow proper syntax highlighting, indenting, and cursor movement.
4709 BEG and END define the limits of the scan. When nil, they
4710 default to `point-min' and `point-max' respectively.
4712 Setting text properties generally causes the buffer to be marked
4713 as modified, but this fn suppresses that via the
4714 `c-buffer-save-state' macro, for any changes in text properties
4715 that it makes. This fn also ignores the read-only setting on a
4716 buffer, using the same macro.
4718 This fn is called when a csharp-mode buffer is loaded, with BEG
4719 and END set to nil, to do a full scan. It is also called on
4720 every buffer change, with the BEG and END set to the values for
4721 the change.
4723 The return value is nil if the buffer was not a csharp-mode
4724 buffer. Otherwise it is the last cursor position examined by the
4725 scan.
4726 "
4728 (if (not (c-major-mode-is 'csharp-mode)) ;; don't scan if not csharp mode
4729 nil
4730 (save-excursion
4731 (c-save-buffer-state
4732 ((curpos (or beg (point-min)))
4733 (lastpos (or end (point-max)))
4734 (state 0) (start 0) (cycle 0)
4735 literal eos limits)
4737 (csharp-log 3 "verblit scan")
4738 (goto-char curpos)
4740 (while (and (< curpos lastpos) (< cycle 10000))
4741 (cond
4743 ;; Case 1: current char is a @ sign
4744 ;; --------------------------------------------
4745 ;; Check to see if it demarks the beginning of a verblit
4746 ;; string.
4747 ((= ?@ (char-after curpos))
4749 ;; are we in a comment? a string? Maybe the @ is a prefix
4750 ;; to allow the use of a reserved word as a symbol. Let's find out.
4752 ;; not sure why I need both of the following.
4753 (syntax-ppss-flush-cache 1)
4754 (parse-partial-sexp 1 curpos)
4755 (goto-char curpos)
4756 (setq literal (csharp-in-literal))
4757 (cond
4759 ;; Case 1.A: it's a @ within a string.
4760 ;; --------------------------------------------
4761 ;; This should never happen, because this scanner hops over strings.
4762 ;; But it might happen if the scan starts at an odd place.
4763 ((eq literal 'string) nil)
4765 ;; Case 1.B: The @ is within a comment. Hop over it.
4766 ((and (memq literal '(c c++))
4767 ;; This is a kludge for XEmacs where we use
4768 ;; `buffer-syntactic-context', which doesn't correctly
4769 ;; recognize "\*/" to end a block comment.
4770 ;; `parse-partial-sexp' which is used by
4771 ;; `c-literal-limits' will however do that in most
4772 ;; versions, which results in that we get nil from
4773 ;; `c-literal-limits' even when `c-in-literal' claims
4774 ;; we're inside a comment.
4775 ;;(setq limits (c-literal-limits start)))
4776 (setq limits (c-literal-limits)))
4778 ;; advance to the end of the comment
4779 (if limits
4780 (progn
4781 (csharp-log 4 "scan: jump end comment A (%d)" (cdr limits))
4782 (setq curpos (cdr limits)))))
4785 ;; Case 1.B: curpos is at least 2 chars before the last
4786 ;; position to examine, and, the following char is a
4787 ;; double-quote (ASCII 34).
4788 ;; --------------------------------------------
4789 ;; This looks like the beginning of a verbatim string
4790 ;; literal.
4791 ((and (< (+ 2 curpos) lastpos)
4792 (= ?\" (char-after (+ 1 curpos))))
4794 (setq eos (csharp-end-of-verbatim-literal-string))
4795 ;; set override syntax properties on the verblit string
4796 (csharp-set-vliteral-syntax-table-properties curpos eos)
4798 (csharp-log 4 "scan: jump end verblit string (%d)" eos)
4799 (setq curpos eos))))
4802 ;; Case 2: current char is a double-quote.
4803 ;; --------------------------------------------
4804 ;; If this is a string, we hop over it, on the assumption that
4805 ;; this scanner need not bother with regular literal strings, which
4806 ;; get the proper syntax with the generic approach.
4807 ;; If in a comment, hop over the comment.
4808 ((= ?\" (char-after curpos))
4809 (goto-char curpos)
4810 (setq literal (c-in-literal))
4811 (cond
4813 ;; Case 2.A: a quote within a string
4814 ;; --------------------------------------------
4815 ;; This shouldn't happen, because we hop over strings.
4816 ;; But it might.
4817 ((eq literal 'string) nil)
4819 ;; Case 2.B: a quote within a comment
4820 ;; --------------------------------------------
4821 ((and (memq literal '(c c++))
4822 ;; This is a kludge for XEmacs where we use
4823 ;; `buffer-syntactic-context', which doesn't correctly
4824 ;; recognize "\*/" to end a block comment.
4825 ;; `parse-partial-sexp' which is used by
4826 ;; `c-literal-limits' will however do that in most
4827 ;; versions, which results in that we get nil from
4828 ;; `c-literal-limits' even when `c-in-literal' claims
4829 ;; we're inside a comment.
4830 ;;(setq limits (c-literal-limits start)))
4831 (setq limits (c-literal-limits)))
4833 ;; advance to the end of the comment
4834 (if limits
4835 (progn
4836 (setq curpos (cdr limits))
4837 (csharp-log 3 "scan: jump end comment B (%s)" curpos))))
4840 ;; Case 2.C: Not in a comment, and not in a string.
4841 ;; --------------------------------------------
4842 ;; This is the beginning of a literal (but not verbatim) string.
4843 (t
4844 (forward-char 1) ;; pass up the quote
4845 (if (consp (setq limits (c-literal-limits)))
4846 (progn
4847 (csharp-log 4 "scan: jump end literal (%d)" (cdr limits))
4848 (setq curpos (cdr limits))))))))
4850 (setq cycle (+ 1 cycle))
4851 (setq curpos (+ 1 curpos))
4852 (c-safe (goto-char curpos)))))))
4856 (defun csharp--before-font-lock (beg end old-len)
4857 "Adjust`syntax-table' properties on the region affected by the change
4858 in a csharp-mode buffer.
4860 This function is the C# value for `c-before-font-lock-function'.
4861 It intended to be called only by the cc-mode runtime.
4863 It prepares the buffer for font locking, hence must get called
4864 before `font-lock-after-change-function'.
4866 It does hidden buffer changes.
4868 BEG, END and OLD-LEN have the same meaning here as for any
4869 after-change function.
4871 Point is undefined both before and after this function call.
4872 The return value is meaningless, and is ignored by cc-mode.
4873 "
4874 (csharp-log 2 "before font lock %d %d %d %d" beg end old-len (point))
4875 (let ((start-scan (progn
4876 ;; is this right? I think
4877 (c-beginning-of-statement 1)
4878 (point))))
4879 (csharp-scan-for-verbatim-literals-and-set-props start-scan end)))
4883 (c-lang-defconst c-before-font-lock-function
4884 csharp 'csharp--before-font-lock)
4886 ;; ==================================================================
4887 ;; end of c# fontification extensions
4888 ;; ==================================================================
4894 ;; ==================================================================
4895 ;; C#-specific optimizations of cc-mode funcs
4896 ;; ==================================================================
4898 ;; There's never a need to move over an Obj-C directive in csharp-mode.
4899 (defadvice c-forward-objc-directive (around
4900 csharp-mode-advice-2
4901 compile activate)
4902 (if (c-major-mode-is 'csharp-mode)
4903 nil
4904 ad-do-it)
4905 )
4907 ;; ==================================================================
4908 ;; end of C#-specific optimizations of cc-mode funcs
4909 ;; ==================================================================
4918 ;; ==================================================================
4919 ;; c# - monkey-patching of basic parsing logic
4920 ;; ==================================================================
4921 ;;
4922 ;; The following 2 defuns redefine functions from cc-mode, to add
4923 ;; special cases for C#. These primarily deal with indentation of
4924 ;; instance initializers, which are somewhat unique to C#. I couldn't
4925 ;; figure out how to get cc-mode to do what C# needs, without modifying
4926 ;; these defuns.
4927 ;;
4929 (defun c-looking-at-inexpr-block (lim containing-sexp &optional check-at-end)
4930 ;; Return non-nil if we're looking at the beginning of a block
4931 ;; inside an expression. The value returned is actually a cons of
4932 ;; either 'inlambda, 'inexpr-statement or 'inexpr-class and the
4933 ;; position of the beginning of the construct.
4934 ;;
4935 ;; LIM limits the backward search. CONTAINING-SEXP is the start
4936 ;; position of the closest containing list. If it's nil, the
4937 ;; containing paren isn't used to decide whether we're inside an
4938 ;; expression or not. If both LIM and CONTAINING-SEXP are used, LIM
4939 ;; needs to be farther back.
4940 ;;
4941 ;; If CHECK-AT-END is non-nil then extra checks at the end of the
4942 ;; brace block might be done. It should only be used when the
4943 ;; construct can be assumed to be complete, i.e. when the original
4944 ;; starting position was further down than that.
4945 ;;
4946 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
4948 (save-excursion
4949 (let ((res 'maybe) passed-paren
4950 (closest-lim (or containing-sexp lim (point-min)))
4951 ;; Look at the character after point only as a last resort
4952 ;; when we can't disambiguate.
4953 (block-follows (and (eq (char-after) ?{) (point))))
4955 (while (and (eq res 'maybe)
4956 (progn (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
4957 (> (point) closest-lim))
4958 (not (bobp))
4959 (progn (backward-char)
4960 (looking-at "[\]\).]\\|\w\\|\\s_"))
4961 (c-safe (forward-char)
4962 (goto-char (scan-sexps (point) -1))))
4964 (setq res
4965 (if (looking-at c-keywords-regexp)
4966 (let ((kw-sym (c-keyword-sym (match-string 1))))
4967 (cond
4968 ((and block-follows
4969 (c-keyword-member kw-sym 'c-inexpr-class-kwds))
4970 (and (not (eq passed-paren ?\[))
4972 ;; dinoch Thu, 22 Apr 2010 18:20
4973 ;; ============================================
4974 ;; looking at new MyType() { ... }
4975 ;; means this is a brace list, so, return nil,
4976 ;; implying NOT looking-at-inexpr-block
4977 (not
4978 (and (c-major-mode-is 'csharp-mode)
4979 (looking-at "new[ \t\n\f\v\r]+\\([[:alnum:]_]+\\)\\b")))
4981 (or (not (looking-at c-class-key))
4982 ;; If the class instantiation is at the start of
4983 ;; a statement, we don't consider it an
4984 ;; in-expression class.
4985 (let ((prev (point)))
4986 (while (and
4987 (= (c-backward-token-2 1 nil closest-lim) 0)
4988 (eq (char-syntax (char-after)) ?w))
4989 (setq prev (point)))
4990 (goto-char prev)
4991 (not (c-at-statement-start-p)))
4992 ;; Also, in Pike we treat it as an
4993 ;; in-expression class if it's used in an
4994 ;; object clone expression.
4995 (save-excursion
4996 (and check-at-end
4997 (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
4998 (progn (goto-char block-follows)
4999 (zerop (c-forward-token-2 1 t)))
5000 (eq (char-after) ?\())))
5001 (cons 'inexpr-class (point))))
5002 ((c-keyword-member kw-sym 'c-inexpr-block-kwds)
5003 (when (not passed-paren)
5004 (cons 'inexpr-statement (point))))
5005 ((c-keyword-member kw-sym 'c-lambda-kwds)
5006 (when (or (not passed-paren)
5007 (eq passed-paren ?\())
5008 (cons 'inlambda (point))))
5009 ((c-keyword-member kw-sym 'c-block-stmt-kwds)
5010 nil)
5011 (t
5012 'maybe)))
5014 (if (looking-at "\\s(")
5015 (if passed-paren
5016 (if (and (eq passed-paren ?\[)
5017 (eq (char-after) ?\[))
5018 ;; Accept several square bracket sexps for
5019 ;; Java array initializations.
5020 'maybe)
5021 (setq passed-paren (char-after))
5022 'maybe)
5023 'maybe))))
5025 (if (eq res 'maybe)
5026 (when (and c-recognize-paren-inexpr-blocks
5027 block-follows
5028 containing-sexp
5029 (eq (char-after containing-sexp) ?\())
5030 (goto-char containing-sexp)
5031 (if (or (save-excursion
5032 (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
5033 (and (> (point) (or lim (point-min)))
5034 (c-on-identifier)))
5035 (and c-special-brace-lists
5036 (c-looking-at-special-brace-list)))
5037 nil
5038 (cons 'inexpr-statement (point))))
5040 res))))
5046 (defun c-inside-bracelist-p (containing-sexp paren-state)
5047 ;; return the buffer position of the beginning of the brace list
5048 ;; statement if we're inside a brace list, otherwise return nil.
5049 ;; CONTAINING-SEXP is the buffer pos of the innermost containing
5050 ;; paren. PAREN-STATE is the remainder of the state of enclosing
5051 ;; braces
5052 ;;
5053 ;; N.B.: This algorithm can potentially get confused by cpp macros
5054 ;; placed in inconvenient locations. It's a trade-off we make for
5055 ;; speed.
5056 ;;
5057 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
5058 (or
5059 ;; This will pick up brace list declarations.
5060 (c-safe
5061 (save-excursion
5062 (goto-char containing-sexp)
5063 (c-safe (c-forward-sexp -1))
5064 (let (bracepos)
5065 (if (and (or (looking-at c-brace-list-key)
5067 (progn
5068 (c-safe (c-forward-sexp -1))
5069 (looking-at c-brace-list-key))
5071 ;; dinoch Thu, 22 Apr 2010 18:20
5072 ;; ============================================
5073 ;; looking enum Foo : int
5074 ;; means this is a brace list, so, return nil,
5075 ;; implying NOT looking-at-inexpr-block
5077 (and (c-major-mode-is 'csharp-mode)
5078 (progn
5079 (c-safe (c-forward-sexp -1))
5080 (looking-at csharp-enum-decl-re))))
5082 (setq bracepos (c-down-list-forward (point)))
5083 (not (c-crosses-statement-barrier-p (point)
5084 (- bracepos 2))))
5085 (point)))))
5087 ;; this will pick up array/aggregate init lists, even if they are nested.
5088 (save-excursion
5089 (let ((class-key
5090 ;; Pike can have class definitions anywhere, so we must
5091 ;; check for the class key here.
5092 (and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
5093 c-decl-block-key))
5094 bufpos braceassignp lim next-containing)
5095 (while (and (not bufpos)
5096 containing-sexp)
5097 (when paren-state
5098 (if (consp (car paren-state))
5099 (setq lim (cdr (car paren-state))
5100 paren-state (cdr paren-state))
5101 (setq lim (car paren-state)))
5102 (when paren-state
5103 (setq next-containing (car paren-state)
5104 paren-state (cdr paren-state))))
5105 (goto-char containing-sexp)
5106 (if (c-looking-at-inexpr-block next-containing next-containing)
5107 ;; We're in an in-expression block of some kind. Do not
5108 ;; check nesting. We deliberately set the limit to the
5109 ;; containing sexp, so that c-looking-at-inexpr-block
5110 ;; doesn't check for an identifier before it.
5111 (setq containing-sexp nil)
5112 ;; see if the open brace is preceded by = or [...] in
5113 ;; this statement, but watch out for operator=
5114 (setq braceassignp 'dontknow)
5115 (c-backward-token-2 1 t lim)
5116 ;; Checks to do only on the first sexp before the brace.
5117 (when (and c-opt-inexpr-brace-list-key
5118 (eq (char-after) ?\[))
5119 ;; In Java, an initialization brace list may follow
5120 ;; directly after "new Foo[]", so check for a "new"
5121 ;; earlier.
5122 (while (eq braceassignp 'dontknow)
5123 (setq braceassignp
5124 (cond ((/= (c-backward-token-2 1 t lim) 0) nil)
5125 ((looking-at c-opt-inexpr-brace-list-key) t)
5126 ((looking-at "\\sw\\|\\s_\\|[.[]")
5127 ;; Carry on looking if this is an
5128 ;; identifier (may contain "." in Java)
5129 ;; or another "[]" sexp.
5130 'dontknow)
5131 (t nil)))))
5132 ;; Checks to do on all sexps before the brace, up to the
5133 ;; beginning of the statement.
5134 (while (eq braceassignp 'dontknow)
5135 (cond ((eq (char-after) ?\;)
5136 (setq braceassignp nil))
5137 ((and class-key
5138 (looking-at class-key))
5139 (setq braceassignp nil))
5140 ((eq (char-after) ?=)
5141 ;; We've seen a =, but must check earlier tokens so
5142 ;; that it isn't something that should be ignored.
5143 (setq braceassignp 'maybe)
5144 (while (and (eq braceassignp 'maybe)
5145 (zerop (c-backward-token-2 1 t lim)))
5146 (setq braceassignp
5147 (cond
5148 ;; Check for operator =
5149 ((and c-opt-op-identifier-prefix
5150 (looking-at c-opt-op-identifier-prefix))
5151 nil)
5152 ;; Check for `<opchar>= in Pike.
5153 ((and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
5154 (or (eq (char-after) ?`)
5155 ;; Special case for Pikes
5156 ;; `[]=, since '[' is not in
5157 ;; the punctuation class.
5158 (and (eq (char-after) ?\[)
5159 (eq (char-before) ?`))))
5160 nil)
5161 ((looking-at "\\s.") 'maybe)
5162 ;; make sure we're not in a C++ template
5163 ;; argument assignment
5164 ((and
5165 (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
5166 (save-excursion
5167 (let ((here (point))
5168 (pos< (progn
5169 (skip-chars-backward "^<>")
5170 (point))))
5171 (and (eq (char-before) ?<)
5172 (not (c-crosses-statement-barrier-p
5173 pos< here))
5174 (not (c-in-literal))
5175 ))))
5176 nil)
5177 (t t))))))
5178 (if (and (eq braceassignp 'dontknow)
5179 (/= (c-backward-token-2 1 t lim) 0))
5180 (setq braceassignp nil)))
5181 (if (not braceassignp)
5182 (if (eq (char-after) ?\;)
5183 ;; Brace lists can't contain a semicolon, so we're done.
5184 (setq containing-sexp nil)
5185 ;; Go up one level.
5186 (setq containing-sexp next-containing
5187 lim nil
5188 next-containing nil))
5189 ;; we've hit the beginning of the aggregate list
5190 (c-beginning-of-statement-1
5191 (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state))
5192 (setq bufpos (point))))
5193 )
5194 bufpos))
5195 ))
5197 ;; ==================================================================
5198 ;; end of monkey-patching of basic parsing logic
5199 ;; ==================================================================
5204 ;;(easy-menu-define csharp-menu csharp-mode-map "C# Mode Commands"
5205 ;; ;; Can use `csharp' as the language for `c-mode-menu'
5206 ;; ;; since its definition covers any language. In
5207 ;; ;; this case the language is used to adapt to the
5208 ;; ;; nonexistence of a cpp pass and thus removing some
5209 ;; ;; irrelevant menu alternatives.
5210 ;; (cons "C#" (c-lang-const c-mode-menu csharp)))
5212 ;;; Autoload mode trigger
5213 ;;;###autoload
5214 (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.cs$" . csharp-mode))
5217 (c-add-style "C#"
5218 '("Java"
5219 (c-basic-offset . 4)
5220 (c-comment-only-line-offset . (0 . 0))
5221 (c-offsets-alist . (
5222 (access-label . -)
5223 (arglist-close . c-lineup-arglist)
5224 (arglist-cont . 0)
5225 (arglist-cont-nonempty . c-lineup-arglist)
5226 (arglist-intro . c-lineup-arglist-intro-after-paren)
5227 (block-close . 0)
5228 (block-open . 0)
5229 (brace-entry-open . 0)
5230 (brace-list-close . 0)
5231 (brace-list-entry . 0)
5232 (brace-list-intro . +)
5233 (brace-list-open . +)
5234 (c . c-lineup-C-comments)
5235 (case-label . +)
5236 (catch-clause . 0)
5237 (class-close . 0)
5238 (class-open . 0)
5239 (comment-intro . c-lineup-comment)
5240 (cpp-macro . 0)
5241 (cpp-macro-cont . c-lineup-dont-change)
5242 (defun-block-intro . +)
5243 (defun-close . 0)
5244 (defun-open . 0)
5245 (do-while-closure . 0)
5246 (else-clause . 0)
5247 (extern-lang-close . 0)
5248 (extern-lang-open . 0)
5249 (friend . 0)
5250 (func-decl-cont . +)
5251 (inclass . +)
5252 (inexpr-class . +)
5253 (inexpr-statement . 0)
5254 (inextern-lang . +)
5255 (inher-cont . c-lineup-multi-inher)
5256 (inher-intro . +)
5257 (inlambda . c-lineup-inexpr-block)
5258 (inline-close . 0)
5259 (inline-open . 0)
5260 (innamespace . +)
5261 (knr-argdecl . 0)
5262 (knr-argdecl-intro . 5)
5263 (label . 0)
5264 (lambda-intro-cont . +)
5265 (member-init-cont . c-lineup-multi-inher)
5266 (member-init-intro . +)
5267 (namespace-close . 0)
5268 (namespace-open . 0)
5269 (statement . 0)
5270 (statement-block-intro . +)
5271 (statement-case-intro . +)
5272 (statement-case-open . +)
5273 (statement-cont . +)
5274 (stream-op . c-lineup-streamop)
5275 (string . c-lineup-dont-change)
5276 (substatement . +)
5277 (substatement-open . 0)
5278 (template-args-cont c-lineup-template-args +)
5279 (topmost-intro . 0)
5280 (topmost-intro-cont . +)
5281 ))
5282 ))
5286 (defun csharp-guess-compile-command ()
5287 "set `compile-command' intelligently depending on the
5288 current buffer, or the contents of the current directory.
5289 "
5290 (interactive)
5291 (set (make-local-variable 'compile-command)
5293 (cond
5294 ((or (file-expand-wildcards "*.csproj" t)
5295 (file-expand-wildcards "*.vcproj" t)
5296 (file-expand-wildcards "*.vbproj" t)
5297 (file-expand-wildcards "*.shfbproj" t)
5298 (file-expand-wildcards "*.sln" t))
5299 (concat csharp-msbuild-tool " "))
5301 ;; sometimes, not sure why, the buffer-file-name is
5302 ;; not set. Can use it only if set.
5303 (buffer-file-name
5304 (let ((filename (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
5305 (cond
5307 ;; editing a c# file - check for an explicitly-specified command
5308 ((string-equal (substring buffer-file-name -3) ".cs")
5309 (let ((explicitly-specified-command
5310 (csharp-get-value-from-comments "compile" csharp-cmd-line-limit)))
5313 (if explicitly-specified-command
5314 (csharp-replace-command-tokens explicitly-specified-command)
5315 (concat csharp-make-tool " " ;; assume a makefile exists
5316 (file-name-sans-extension filename)
5317 ".exe"))))
5319 ;; something else - do a typical .exe build
5320 (t
5321 (concat csharp-make-tool " "
5322 (file-name-sans-extension filename)
5323 ".exe")))))
5324 (t
5325 ;; punt
5326 (concat csharp-make-tool " ")))))
5330 (defun csharp-invoke-compile-interactively ()
5331 "fn to wrap the `compile' function. This simply
5332 checks to see if `compile-command' has been previously set, and
5333 if not, invokes `csharp-guess-compile-command' to set the value.
5334 Then it invokes the `compile' function, interactively.
5336 The effect is to guess the compile command only once, per buffer.
5338 I tried doing this with advice attached to the `compile'
5339 function, but because of the interactive nature of the fn, it
5340 didn't work the way I wanted it to. So this fn should be bound to
5341 the key sequence the user likes for invoking compile, like ctrl-c
5342 ctrl-e.
5344 "
5345 (interactive)
5346 (cond
5347 ((not (boundp 'csharp-local-compile-command-has-been-set))
5348 (csharp-guess-compile-command)
5349 (set (make-local-variable 'csharp-local-compile-command-has-been-set) t)))
5350 ;; local compile command has now been set
5351 (call-interactively 'compile))
5356 ;;; The entry point into the mode
5357 ;;;###autoload
5358 (defun csharp-mode ()
5359 "Major mode for editing C# code. This mode is derived from CC Mode to
5360 support C#.
5362 Normally, you'd want to autoload this mode by setting `auto-mode-alist' with
5363 an entry for csharp, in your .emacs file:
5365 (autoload 'csharp-mode \"csharp-mode\" \"Major mode for editing C# code.\" t)
5366 (setq auto-mode-alist
5367 (append '((\"\\.cs$\" . csharp-mode)) auto-mode-alist))
5369 The mode provides fontification and indent for C# syntax, as well
5370 as some other handy features.
5372 At mode startup, there are two interesting hooks that run:
5373 `c-mode-common-hook' is run with no args, then `csharp-mode-hook' is run after
5374 that, also with no args.
5376 To run your own logic after csharp-mode starts, do this:
5378 (defun my-csharp-mode-fn ()
5379 \"my function that runs when csharp-mode is initialized for a buffer.\"
5380 (turn-on-font-lock)
5381 (turn-on-auto-revert-mode) ;; helpful when also using Visual Studio
5382 (setq indent-tabs-mode nil) ;; tabs are evil
5383 (flymake-mode 1)
5384 (yas/minor-mode-on)
5385 (require 'rfringe) ;; handy for flymake
5386 (require 'flymake-cursor) ;; also handy for flymake
5387 ....your own code here...
5388 )
5389 (add-hook 'csharp-mode-hook 'my-csharp-mode-fn t)
5392 The function above is just a suggestion.
5395 Compile integration:
5396 ========================
5398 csharp-mode binds the function `csharp-invoke-compile-interactively' to
5399 \"\C-x\C-e\" . This function attempts to intellgently guess the format of the
5400 compile command to use for a buffer. It looks in the comments at the head of
5401 the buffer for a line that begins with compile: . For exammple:
5403 // compile: csc.exe /t:library /r:Mylib.dll Foo.cs
5405 If csharp-mode finds a line like this, it will suggest the text that follows
5406 as the compilation command when running `compile' for the first time. If such
5407 a line is not found, csharp-mode falls back to a msbuild or nmake command.
5408 See the documentation on `csharp-cmd-line-limit' for further information. If
5409 you don't want this magic, then you can just run `compile' directly, rather
5410 than `csharp-invoke-compile-interactively' .
5412 This mode will also automatically add a symbol and regexp to the
5413 `compilation-error-regexp-alist' and`compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist'
5414 respectively, for Csc.exe error and warning messages. If you invoke `compile',
5415 then `next-error' should work properly for error messages produced by csc.exe.
5418 Flymake Integraiton
5419 ========================
5421 You can use flymake with csharp mode to automatically check the syntax of your
5422 csharp code, and highlight errors. To do so, add a comment line like this to
5423 each .cs file that you use flymake with:
5425 // flymake: csc.exe /t:module /R:Foo.dll @@FILE@@
5427 csharp-mode replaces special tokens in the command with different values:
5429 @@ORIG@@ - gets replaced with the original filename
5430 @@FILE@@ - gets replaced with the name of the temporary file
5431 created by flymake. This is usually what you want in place of the
5432 name of the file to be compiled.
5434 See the documentation on `csharp-cmd-line-limit' for further information.
5436 You may also want to run a syntax checker, like fxcop:
5438 // flymake: fxcopcmd.exe /c /F:MyLibrary.dll
5440 In this case you don't need either of the tokens described above.
5442 If the module has no external dependencies, then you need not specify any
5443 flymake command at all. csharp-mode will implicitly act as if you had
5444 specified the command:
5446 // flymake: csc.exe /t:module /nologo @@FILE@@
5448 It looks for the EXE on the path. You can specify a full path if you like.
5451 YASnippet and IMenu Integraiton
5452 ===============================
5454 Check the menubar for menu entries for YASnippet and Imenu; the latter
5455 is labelled \"Index\".
5457 The Imenu index gets computed when the file is .cs first opened and loaded.
5458 This may take a moment or two. If you don't like this delay and don't
5459 use imenu, you can turn this off with the variable `csharp-want-imenu'.
5463 Key bindings:
5464 \\{csharp-mode-map}"
5465 (interactive)
5466 (kill-all-local-variables)
5467 (make-local-variable 'beginning-of-defun-function)
5468 (make-local-variable 'end-of-defun-function)
5469 (c-initialize-cc-mode t)
5470 (set-syntax-table csharp-mode-syntax-table)
5472 ;; define underscore as part of a word in the Csharp syntax table
5473 (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" csharp-mode-syntax-table)
5475 ;; define @ as an expression prefix in Csharp syntax table
5476 (modify-syntax-entry ?@ "'" csharp-mode-syntax-table)
5478 (setq major-mode 'csharp-mode
5479 mode-name "C#"
5480 local-abbrev-table csharp-mode-abbrev-table
5481 abbrev-mode t)
5482 (use-local-map csharp-mode-map)
5484 ;; `c-init-language-vars' is a macro that is expanded at compile
5485 ;; time to a large `setq' with all the language variables and their
5486 ;; customized values for our language.
5487 (c-init-language-vars csharp-mode)
5489 ;; `c-common-init' initializes most of the components of a CC Mode
5490 ;; buffer, including setup of the mode menu, font-lock, etc.
5491 ;; There's also a lower level routine `c-basic-common-init' that
5492 ;; only makes the necessary initialization to get the syntactic
5493 ;; analysis and similar things working.
5494 (c-common-init 'csharp-mode)
5496 ;; compile
5497 (local-set-key "\C-x\C-e" 'csharp-invoke-compile-interactively)
5499 ;; to allow next-error to work with csc.exe:
5500 (setq compilation-scroll-output t)
5502 ;; csc.exe, the C# Compiler, produces errors like this:
5503 ;; file.cs(6,18): error CS1006: Name of constructor must match name of class
5504 (if (boundp 'compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist)
5505 (progn
5506 (add-to-list
5507 'compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist
5508 '(ms-csharp "^[ \t]*\\([-_:A-Za-z0-9][^\n(]*\\.\\(?:cs\\|xaml\\)\\)(\\([0-9]+\\)[,]\\([0-9]+\\)) ?: \\(error\\|warning\\) CS[0-9]+:" 1 2 3))
5509 (add-to-list
5510 'compilation-error-regexp-alist
5511 'ms-csharp)))
5513 ;; flymake
5514 (eval-after-load "flymake"
5515 '(progn
5516 (if csharp-want-flymake-fixup
5517 (csharp-flymake-install))))
5519 (eval-after-load "yasnippet"
5520 '(progn
5521 (if csharp-want-yasnippet-fixup
5522 (csharp-yasnippet-fixup))))
5525 (local-set-key (kbd "/") 'csharp-maybe-insert-codedoc)
5526 (local-set-key (kbd "{") 'csharp-insert-open-brace)
5528 ;; Need the following for parse-partial-sexp to work properly with
5529 ;; verbatim literal strings Setting this var to non-nil tells
5530 ;; `parse-partial-sexp' to pay attention to the syntax text
5531 ;; properties on the text in the buffer. If csharp-mode attaches
5532 ;; text syntax to @"..." then, `parse-partial-sexp' will treat those
5533 ;; strings accordingly.
5534 (set (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-lookup-properties) t)
5536 ;; scan the entire buffer for verblit strings
5537 ;; This will happen on font; it's necessary only
5538 ;; if font-lock is disabled. But it won't hurt.
5539 (csharp-scan-for-verbatim-literals-and-set-props nil nil)
5541 ;; Allow fill-paragraph to work on xml code doc
5542 ;; This setting gets overwritten quietly by c-run-mode-hooks,
5543 ;; so I put it afterwards to make it stick.
5544 (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate)
5546 ;;(message "C#: set paragraph-separate")
5548 ;; Speedbar handling
5549 (if (fboundp 'speedbar-add-supported-extension)
5550 (speedbar-add-supported-extension '(".cs"))) ;; idempotent
5552 (c-update-modeline)
5553 (c-run-mode-hooks 'c-mode-common-hook 'csharp-mode-hook)
5555 ;; maybe do imenu scan after hook returns
5556 (if csharp-want-imenu
5557 (progn
5558 ;; There are two ways to do imenu indexing. One is to provide a
5559 ;; function, via `imenu-create-index-function'. The other is to
5560 ;; provide imenu with a list of regexps via
5561 ;; `imenu-generic-expression'; imenu will do a "generic scan" for you.
5562 ;; csharp-mode uses the former method.
5563 ;;
5564 (setq imenu-create-index-function 'csharp-imenu-create-index)
5565 (imenu-add-menubar-index)))
5567 ;; The paragraph-separate variable was getting stomped by
5568 ;; other hooks, so it must reside here.
5569 (setq paragraph-separate
5570 "[ \t]*\\(//+\\|\\**\\)\\([ \t]+\\|[ \t]+<.+?>\\)$\\|^\f")
5572 (setq beginning-of-defun-function 'csharp-move-back-to-beginning-of-defun)
5573 ;; end-of-defun-function can remain forward-sexp !!
5575 (set (make-local-variable 'comment-auto-fill-only-comments) t)
5576 )
5581 ;; =======================================================
5582 ;;
5583 ;; This section attempts to workaround an anomalous display behavior
5584 ;; for tooltips. It's not strictly necessary, only for aesthetics. The
5585 ;; issue is that tooltips can get clipped. This is the topic of Emacs
5586 ;; bug #5908, unfixed in v23 and present in v22.
5589 (defadvice tooltip-show (before
5590 flymake-for-csharp-fixup-tooltip
5591 (arg &optional use-echo-area)
5592 activate compile)
5593 (progn
5594 (if ;;(and (not use-echo-area) (eq major-mode 'csharp-mode))
5595 (not use-echo-area)
5596 (let ((orig (ad-get-arg 0)))
5597 (ad-set-arg 0 (concat " " (cheeso-string-trim (cheeso-reform-string 74 orig) ?\ )))
5598 ))))
5603 ;; ========================================================================
5604 ;; YA-snippet integration
5606 (defun csharp-yasnippet-fixup ()
5607 "Sets snippets into ya-snippet for C#, if yasnippet is loaded,
5608 and if the snippets do not already exist.
5609 "
5610 (if (not csharp--yasnippet-has-been-fixed)
5611 (if (fboundp 'yas/snippet-table-fetch)
5612 ;; yasnippet is present
5613 (let ((snippet-table (yas/snippet-table 'csharp-mode))
5614 (keymap (if yas/use-menu
5615 (yas/menu-keymap-for-mode 'csharp-mode)
5616 nil))
5617 (yas/require-template-condition nil)
5618 (builtin-snips
5619 '(
5620 ("xmls" "{
5621 XmlSerializer s1 = new XmlSerializer(typeof(${1:type}));
5623 // use this to \"suppress\" the default xsd and xsd-instance namespaces
5624 XmlSerializerNamespaces ns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
5625 ns.Add(\"\", \"\");
5627 s1.Serialize(new XTWFND(System.Console.Out), object, ns);
5628 System.Console.WriteLine(\"\\n\");
5629 }
5631 $0
5632 /// XmlTextWriterFormattedNoDeclaration
5633 /// helper class : eliminates the XML Documentation at the
5634 /// start of a XML doc.
5635 /// XTWFND = XmlTextWriterFormattedNoDeclaration
5636 /// usage: s1.Serialize(new XTWFND(System.Console.Out), thing, ns);
5638 public class XTWFND : System.Xml.XmlTextWriter
5639 {
5640 public XTWFND(System.IO.StringWriter w) : base(w) { Formatting=System.Xml.Formatting.Indented; }
5641 public XTWFND(System.IO.TextWriter w) : base(w) { Formatting = System.Xml.Formatting.Indented; }
5642 public XTWFND(System.IO.Stream s) : base(s, null) { Formatting = System.Xml.Formatting.Indented; }
5643 public XTWFND(string filename) : base(filename, null) { Formatting = System.Xml.Formatting.Indented; }
5644 public override void WriteStartDocument() { }
5645 }
5647 " "xmlserializer { ... }" nil)
5648 ("wl" "System.Console.WriteLine(${0://thing to do});
5649 " "WriteLine( ... );" nil)
5650 ("while" "while (${1:condition})
5651 {
5652 ${0://thing to do}
5653 }" "while (...) { ... }" nil)
5654 ("using" "using (${1:type} ${2:var} = new ${1:type}(${4:ctor args}))
5655 {
5656 ${5:// body...}
5657 }" "using ... { ... }" nil)
5658 ("try" "try
5659 {
5660 $0
5661 }
5662 catch (System.Exception exc1)
5663 {
5664 throw new Exception(\"uncaught exception\", exc1);
5665 }" "try { ... } catch { ... }" nil)
5666 ("sum" "/// <summary>
5667 /// ${1:description}
5668 /// </summary>
5669 ///
5670 /// <remarks>
5671 /// ${2:comments}
5672 /// </remarks>
5673 " "/// <summary>..." nil)
5674 ("sing" "#region Singleton ${1:className}
5675 public sealed class $1
5676 {
5677 private readonly static $1 _instance = new $1();
5678 public static $1 Instance { get { return _instance; } }
5679 static $1() { /* required for lazy init */ }
5680 private $1()
5681 {
5682 // implementation here
5683 }
5684 }
5686 #endregion
5687 " "public sealed class Singleton {...}" nil)
5688 ("setting" " #region Property${1:PropName}
5690 private string default$1 = ${2:defaultValue};
5691 private string _$1;
5692 public string $1
5693 {
5694 get
5695 {
5696 if (_$1 == null)
5697 {
5698 _$1 = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[\"$1\"];
5700 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_$1))
5701 {
5702 _$1 = default$1;
5703 }
5704 }
5705 return this._$1;
5706 }
5707 set
5708 {
5709 string new$1 = value;
5710 // optional validation:
5711 //Validation.EnforceXxxx(new$1, \"$1\");
5712 _$1 = new$1;
5713 }
5714 }
5716 #endregion
5717 " "config setting" nil)
5718 ("prop" "private ${1:Type} _${2:Name};
5719 public ${1:Type} ${2:Name}
5720 {
5721 get
5722 {
5723 ${3://get impl}
5724 }
5726 set
5727 {
5728 ${4://get impl}
5729 }
5731 }" "property ... { ... }" nil)
5732 ("pa" " for (int i=0; i < args.Length; i++)
5733 {
5734 switch (args[i])
5735 {
5736 case \"-?\":
5737 case \"-help\":
5738 throw new ArgumentException(args[i]);
5740 default: // positional args
5741 if ($2 != 0)
5742 // we have all the args we need
5743 throw new ArgumentException(args[i]);
5745 if ($1 == null)
5746 $1 = args[i];
5748 else
5749 $2 = System.Int32.Parse(args[i]);
5751 break;
5752 }
5753 }
5755 // check values
5756 if ($1 == null)
5757 throw new ArgumentException();
5759 if ($2 == 0)
5760 throw new ArgumentException();
5763 " "switch(args[0]) {...}" nil)
5764 ("openread" " using(Stream src = File.OpenRead($1))
5765 {
5766 using(Stream dest= File.Create($2))
5767 {
5768 if (compress)
5769 Compress(src, dest);
5770 else
5771 Decompress(src, dest);
5772 }
5773 }
5774 " "File.OpenRead(...)" nil)
5775 ("ofd" "var dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog();
5776 dlg.Filter = \"${1:filter string}\"; // ex: \"C# (*.cs)|*.cs|Text (*.txt)|*.txt\";
5777 if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
5778 {
5779 string fileName = dlg.FileName;
5780 $0
5781 }
5782 " "new OpenFileDialog; if (DialogResult.OK) { ... }" nil)
5783 ("ife" "if (${1:predicate})
5784 {
5785 ${2:// then clause}
5786 }
5787 else
5788 {
5789 ${3:// else clause}
5790 }" "if (...) { ... } else { ... }" nil)
5791 ("fore" "foreach (${1:type} ${2:var} in ${3:IEnumerable})
5792 {
5793 ${4:// body...}
5794 }" "foreach ... { ... }" nil)
5795 ("for" "for (int ${1:index}=0; $1 < ${2:Limit}; $1++)
5796 {
5797 ${3:// body...}
5798 }" "for (...) { ... }" nil)
5799 ("fbd" "using (FolderBrowserDialog dialog = new FolderBrowserDialog())
5800 {
5801 dialog.Description = \"Open a folder which contains the xml output\";
5802 dialog.ShowNewFolderButton = false;
5803 dialog.RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.MyComputer;
5804 if(dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
5805 {
5806 string folder = dialog.SelectedPath;
5807 foreach (string fileName in Directory.GetFiles(folder, \"*.xml\", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
5808 {
5809 SQLGenerator.GenerateSQLTransactions(Path.GetFullPath(fileName));
5810 }
5811 }
5812 }
5814 " "new FolderBrowserDialog; if (DialogResult.OK) { ... }" nil)
5815 ("doc" "/// <summary>
5816 /// ${1:summary}
5817 /// </summary>
5818 ///
5819 /// <remarks>
5820 /// ${2:remarks}
5821 /// </remarks>
5822 $0" "XML Documentation" nil)
5823 ("conv" " List<String> Values = new List<String>() { \"7\", \"13\", \"41\", \"3\" };
5825 // ConvertAll maps the given delegate across all the List elements
5826 var foo = Values.ConvertAll((s) => { return System.Convert.ToInt32(s); }) ;
5828 System.Console.WriteLine(\"typeof(foo) = {0}\", foo.GetType().ToString());
5830 Array.ForEach(foo.ToArray(),Console.WriteLine);
5831 " "ConvertAll((s) => { ... });" nil)
5832 ("cla" "public class ${1:Classname}
5833 {
5834 // default ctor
5835 public ${1:Classname}()
5836 {
5837 }
5839 ${2:// methods here}
5840 }" "class ... { ... }" nil)
5841 ("ca" " List<String> Values = new List<String>() { \"7\", \"13\", \"41\", \"3\" };
5843 // ConvertAll maps the given delegate across all the List elements
5844 var foo = Values.ConvertAll((s) => { return System.Convert.ToInt32(s); }) ;
5846 System.Console.WriteLine(\"typeof(foo) = {0}\", foo.GetType().ToString());
5848 Array.ForEach(foo.ToArray(),Console.WriteLine);
5849 " "ConvertAll((s) => { ... });" nil)
5850 ("ass" "
5852 [assembly: AssemblyTitle(\"$1\")]
5853 [assembly: AssemblyCompany(\"${2:YourCoName}\")]
5854 [assembly: AssemblyProduct(\"${3}\")]
5855 [assembly: AssemblyCopyright(\"Copyright © ${4:Someone} 2011\")]
5856 [assembly: AssemblyTrademark(\"\")]
5857 [assembly: AssemblyCulture(\"\")]
5858 [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration(\"\")]
5859 [assembly: AssemblyDescription(\"${5}\")]
5860 [assembly: AssemblyVersion(\"${6:}\")]
5861 [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion(\"${7:}\")]
5863 " "assembly info" nil)
5864 )))
5866 (setq csharp--yasnippet-has-been-fixed t)
5868 (add-to-list 'yas/known-modes 'csharp-mode)
5870 ;; It's possible that Csharp-mode is not on the yasnippet menu
5871 ;; Install it here.
5872 (when yas/use-menu
5873 (define-key
5874 yas/menu-keymap
5875 (vector 'csharp-mode)
5876 `(menu-item "C#" ,keymap)))
5878 ;; Insert the snippets from above into the table if they
5879 ;; are not already defined.
5880 (mapcar
5881 '(lambda (item)
5882 (let* ((full-key (car item))
5883 (existing-snip
5884 (yas/snippet-table-fetch snippet-table full-key)))
5885 (if (not existing-snip)
5886 (let* ((key (file-name-sans-extension full-key))
5887 (name (caddr item))
5888 (condition (nth 3 item))
5889 (template (yas/make-template (cadr item)
5890 (or name key)
5891 condition)))
5892 (yas/snippet-table-store snippet-table
5893 full-key
5894 key
5895 template)
5896 (when yas/use-menu
5897 (define-key keymap (vector (make-symbol full-key))
5898 `(menu-item ,(yas/template-name template)
5899 ,(yas/make-menu-binding (yas/template-content template))
5900 :keys ,(concat key yas/trigger-symbol))))))))
5901 builtin-snips)))))
5906 (message (concat "Done loading " load-file-name))
5909 (provide 'csharp-mode)
5911 ;;; csharp-mode.el ends here
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