
Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make your computer run.

All packages list

Systemd example services


Description=keycloak service

ExecStart=/bin/sh /home/userx/keycloak-x.y.z/bin/

[Install] site.service


Description=moinmoin service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python2.7 /home/moin/moin-x.y.z/

[Install] nginx.service


Description=site service


[Install] nginx.service

   1 systemctl enable keycloak.service
   2 systemctl enable moinmoin.service
   3 systemctl enable site.service
   4 systemctl list-dependencies
   5 systemctl start keycloak.service
   6 systemctl start moinmoin.service
   7 systemctl start site.service
   8 systemctl status keycloak.service
   9 systemctl status moinmoin.service
  10 systemctl status site.service
  11 systemctl status

Sample service blah

File in /etc/init.d/blah with chmod 755:

   1 #!/bin/sh
   2 #/etc/init.d/blah
   3 #
   4 # Some things that run always
   5 touch /var/lock/blah
   7 # Carry out specific functions when asked to by the system
   8 case "$1" in
   9   start)
  10     echo "Starting script blah "
  11     echo "Could do more here"
  12     ;;
  13   stop)
  14     echo "Stopping script blah"
  15     echo "Could do more here"
  16     ;;
  17   *)
  18     echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/blah {start|stop}"
  19     exit 1
  20     ;;
  21 esac
  23 exit 0

Add service

   1 update-rc.d blah defaults
   2 update-rc.d blah defaults 20 80
   3 update-rc.d blah start 20 2 3 4 . start 30 5 . stop 80 0 1 6 .

Remove service

   1 update-rc.d -f blah remove

Check services status

   1 service --status-all
   2 service blah status

Install Debian Wheezy 32 bit

Base Install DW (Debian Wheezy)

In Virtualbox

   1 ifconfig
   2 ping
   3 apt-get update
   4 python -V # version 2.7.3
   5 dpkg -l > /tmp/initialPackages.txt

Installation Debian 7.5.0 amd64 (Wheezy)

Fetch and burn the ISO

   1 wget
   2 modprobe sg # fpr cdrecord
   3 cdrecord -scanbus #identify the device
   4 cdrecord -dev=1,0,0 -pad -data debian-7.5.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso
   5 # eject the DVD after burning
   6 cd /
   7 mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom #check DVD
   8 cd /mnt/cdrom
   9 ls
  10 cd /
  11 umount /mnt/cdrom


Install extra packages

   1 #login as root
   2 df -h # check  disk usage
   3 ifconfig # check network devices 
   4 ping
   5 vi /etc/apt/sources.list # comment the line with deb cdrom
   6 apt-get install lynx
   7 apt-get install links
   8 apt-get install xorg
   9 apt-get install wmaker
  10 startx #starts X if all goes well
  11 xterm #open a console
  12 apt-get install iceweasel
  13 iceweasel & #run firefox with branding
  14 apt-get install kdm
  15 vi /etc/inittab
  16 #change default runlevel to 5
  17 #id:5:initdefault
  18 #add line to runlevel 5
  19 #x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/X
  20 reboot # after the reboot should appear the KDM login window
  21 #login
  22 xterm
  23 apt-get install vim
  24 apt-get install icedove
  25 apt-get install wmclockmon
  26 # On WindowMaker Clip click with right mouse button and select Attract Icons
  27 # On each attracted icon select Keep Icon
  28 apt-get install pidgin
  29 apt-get install emacs
  30 apt-get install netbeans
  31 apt-get install mongodb
  32 apt-get install monodevelop
  33 apt-get install mono-complete
  34 apt-get install samba
  35 apt-get install cifs-utils


   1 apt-get install eclipse #eclipse 3.8
   2 eclipse &
   3 # create workspace in ~/workspace

Two monitors with digital output

   1 xrandr #show the current outputs and definitions for X
   2 vi /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsetup
   3 xrandr --output DP-2 --right-of DP-1 # two monitors
   4 setxkbmap pt # portuguese keyboard
   5 /usr/bin/xrandr --output HDMI-1 --left-of "eDP-1"

Enable multiarch and install Skype

   1 dpkg --add-architecture i386
   2 apt-get update
   3 wget -O skype-install.deb
   4 dpkg -i skype-install.deb
   5 apt-get -f install
   6 dkpg -i skype-install.deb

Resize /home folder

   1 df -h #check sizes
   2 umount /home
   3 e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/debianWheezy-home
   4 resizefs /dev/mapper/debianWheezy-home 200G
   5 lvreduce -L 200G /dev/mapper/debianWheezy-home
   6 mount /dev/mapper/debianWheezy-home
   7 vgdisplay

Debian 8.6.0 (Jessie)

Debian 64 bit
VDI type
dynamic allocation
16 GB
location other europe Portugal
default local en_us.UTF8
keyboard portuguese
hostname debian
domain name <empty>
root pass 
new user vitor
clock Lisbon
Partition, guided user entire disk LVM
scsi(0,0,0) sda
all in one partition
change yes
Finish partitioning
scan other cd dvd no
use net mirrors yes portugal
package survey no
software to install desktop kde lxde ssh web server print server standard utils displaymanager kdm 
install grub in MBR yes /dev/sda
Finish installation continue

VBoxManage setextradata "VMDebian" "CustomVideoMode1" "1366x768x32"
Use 2 cpu cores in the VM
run guest additions 

# sid 
deb sid  main contrib
deb-src sid main contrib
apt-get update

Install debian 10 - buster on external HDD with USB adapter

  proto=RSN WPA
  group=CCMP TKIP
  pairwise=CCMP TKIP

deb buster main contrib non-free
deb-src buster main contrib non-free

cd /boot/efi/EFI/
mv BOOT BOOT_bak
cp -R debian BOOT
mv shimx64.efi bootx64.efi

Debian 10 (Buster) in VirtualBox VM

   1 wget
   2 # run virtualbox 
   3 # new vm
   4 # name Debian buster type linux, version debian 64 bit
   5 # ram 4096 GB
   6 # create virtual vdi 16GB dynamically allocated
   7 #settings storage, ide, choose virtual optical drive, attach iso debian-live-10.1.0-amd64-standard.iso to VM
   8 # start VM
   9 # choose debian installer 
  10 # language: english
  11 # country other, europe, portugal, default locale en_us
  12 # keyboard portuguese
  13 # hostname debian
  14 # domain name ""
  15 # root pass: 
  16 # new user: vitor
  17 # username: vitor
  18 # pwd: 
  19 # configure clock: Lisbon
  20 # partition disks: guided - use entire disk and set up LVM
  21 # use scsi3, sda
  22 # all files in one partition
  23 # write changes and configure lvm: yes
  24 # volume group to use for guided partition: 16.9 GB
  25 # write changes to disk: yes
  26 # use network mirror: yes, portugal,
  27 # proxy info: blank
  28 # install grub2 in MBR: yes
  29 # install in /dev/sda
  30 # install complete, continue
  31 # reboot
  32 # choose debian gnu/linux
  33 # login with root:toor
  34 apt update
  35 apt install xorg wmaker xterm lightdm firefox-esr htop wmclockmon vim  
  36 /sbin/usermod -a vitor -G docker
  37 service lightdm start
  38 # Inside /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf in [Seat:*] 
  39 add display-setup-script=setxkbmap pt 
  40 add greeter-setup-script=setxkbmap pt 
  41 add session-setup-script=setxkbmap pt
  43 [LightDM] 
  44 add display-setup-script=setxkbmap pt 
  45 add greeter-setup-script=setxkbmap pt 
  46 add session-setup-script=setxkbmap pt
  48 # In ~/.xsessionrc add
  49 /usr/bin/setxkbmap pt &
  50 /usr/bin/xterm &
  52 # Devices, insert guest additions cd image
  53 mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
  54 cd /mnt
  55 ./ 
  56 # window maker
  57 workspace, appearance, background, styles, green
  58 workspace, appearance, background, solid, black
  59 workspace, appearance, save theme, MyTheme
  61 #
  62 # The keyboard setup dialog in GNOME 3 will modify IBus's configuration directly, # but for users of other X environments, 
  63 # you can use the ibus-setup command to modify the settings for IBus. To force it # to defer to the settings 
  64 # from /etc/default/keyboard, run ibus-setup, go to the Advanced tab, and check # Use system keyboard layout. 
  65 # ibus-setup
  66 # input method
  67 # add portuguese
  69 cd C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox
  70 VBoxManage setextradata "Debian buster" "CustomVideoMode1" "1366x768x32" 
  72 xrandr --output Virtual1 --mode 1360x768
  74 cat .xsessionrc
  75 /usr/bin/setxkbmap pt&
  76 /usr/bin/xterm &
  77 xrandr --output Virtual1 --mode 1360x768 &
  79 #### get jdk8 from
  80 apt install net-tools openssh-server ntp ntpsec-ntpdate
  81 # add host port 2222 to vm guest port 22
  82 /sbin/usermod -a vitor -G vboxfs # shared folder virtualbox
  84 wget
  86 cd /opt
  87 tar xvzf eclipse-java-luna-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
  88 chgrp users eclipse/
  89 chgrp users eclipse/* -R
  91 /opt/eclipse/eclipse.ini
  92 -startup
  93 plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20140415-2008.jar
  94 --launcher.library
  95 plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_64_1.1.200.v20150204-1316
  96 -product
  98 --launcher.defaultAction
  99 openFile
 100 -showsplash
 101 org.eclipse.platform
 102 --launcher.XXMaxPermSize
 103 256m
 104 --launcher.defaultAction
 105 openFile
 106 --launcher.appendVmargs
 107 -vm
 108 /opt/jdk8u222-b10/bin/java
 109 -vmargs
 110 -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6
 111 -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
 112 -Xms40m
 113 -Xmx512m
 115 # 
 116 /opt/eclipse/eclipse
 118 apt install thunar mousepad wmmon
 119 xrandr --output Virtual1 --mode 1366x768
 120 mousepad oblivion theme monospace regular 12
 122 cat lightdm.conf  | grep -v "^#"
 123 /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf 
 124 [LightDM]
 126 display-setup-script = setxkbmap pt
 127 greeter-setup-script = setxknmap pt 
 128 session-setup-script = setxkbmap pt 
 129 [Seat:*]
 131 [XDMCPServer]
 133 [VNCServer]
 135 ####
 136 apt install xfce4-terminal
 137 apt install wmmon
 138 apt install wmix
 139 apt install mono
 140 apt install python-pip
 141 apt install cowsay
 142 apt install unzip
 143 apt install libxml2-utils
 144 apt install gimp
 145 apt install xmlsec1
 147 xrandr --output Virtual1 --mode 1366x768
 149 apt install curl zip unzip
 150 /sbin/dhclient enp0s3
 152 # install openjdk 11
 153 cd ~
 154 wget
 155 tar xvzf openjdk-11.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz
 156 # add ~/jdk-11.0.2/bin to ~/.bashrc
 157 # get eclipse with open jdk 11 support
 158 cd ~
 159 wget
 160 tar xvzf eclipse-java-2019-09-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
 162 # copy paste
 163 In virtualbox choose general, advanced, shared clipboard, bidirectional

Add LVM disk debian buster

   1 fdisk /dev/sdb # n, partition , 2st sector 2048, last sector 16777215, w
   2 pvcreate /dev/sdb1 # pvcreate - initialize a disk or partition for use by LVM
   3 vgdisplay  # vgdisplay - display attributes of volume groups
   4 pvscan # pvscan - scan all disks for physical volumes
   5 vgextend debian-vg /dev/sdb1 # vgextend - add physical volumes to a volume group
   6 pvscan # pvscan - scan all disks for physical volumes
   7 lvdisplay  # lvdisplay - display attributes of a logical volume
   8 lvextend /dev/debian-vg/root /dev/sdb1 # lvextend - extend the size of a logical volume
   9 vgdisplay  # vgdisplay - display attributes of volume groups
  10 resize2fs /dev/debian-vg/root  # resize2fs - ext2/ext3/ext4 file system resizer 
  11 # other disk
  12 fdisk -l
  13 fdisk /dev/sdc
  14 pvcreate /dev/sdc1
  15 vgextend debian-vg /dev/sdc1
  16 lvextend /dev/debian-vg/root /dev/sdc1
  17 resize2fs /dev/debian-vg/root
  18 df -h
  19 # other disk /dev/sdd 8 GB
  20 fdisk /dev/sdd
  21 pvcreate /dev/sdd1
  22 vgextend debian-vg /dev/sdd1
  23 lvextend /dev/debian-vg/root /dev/sdd1
  24 resize2fs /dev/debian-vg/root
  25 df -h
  26 # other disk /dev/sde 8GB 
  27 fdisk -l
  28 fdisk /dev/sde # n, partition , 2st sector 2048, last sector 16777215, w
  29 pvcreate /dev/sde1
  30 vgextend debian-vg /dev/sde1
  31 lvextend /dev/debian-vg/root /dev/sde1
  32 resize2fs /dev/debian-vg/root
  33 df -h
  35 # other disk /dev/sdf 8GB 
  36 fdisk -l
  37 fdisk /dev/sdf # n, partition , 2st sector 2048, last sector 16777215, w
  38 pvcreate /dev/sdf1
  39 vgextend debian-vg /dev/sdf1
  40 lvextend /dev/debian-vg/root /dev/sdf1
  41 resize2fs /dev/debian-vg/root
  42 df -h

Alsa and Pulseaudio

   1 apt purge pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin  pavumeter pavucontrol
   2 apt install alsa-tools alsa-tools-gui alsa-utils alsa-oss alsamixergui libalsaplayer0
   3 /sbin/alsactl init
   4 aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav


   1 /sbin/usermod -a userx -G vboxsf
   2 ln -s /sandbox/ sandbox

Skype for Linux (deb)

   1 apt --fix-broken install
   2 dpkg -i skypeforlinux-64.deb # debian buster

Restart clipboard copy paste in VirtualBox VM

   1 sudo killall VBoxClient
   2 sudo VBoxClient-all

.xsessionrc with xfce-terminal and wider screen (1920x1080)

   1 /usr/bin/setxkbmap pt&
   2 /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal &
   3 #/usr/bin/xterm &
   4 #xrandr --output Virtual-1 --mode 1360x768
   5 #xrandr --output Virtual-1 --mode 1920x1080
   6 xrandr --output Virtual-1 --mode 1680x1050

Remove package

   1 sudo dpkg -P package_name

Install in Lenovo Yoga 300

   1 # Fn+F2 to go to BIOS and change to legacy mode to support USB boot without UEFI
   2 # Legacy boot USB
   3 # Fn+F12 select boot device, USB pen with Debian 10 buster
   4 # Debian graphical installer
   5 # english, other, europe, Portugal, US, portuguese, no firmware, user vitor, use # largest continuous space, one partition, no package manager, install GRUB
   6 # search and install firmware-realtek-20190114-2_all.deb
   7 dpkg -i firmware-realtek_20190114-2_all.deb
   8 dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
   9 # UTF8 Latin1 TerminusBus 16x32
  10 apt update
  11 apt upgrade 
  12 apt install -y firefox-esr leafpad mousepad htop lxdm lxterminal
  13 apt install -y alsa-tools alsa-tools-gui alsa-utils alsa-oss alsamixergui libalsaplayer0 
  14 apt install -y openjdk-11-jdk docker-compose
  15 /sbin/usermod -a vitor -G docker
  16 # In preferences, IBus preferences choose keyboard pt
  17 ibus-setup
  18 # timezone
  19 apt install -y ntp ntpsec-ntpdate ntpdate
  20 /sbin/ntpdate 
  21 /sbin/service ntp start
  22 timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Lisbon
  23 /sbin/service ntp start
  24 /sbin/usermod -aG sudo vitor # add to sudoers
  25 apt install net-tools gimp libreoffice inxi mupdf
  26 apt install curl
  27 curl -sfL | sh -
  28 # right mouse button on bottom, add/remove panel items, add "manage networks", "battery monitor"
  29 inxi -Fxz
  30 # if issues of rfkill appear run the following
  31 echo 1 > /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
  32 sudo apt upgrade --fix-missing
  33 sudo apt update --fix-missing
  34 sudo apt install thunderbird
  35 sudo apt install wmbattery wclockmon wmix wmmon
  36 #
  37 sudo apt autoremove
  38 sudo apt upgrade  --fix-missing
  39 sudo apt autoremove
  40 sudo apt upgrade  --fix-missing
  41 sudo os-prober 
  42 sudo vi  /etc/default/grub
  43 # add entry to grub file to enable prober
  45 sudo update-grub 
  46 # install gcc
  47 sudo apt install build-essential manpages-dev


deb buster main contrib non-free
deb-src buster main contrib non-free
deb sid  main contrib
deb-src sid main contrib


@lxpanel --profile LXDE
@pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE
@xscreensaver -no-splash
@/usr/bin/setxkbmap pt


/usr/bin/xscreensaver -no-splash &

Lock screen

   1 sudo apt install xscreensaver
   2 xscreensaver &
   3 cd ~/GNUstep/Defaults 
   4 mv WMRootMenu WMRootMenu.old
   5 cp /etc/GNUstep/Defaults/plmenu.Debian WMRootMenu
   6 # Lock command xscreensaver-command -lock
   7 # Window maker preferences, Applications Menu Definitions, Run program
   8 # Drag it and set caption and command  

Install Debian 11 bullseye in Asus A540S

   1 # Esc to go to BIOS and change to legacy mode to support USB boot without UEFI
   2 # Legacy boot USB
   3 # Esc select boot device, USB pen with Debian 10 buster
   4 # Debian graphical installer
   5 # english, other, europe, Portugal, US, portuguese, no firmware, user vitor, use # largest continuous space, one partition, no package manager, install GRUB
   6 apt update
   7 apt upgrade 
   8 apt install xorg lxterminal alsa-tools alsa-tools-gui alsa-utils alsa-oss alsamixergui libalsaplayer0 ntp ntpdate firefox-esr wmaker xterm lightdm htop wmclockmon vim pcmanfm -y
   9 startx
  10 reboot
  11 usermod -a vitor -G docker
  12 service lightdm start
  13 /sbin/usermod -aG sudo vitor
  14 /sbin/ntpdate 
  15 /sbin/service ntp start
  16 timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Lisbon
  17 apt install mousepad net-tools gimp libreoffice inxi mupdf curl wmclockmon wmmon wmix -y
  18 cd /etc/apt/
  19 cat sources.list # add contrib and non-free 
  20 iwlist
  21 inxi
  22 inxi -i
  23 ip a
  24 iwconfig
  25 iwlist scan
  26 cd /etc/wpa_supplicant/
  27 nano wpa_supplicant.conf
  28 wpa_supplicant -B -c/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -i wlp3s0 
  29 dhclient -4 -i wlp3s0 

Upgrade from buster to bullseye

   1 sudo apt update
   2 sudo apt upgrade
   3 sudo apt full-upgrade
   4 sudo apt autoremove 
   5 cd /etc/apt
   6 sudo cp sources.list sources.list.buster
   7 sudo nano sources.list
   8 cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -v "#"
   9 #deb bullseye main contrib 
  10 #deb-src bullseye main 
  11 #deb bullseye-security/updates main
  12 #deb-src bullseye-security/updates main
  13 sudo apt update
  14 sudo apt upgrade
  15 sudo apt full-upgrade
  16 sudo apt autoremove 
  17 sudo reboot 
  18 lsb_release -a
  20 #VirtualBox, access shared folder,  Devices, insert guest additions cd image
  21 mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
  22 cd /mnt
  23 ./ 

Switch java version

   1 sudo apt install -y openjdk-11-jdk
   2 sudo apt install -y openjdk-17-jdk
   3 sudo update-alternatives --list java
   4 sudo update-alternatives --config java # select 1 - version 11 

HDMI sound

   1 aplay -l # list cards and subdevices
   2 speaker-test -D plughw:0,3 -c 2 # test audio on HDMI
   3 # set subdevice
   4 nano ~/.asoundrc
   5 pcm.!default {
   6     type hw
   7     card 0
   8     device 3
   9 }

Upgrade to Debian 12 - bookworm in Lenovo Yoga 300


deb bookworm main contrib 
deb-src bookworm main 
deb bookworm-security/updates main
deb-src bookworm-security/updates main


   1 apt update
   2 apt upgrade
   3 apt full-upgrade
   4 apt autoremove 
   5 cd /etc/apt
   6 nano sources.list
   8 apt update
   9 apt upgrade
  10 apt full-upgrade
  11 apt autoremove 
  12 update-grub 
  13 reboot # choose older kernel in grub 5.10.0-13-amd64
  14 apt install linux-image-amd64 # 6.1.0-13
  15 lsb_release -a
  16 update-grub2
  17 reboot
  18 uname -r # 6.1.0-13-amd64
  19 cd /boot
  20 mv *5.10.0* /root/
  21 mv *6.1.11* /root/
  22 update-grub2
  23 reboot
  24 apt install gvfs-backends
  25 apt install kde-baseapps okteta 
  26 apt install python3-pip python3.11-venv 
  27 python3 -m venv testmoin2

Install debian 12 external HDD

   1 cd /tmp
   2 wget
   3 sudo dmesg # check device for USB pen 
   4 dd if=debian-12.6.0-amd64-netinst.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=512k
   5 # boot the pen with UEFI support (Esc and F9 to access Boot menu on HP)
   6 # install debian to /dev/sdc if it is the external HDD
   7 # select locale to Portugal
   8 # Guided partition
   9 # 3 partitions were created, ESP (sdc1) , root / with ext4 sdc2 and a swap partition sdc3
  10 # input wifi info
  11 # select "debian desktop environment", "xfce", utils standard
  12 # Don't use network mirrors
  13 # Define root password and add a user
  14 # Go through all the steps and reboot
  15 # Use the pen again to configure extra EFI definitions inside the ESP partition
  16 # Mount the ESP partition and inside the EFI folder create the BOOT folder
  17 # copy all files inside the debian folder to the BOOT folder
  18 # Go to the BOOT folder and copy the shimx64.efi to BOOTx64.efi
  19 cd /boot/efi/
  20 cd EFI/
  21 PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin
  22 cp debian/* boot/
  23 cp debian/shimx64.efi boot/bootx64.efi 
  24 update-grub
  25 # create symbolic links for kernel and initrd
  26 cd /boot
  27 ln -s vmlinuz-6.1.0-23-amd64 vmlinuz
  28 ln -s initrd.img-6.1.0-23-amd64 initrd.img
  29 # Boot using the HDD disk (Esc F9 boot select)
  31 cat /home/vitor/scripts/ 
  32 # xrandr --output HDMI-1 --left-of eDP-1
  34 # /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
  35 [LightDM]
  36 display-setup-script = /home/vitor/scripts/  
  37 [Seat]
  38 display-setup-script=/home/vitor/scripts/
  39 [Seat:*]
  40 display-setup-script=/home/vitor/scripts/
  41 [XDMCPServer]
  42 [VNCServer]

Boot partition via USB pen (netinst) with grub command line

Boot with pen Select grub command line (C) option

   1 ls 
   2 ls (hd1,gpt2)/
   3 set root=(hd1,gpt2)
   4 linux /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sdb2
   5 initrd initrd.img
   6 boot

Connect to WiFi automatically

   1 # get interface name 
   2 sudo dmesg | grep -i wlan
   3 [   55.557371] rtl8723be 0000:02:00.0 wlp2s0: renamed from wlan0
   4 # setup WiFi network
   5 nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
   6 ap_scan=1
   7 ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant
   8 network={
   9      ssid="SSID"
  10      psk="pwd"     
  11 }
  12 # edit wlan interface match 
  13 nano /etc/systemd/network/
  14 [Match]
  15 Name=wlp2s0
  17 [Network]
  18 DHCP=ipv4
  19 # copy wpa conf to interface card wlp2s0
  20 cp /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlp2s0.conf 
  21 systemctl enable wpa_supplicant@wlp2s0.service
  22 systemctl enable systemd-networkd.service
  23 systemctl restart systemd-networkd.service
  24 systemctl restart wpa_supplicant@wlp2s0.service
  25 systemctl disable networking.service # disable net for eth0 
  27 systemd-analyze blame
  28 2min 47.143s vboxdrv.service
  29 1min 32.174s systemd-networkd-wait-online.service
  30      40.721s e2scrub_reap.service
  31      39.375s docker.service
  32      14.854s containerd.service
  33      13.766s dev-sda8.device
  34      13.355s ifupdown-pre.service
  35      10.802s systemd-journal-flush.service
  36       9.219s udisks2.service
  37       7.091s ModemManager.service
  38       3.344s cups.service
  39       2.969s systemd-udevd.service
  40       2.962s polkit.service
  41       2.871s lvm2-monitor.service
  42       2.865s avahi-daemon.service
  43       2.784s bluetooth.service
  44       2.719s dbus.service
  45       2.705s iio-sensor-proxy.service
  46       2.675s systemd-logind.service
  47       2.197s systemd-networkd.service
  48       2.160s apt-daily-upgrade.service
  50 systemctl disable vboxdrv.service
  51 systemctl disable systemd-networkd-wait-online.service
  52 systemctl disable docker.service
  53 systemctl disable containerd.service
  54 systemctl disable ModemManager.service
  56 reboot 

Debian (last edited 2024-10-19 19:13:31 by vitor)